Kaspersky reliable?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by truthseeker, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    Yes. On Vista you don't even have those protection options I guess.:D
  2. poutine

    poutine Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    England or Quebec
    I'm glad i wasnt the only one who didnt like NIS 2009 enough to give up Kaspersky ! What really turned me off about Norton 2009 was that the options and settings werent particulary well laid out and the whole thing sucked of being set up for people who knew bugger all about security software. ;)
  3. truthseeker

    truthseeker Former Poster

    Jan 26, 2008
    I noticed your sig says you use Kasperky, but also avira and avg
    'on demand'

    What do you mean by 'on demand'? You have all 3 installed at same time?
  4. Jin K

    Jin K Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    its a manual scan by right clicking ، and yes i have the 3 installed but only avira is portable and they are all with no real-time protection except kaspersky
  5. truthseeker

    truthseeker Former Poster

    Jan 26, 2008
    Is there a free version of portable avira? I didnt know Avira has a portable version.. where can I get it? So it doesn't install itself at all into windows registry etc, and doesn't load any permanent RAM resident drivers etc?

    And how did you disable AVG from running in real-time? Were you able to totally disable everything that loads with AVG in memory?
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
  6. Saraceno

    Saraceno Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    vijayind, well said. :thumb:

    Hopefully Kaspersky takes note and makes improvements in the next update.
  7. richrf

    richrf Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2003
    My 2 cents:

    Yes, KAV is very reliable, and is very comprehensive. However, it was always, from the beginning, a royal pain for me. Performance, support, upgrading, etc. I finally decided to dump it (after paying for a new license), because I couldn't handle the drama that the company kept bringing into my life.

    Right now, I am looking at two alternative solutions, that hopefully will provide me with equivalent security:

    1) AntiVir + HIPS (e.g. DriveSentry)

    2) Norton AV 2009

  8. yeuxbleus

    yeuxbleus Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2004
    Well said! Talk about hitting the nail on the head! :thumb::thumb:
  9. Baz_kasp

    Baz_kasp Registered Member

    May 1, 2008

    Firstly, please have the respect to address me without swearing or taking personal swipes at my character, as I have not done anything of the sort to you.

    I did not think this thread was about "fault"...you made a statement in response to the OP regarding Kaspersky, and I made a perfectly reasonable answer to contradict it. If you choose not to agree with my answer or if it makes you angry, that does not give you an excuse to start personally attacking me.

    Just because you think I am a "KL person" (an unpaid volunteer, not an employee) that does not make my input any less valid or justified....nor does it mean that if I disagree with you that it makes me a "bully" or mean that I am trying to conceal something. I try my best to clear up any misunderstanding or FUD and give a view from the "other side" to balance out any posts that predict doom and generally go out of their way to bash a product or give arguments which I think are not justified.

    I hope you will respect my right to post here and give my POV/arguments as long as the forum administration is not opposed to my presence and that there are no hard feelings between us. It is not my intention to cause distress or offend any member with my posts.

    I may choose to reply to your comments regarding HIPS when I have another spare moment, but I hope it will not lead to more aggressive confrontation and that I may present some examples to contradict your findings to let the people make an informed desicion about the comments in this thread.

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  10. vijayind

    vijayind Registered Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Baz, I am sorry for the outburst.
    I wanted to vent my fury at KL and not you. As you know, I have been voicing my view of inability of KIS 2009 HIPS in Vista in more than one thread, in more than one forum.

    Every time, I was either shunned or mocked. I too am growing tired of argument. Please lets if possible make a separate thread and lay down the facts. So that the world at large can decide, in a unpartizan way.

    I don't have any disregard for your view. But I think our conversations usually end up in circles. Without providing any help to either of us. Again I my apologies, for the miscommunication and misdirection in intent.
  11. Ed_H

    Ed_H Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Chicago, IL
    Good idea!

    I have used various versions of KAV/KIS for several years. While I have had a few issues along the way (slowdowns with V7) I always felt the protection was at or near the top. So, reliability is certainly not an issue from my perspective. However, now that I am using Vista, I am not clear on exactly what KIS does and does not protect with the HIPS module. Some clarification would be appreciated.
  12. truthseeker

    truthseeker Former Poster

    Jan 26, 2008
    You humility to recognize your err in how you spoke to Baz, and then to apologise is to be respected, well done. :thumb:

    I really respect people who have the humility and decency to apologize when it's due.

    We can all learn from your message and what you wrote.
  13. MR X

    MR X Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2007
  14. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I've removed a reply that did nothing but "stir the pot" further when an issue between two posters was settled, and settled in a polite and professional way. It was not necessary to fire it back up again and then tell one of the people to obey the rules.

    Let's all stay on topic and stop commenting about the posters or how they are posting in a thread. If you have an issue, use the Report Bad Post feature, and don't comment about it in the thread as yours will be the post removed in that case.
  15. Biscuit

    Biscuit Registered Member

    May 26, 2006
    Isle of Man
    I have installed Kaspersky on several systems, including my own. I found that in a networked environment (SBS 2003 Premium + Vista32), Kaspersky was very unreliable & stopped several components of my server from working. Networked desktop speed also was noticeably slower (my wife asked me to remove it from her computer). I removed the Kaspersky software from all my systems after about half a day. In addition I installed Kaspersky Mobile onto my Smartphone, the software broke my Internet access & I had to do a hard reset to fix it. I installed KIS2009 on my laptop & found performance to be reasonable, but a little slower than my regular products. The laptop ran smoothly, although I did not like the regular reboots that seemed to be needed with KIS updates over a few days. I removed the software from my laptop because of the reboots.

    I have occasionally installed KAV2009 on customer computers. It works acceptably when installed on an already infected computer. Out of interest, I found that the KIS2009 parental control feature worked quite well & kept the computer more stable than when using CyberPatrol.
  16. truthseeker

    truthseeker Former Poster

    Jan 26, 2008
    Ok, thanks Biscuit for your comments. :thumb:
  17. Ed_H

    Ed_H Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Chicago, IL
    Did you contact KL or post in their support forum for assistance? I have found both to be responsive and helpful.
  18. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    tbh with kis2009 there was three reboots in two days last month. but genrally reboots are hardly ever needed.
    also if you dont like reboots complain to MS:D
    using vista in a corporate environment is a bad idea anyway. its bad enough at home without business use.
    my college uses windows xp and server 2003. they used to use a linux server and everything was fine. but since using the windows server loads of crashes and slowdowns.
  19. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2006
    I am using vista 64 and the web slowdown is significant for me and bootup is a little slower but other than that no crashes or slowdown.
  20. Biscuit

    Biscuit Registered Member

    May 26, 2006
    Isle of Man
    Yes, regarding my server, my urgent post requesting help still remains unanswered. My post regarding the KMS product was answered (without providing a fix) about 1 week later. I use my email push to the smartphone daily.
  21. Biscuit

    Biscuit Registered Member

    May 26, 2006
    Isle of Man
    In your opinion? Vista Business workstations as part of a Windows network are acceptable Microsoft best practise.

    A reason not to deploy Vista in a network would mainly be due to cost, support training & legacy application & hardware support. I have many home users running Vista with no issues.
  22. Biscuit

    Biscuit Registered Member

    May 26, 2006
    Isle of Man
    Sorry, I forgot to reply to this point.

    I believe that reboots are due to the application design. I note that Eset AV v3.x does not require a reboot even after installation. In addition other security products such as Prevx2, PrevxCSI & Mawarebytes do not require reboots. Only Prevx2 in that list requires a reboot after installation.
  23. lordpake

    lordpake Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2004
    Helsinki ~ European Union
    Did you contact Support directly? As they may not monitor forums that often. Contacting Support directly is the best option.
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