Sandboxie Plus (Sbie fork)

Discussion in 'Sandboxie (SBIE Open Source) Plus & Classic' started by DavidXanatos, Apr 9, 2020.

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  1. reincarnatez

    reincarnatez Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2020
    United States
    Looks good! It's nice to see what appears to be an option to add additional folders right from the recovery dialog.

    ANGLAY Registered Member

    May 26, 2020
    Failed to decrypt SbiueDrv.sys.rc4 ensure app directory is writable.

    I can't keep maintaining broken Sandboxie/Sandboxie Plus installations of the various versions on my computers. Hoping one of the three versions become more stable, mature, and the lost features of the original come back.
  3. stapp

    stapp Global Moderator

    Jan 12, 2006
    I think a lot of Sbie users (including myself) just want to be able to do what they could do before, that is browse the internet using Sandboxie and try out new programs etc.
    My concern is that the very features that made Sbie so popular and liked may get left behind as new more 'expert user' features get added.
  4. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    What 3 versions?
    There is only classical and plus.

    If you get the decrypt error than start sandman.exe as admin to allow it write to the program dir.

    The next build will in that case automatically request admin rights
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2020
  5. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    Features like that exactly?

    Being able to surf the internet and try out programs are pretty much the most basic subset of sbie's capabilities, without being able to run programs sandboxed no more advanced features would work eider.
  6. algol1

    algol1 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2020
    Vienna, Austria
    Perhaps I didn't get that right - but it looks a bit like one can only recover them all or none. Or have they to be recovered one by one, one at a time?

    Anyway a method would be nice to in advance being able to select only those files to be recovered at once. A checkbox beneath each filename perhaps? Or selecting multiple, non-adjacent entries with the Ctrl-key pressed? Or did I get that wrong and there is already such a feature implemented?

    But for a first step - looking good. Thanks for trying that fast.
  7. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    The list allows for multiple selection just mark the files you need and press one of the two recovery buttons just liek in the old UI
  8. algol1

    algol1 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2020
    Vienna, Austria
    Excellent! Many thanks again.

    ANGLAY Registered Member

    May 26, 2020
    For me, the Xantos Classic version of Sandboxie doesn't work on any of my 3 main computers (home office, laptop, and garage).
    Classic allowed me to easily recover files outside of the desktop. That's been lost with Plus.
    Classic allowed me to configure automatic file deletion using "leader programs" or sandbox file protection easily. That's lost with Plus.
    Classic allowed me to easily uninstall and reinstall from the windows Add / Remove Programs function, all though it should not be needed to keep uninstalling/reinstalling, but thats Microsoft blocking the SBIEdrver, even though it's been white listed. Repeatedly. Anyway, uninstall is lost with Plus.

    Maybe the two major features noted above are in the Plus version, which is the only one that works for me, but the Plus UI is now an engineers/programmers UI and not an end users. (Sophos/Classic wasn't that user friendly either). I think you are too anxious to bake in all these new wizmbang things that only a small percentage of people are wanting.

    I believe that the majority of us that live and die by Sandboxie just want it to work the way it used to without the new 'features' and engineers interface for now. Stabilize what we have and focus on the SbieDrv issue and install/uninstall workflow. Work on the plus interface so it's user friendly and not so divorced from classic, maybe making it more 'windows' like. Then start baking in the engineers tools.

    In my humble and thankful opinion.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2020
  10. Peter 123

    Peter 123 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    But exactly for these needs of you (and of myself also) David is so generous to continue to take care of the classical version of Sandboxie too. So I think we have no reason to complain about possible problems with the Plus version. David offers us two different versions and everyone is free to choose the "conservative" one or the "progressive" one. :)
  11. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    There is more software for sandboxing beyond sandboxie. In fact sandboxie is limited, ever was limited. people expect to run anything under the hood of sandboxie with no issues. It simply is not possible to virtualize all api calls with sandboxie. Either it works, or not. That's the reason why I switched to shadow defender and later Vbox (Oracle). And now Windows 10 has its own sandbox. David has fixed a lot, but I am not sure if fixing very rare used conditions like MS Office is the right way.
  12. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
    FWIW ~
    1) I'm running (at this time) Classic UI - Sandboxie Control 5.44.1 through Plus 0.4.5 install. I'm curious regarding "Classic version of Sandboxie doesn't work".
    2) Presume, Plus will see new recovery dialog: #825 soon.
    3) Plus - Sandbox Options -> Stop Behavior -> Lingering Leader Program
    png_8145.png png_8144.png
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2020
  13. Survivor

    Survivor Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    Land of Oz
    @ANGLAY IMHO David is doing a great job with the new UI, though I understand also the tendency to the classic. By now most of the classic functions are in the plus as well.

    You are aware that you can run the plus installation but the Classic SBIE control is also present, just go to the Plus folder, it runs even parallel, or you could autostart the classic vs the plus.I didn't see any bad behaviour. The base system components for both are the same as far as I see it. I stated this before and David might correct this if I am wrong, so far he didn't.
    So in the end you can install the plus and you have both GUIs.
    To the issue not running, if the plus installs and runs, I don't see why the classic one shouldn't install and run, though possible. The MS and AVS behaviour aside, if I say exclude they should go with it, but we all know, that of course those tools know better, especial MS knows better than we do.
    So what is the issue when you install or run classic vs plus. Doesn't work is not much of a hint. I think it would help to understand what your problem is and maybe someone has an idea how to solve it. I swapped on my live Pc multiple times the versions. One pain point is, most of the times you need to restart. No process stop, service stop helps. Once you ran a program, this might help for success install, or not. So restart always helps. In case of failed correct install, you will get the exclamation mark. Is that the issue? Then what Windows are you running?

    To the missing features
    Quick recover with the classic control, still there, for the plus he works on it or is almost done.
    Uninstall is existing for both in windows add-remove, if I recall right, while speeding through install, uninstall, reinstall, for testing.
    So what do you really miss, if you can use classic or plus as you wish? :thumbd:
  14. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    Ok recovery stuff is completely implemented :D

    The next build will be version 0.5 and I would consider it to have feature parity with the classical UI.

    Not entirely full as a few very minor things still are not added.

    1. the ability to group sandboxes, is that used by anyone at all?

    2. this "Is window sandboxed?" utility from the "File" menu

    3. this IMHO quite redundant "Files and Fodlers" view from the "View" menu, see attached screenshot, is anyone using that?
    I mean its mostly just like opening explorer to the sandboxes root folder.


    4. The "Configure" -> "Shell Integration" -> "Add shortcut Icons" feature is also missing, that one may be actually quite useful, so I may add it to the upcoming build still.

    Anything I forgot?

    Any additional whishes for the 0.5 release?

    About the build 0.5 it will include also a ne notification window:


    That shows the SBIE Messages as well as the prompt for quick recovery, a interactive prompt (when activated) allowing to grant processes internet access that would be otherwise blocked. As well as a File migration progress indicator when copying large files into a sandbox. Also when a file exceeds the file copy limit a prompt will be displayed allowing to grant an exemption from that limit and still copy a oversized file into the box.
  15. soccerfan

    soccerfan Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    My feature request:
    A key combination (eg Winkey-Delete) that terminates/deletes contents of current sandbox.
    Reason: Rouge programs/malware often take over the screen and/or mouse.
  16. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
    Please add Edge Template to WebBrowser/Web Browser like Chrome -

    I'm still curious how to allow Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to work from my Edge sandbox -?

    I'm still curious regarding >
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  17. Survivor

    Survivor Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    Land of Oz
    1. the ability to group sandboxes, is that used by anyone at all?
    WOW, never saw, wonder what it could be used for.

    2. this "Is window sandboxed?" utility from the "File" menu
    Nice, never used, we have the yellow frame and the # # which are quite obvious, except in full screen (games)

    3. this IMHO quite redundant "Files and Fodlers" view from the "View" menu, see attached screenshot, is anyone using that?
    Its mostly just like Explorer Content in the filemanager of your choice, which you added already. I concur: redundant

    4. The "Configure" -> "Shell Integration" -> "Add shortcut Icons" feature is also missing, that one may be actually quite useful, so I may add it to the upcoming build still.
    Uhhh nice, never used this, I go to explore and link the file I want as usual. Though now that I saw it, why not. Could ease the pain for some.

    The notification box is neat too, will the remember for this process be temp for the session or stored in general for a function. Or would it be possible like remember for this session/ remember forever, also to be reset in settings if you want to.

    Additional one for the notification maybe.
    Is there any way where SBIE could sense this issue (games/unity) if a process waits forever on a thread, kind of the lingering functions? Not sure if the program can check, there is no thread assigned, which should normaly happen quite fast. Maybe 4second delay or so. Then offers an option to simply terminate it, like what I can do manual. Reason why I ask is, as you said, the RPCss which hangs sometimes waiting for a thread might not be a real issue if it is terminated. So if this is not a security hazard or if I would say, I don't care, as it I use SBIE for virtualizing in this moment rather, than security, this would be nice. To do it manual, you need to do some crazy moves sometimes. As with Win 10 full screen apps which hang, don't let any window come on top. Only way is, Startmenu, switch to second desktop, start SBIE control, SBIE+ or process manager there and terminate. Or of course you wait the usual 4 min.

    The keycombo for terminate all in current SB from "soccerfan", would be interesting too. Given that the keycombo will be accepted with other windows running, sometimes they get ignored.

    @DavidXanatos Also let me know if you want to go ahead with the tray icon.

    Would it be possible to have the feature, of different SBIE source folder, for different Sandboxes? Or did I oversee that feature? (FileRootPath= alternative per SB optional).
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  18. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    @Survivor I would liek to try out a new icon at least for the tray.

    You can set for every sandbox a custom root folder using FileRootPath already,
    it can be specified per box not only global, do you mean I should add that to the UI of the box?
  19. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    1. you could do that yourself just edit the Templates.ini in the installation directory and than post the patch here or commit it on github

    2. I h8 Microsoft Defender in general and SmartScreen in particular, try opening IPC or CLSID or Win paths or check out the resource access monitor, if its urgent

    3. Chrome crashing is not good I'll look into it, please create a github issue for that issue so that I don't forget it.
  20. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
  21. Survivor

    Survivor Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    Land of Oz
    OK, will convert and give you, no prob.

    I wondered if that was possible, so if I put in one box section the root different, the files can be on seperate path for each box if I want. Didn't know, just thought about it when I looked today. Sure a possible gui option would be nice. In fact this is a bit the issue which I see always with Linux. Yep it is cool you can do all with cfg, ini, whatever files, or in the terminal, but why did we invented GUIs if we always hide things somewhere else. If it is in GUI you can use this, if you prefer files, go edit, code all yourself. The variety is the cool thing, 5 ways to close a window. Sometimes you use this, then that. So yeah would be cool in the settings, but already that it works is nice. Will try it :)
  22. stapp

    stapp Global Moderator

    Jan 12, 2006
  23. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    yes yes yes absolutely!!!!

    Yea I will add an option to change the setting, but I'll have to think about it how to do that properly...

    option 1. decline to save the change when the sandbox is not empty, simple but not so user friendly


    option 2. offer to relocate the sandbox content to the new directory, ideal but som work, as I can't use the standard rename/move file implementations in case the target folder is on a different volume, than I need to copy and delete.

    I think I'll go with option 1 for now.
  24. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos Developer

    Sep 6, 2006
    An other question.... I'm running out of horizontal space in the sandboxie options sidebar....

    I mean ok I could make it just really high but that's ugly so....

    so that's what i did for the advanced tab:


    and the General tab to


    What do you think about moving the Stop behavior settings to a sub tab eider in general or under advanced?
    I think they are not used that often, probably in the general tab
    would be a good place along the new Run Menu tab.

    And I'm considering to split the check boxes from the other restrictions tab into some in general (network shares and admin) and the rest to advanced.

    what do you think.
  25. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
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