sygate and keylogger???

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by yodafan, Oct 19, 2002.

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  1. yodafan

    yodafan Guest

    hey guys,

    I just changed over from ZA free to SPF..... i'm sorting of liking SPF better since it seems to do the same job and use less resources. How good of a protection does SPF compare with SPF? i'm just curious..

    NE ways... I was look at the PC Flank forums and this caught to mind...
    Does ne one know if this is true or not? Is Sygate keylogging?? How big of a threat is this to my security? Hopefully i won't have to go back to ZA, someone plz clarify me on this issue.

  2. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    None of it is true. no keyloggers in sygate firewall..just a bad program that does not know what it is doing.
  3. controler

    controler Guest

    Primrose? Your statement isn't clear. Are you saying you think Anti-Keylogger is bad or are you saying you think SPF is bad?
    I think SFP has vastly improved their firewall. In fact I LIKE it.
    I just wish it had the ad blocking feature Outpost has.

    I know for a fact Anti-Keylogger will tell you there are keyloggers if you have other software running. The first thing Anti-Keylogger support is to shut off other running programs after you detect something and see if the problem is still there. Then you should still conct Anti-Keylogger support with your concerns. I have the full licensed version of Anti-Keylogger also.
  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Contrary to what some of my good friends here think, I would choose Sygate over ZA anyday. I personally believe it to be a more robust firewall. ZA is good for the scope it has, but does have some problems with being kinda hungry on some machines.
    I cannot believe a company like Sygate would put a keylogger in their firewall.
    It would surely have been detected long ago.
  5. controler

    controler Guest

    Syagte would never be so stupid as to install a keylogger OR backdoor
    Any company that trys to get away with that now days will end up driving themselves into the dirt.

    rest assured. ther is no keylogger in SPF
  6. SpaceCowboy

    SpaceCowboy Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    i am pretty sure Primrose is saying that the Anti keylogging program was bad and not Sygate. Sygate does not keylog. it is just writing to its logs and this anti keylogging program should be able to know the difference if it was any good.
  7. controler

    controler Guest

    I think Window Washer has plugins for some of the firewalls.
    it goes out and deletes the LOG file. I guess that is fine if you can't encrypt it but and yes the LOG files carry info a hacker could use.
    Or you can do a start,find *.log and delete the ones you don't want.

    window washer can be found at.
  8. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    Hi Controler,

    1.Sygate personal firewall does not have a key logger as stated.
    2. As applied to antikeylogger... A bad "program" does not mean a bad "product " :eek: but it does mean they have to change it...or re programme it so that a user of Sygate is not flagged to think that product has a problem.

    If, in fact, this is what" will" happen if a user has both products.
  9. controler

    controler Guest

    I aggree and everytime I get one of those "False Alarms"
    I report it to the Anti-Keylogging people. If you still get that warning
    while the AV, AT ect is shut off, there IS a possability of there being a ligit problem with a keylogger in memory.
    I also want to point out. The Anti-Keylogger people also produce a
    Keylogging program. Double standard?
  10. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002

    Smiles to you controler on that double and I both understand what this is all about too.

    Now if you and I could just settle on conventional current flow ( for the electricians out there) and electron flow ( some of us inginEErs :D) we can get on to why those plus and minus are just representations..and show with atomic physics that the nuclear magnetic moment of the electrons in the outer most shell hold the key to all the mystery and there is no flow at all.
  11. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    It's hole flow! :D
  12. controler

    controler Guest

    I was wondering if sombody was going to through that hole flow one in. Which is the opposite of electronl current flow?
    The we always get the one about, Does lighting go from the ground up or from the sky down?

  13. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    Hole flow..root I forgot about that one :D made those transistors doping all over the place.

    Now we have that black hole in the middle of the milky way and I am still eating out for controler he will steal our "poggy bait" faster than grease "lightening" never know when if that guy will sneak in the freezer from the top shelf first...or come in from the bottom and clean the whole fridge out and leave us with the ozone.
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