spybot unzip troubles

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Bethrezen, Sep 19, 2002.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    is there an exe installer for spybot instead of a zip file coz my unzip program cant unzip spybot i just get a error message sayin cant create file

    if there isnt an exe installer anyone got any sergestions coz i would like to try spybot as there seams to be some trouble at the adaware camp and its not been updated in a while
  2. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    I'm curious...yours is the second report of "difficulties" at Adaware. Would you mind giving details, please?
  3. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Hi Checkout and Bethrezen!

    Hear, hear! I'd like to know what's happening with Adaware too, seeing as I use it as a companion to Spybot.

    As to unzipping Spybot, I use WinZip. Picked it up at ZDNet. It's freeware with nag screens but works great. You can also get it at here at Oldversion! They have versions even newer than the one I use.

    Hope this helps you out! :)
  4. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

  5. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    my trouble with adawars is that there dosnt seam to have been any updates adaware seams to work ok and the ref updater seams to work ok but the adaware server is not when ever i try to conect to the adaware server all i get is this

    Could not complete request.
    Additional information: 500 Server Error

    see when ever i update my app i always get the update from the authers page that way i can be asured that the update is lajit and hasnt been tampered with how ever as there has been no updates recentley im geting concerned

    coz adaware is usualy updated once a month minamin and the odd thing is that on the adaware page it says 038-16-08-2002 but on the digital-solutions.co.uk server there update is 038-21-08-2002 is this just the same update with a diffrent date or what there is defenatley somthing very fishey goin on here

    somthin eles thats strange to is the fact that there forum seams to be down and there has been no word from the lavasoft team informing us of troubles which is very strange coz usualy someone from the lavasoft team usualt puts the word out on difrent bords like this one if there bords are down


    on a side note can ya requement a difrent zip program as i have user winzip befor and i dont like it what i need is somthin the is very small and very easy to use and dosnt have alsorts of options all i need it the un zip part kinda like what im usin now (pkunzip)
  6. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    Hi Bethrezen,

    i remembered PepiMK mentioning something in a post to another about using an older version of punkzip and to upgrade to a newer version of punkzip since the older dos version wouldn't unzip SpyBotS&D properly.

    so i looked for the thread at PepiMK's forum (3rd post down)

    if you are referring to one of the folders as not being created when you install SpybotS&D (namely the sub-folder called Plugin), Patrick also mentioned that too in his post.

    i don't have any other unzipping programs to offer since i use Winzip reg'd myself, but maybe other's could offer suggestions for that.

    hope you get it installed and running successfully. :)

  7. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi thanks for ya answer

    i would update pkunzip however

    1 i dont know the web page for pkunzip

    2 pkunzip dont have an update mod coz its only like 26 kb in size


    also how should i config spybot once i do get it extracted properly

    also what is the most curent version of spybot coz the wilders download page has only got 1.0 and im sure i say a post somwhere sayin that there was a more up to date version 1.1. think
  8. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    sorry Brethrezen, i got caught up reading and didn't see your post until now.

    here is the site for pkzip, but it isn't free. it does have a free 30-day trial though.
    (this is the download page)

    here are the links for Spybot S&D:

    PepiMK Spybot Search & Destroy - (homepage) - look on the left-side of that page and you will see the word Download, that will take you to the page listing the mirror sites for downloading SB-S&D

    Review & Configurations/Settings by Craig A. T. Rashad for SB-S&D:

    Support Forum for SB-S&D:

    it may take some reading, but there is great information on all those pages.

    good luck!

    ps....read all the way through the Review page for the settings, and if you have any questions about them, just ask Eagle1 and PepiMK in the Support Board - other members there may also be able to help. :)
  9. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi snap

    thanks for ya answers

    as for unzipin spybot i got it sussed i can and have done it usein star downloaders intergrated unzip tool :D DAM I LOVE STAR Thanks prince serendip

    no need for extra software or lots of messin round yippey

    spybot works great crackin lil app i must say out standing work now if it only had a reale time moniter to prevent spyware bein instaled in the first place that would would compleat the package nicley and would be a good complment to to spyblockers spyblockin abilitys

    also i have an idea for somthin that would be worth while addin to both sb and sbsd the ability to stop bundled spy/ad ware bein installed once it is detected by the real time scanner sb and sbsd would flash a warning message to the user and let them decide what to do

    1 continue and install everything
    2 continue with instalation but dont install bundle software
    3 stop instalation
  10. controler

    controler Guest

    Quick note

    all the big shots use
    Winzip, Winrar or Winace...

    I prefer Winace , Why? ACE Zips the smallest
    If you have never tried Winace, I suggest trying it out ;)
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