
Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Bethrezen, Nov 9, 2002.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    i know i already posted about this but i didn't get my prob sorted and now its really starting to annoy me

    currently I'm using sb 4.75 now i want to add some more entry's to this so i used hostess to make me a new host file how ever the host file i made using hostess contains all of the same entry's that spyblockers original host file does so i need to find and delete these entry's from my host file that i made with hostess so that i don't end up with a load dup entry's on my host file now right now i only got 2 options find and eliminate these entry's one at a time through hostess or find and eliminate these entry's one at a time through word pad both very slow boring and tedious

  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Bethrezen :)

    For the benefit of everyone, let's note a reference to your original thread on this:

    Now, I don't know SpyBlocker (that is what "sb" is correct?), but, do you have access to a file containing all the host entries that are in SB? Or, do you only have some type of SB screen interface that let's you add and remove entries one at a time? (Without the ability to put all hosts from sb in a flat file, and then manipulate them with a tool or program to de-dup them against your primary host file, you can't hope to automate this.)

    If you do have a file of all the hosts in sb, there are many ways to de-dup it against another file of hosts. I do this all the time with new releases of various host files and the IE-SpyAd list.

  3. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    yeah i have both host files curentley i been editing them usin note pad but i want to try and find a quicker way of doin this
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    What tools do you have available on your system? I have some programming tools, which is what I almost always fall back on, being an old time programmer in days gone by. Hmm, actually MS Office could help to? MS Access can certainly handle a de-dup operation.

    Without a tool or programming language, you may not be able to automate this operation and you'll have to think further about what MTM suggested in the other thread. (I've never used that, so I can't advise on that one.)
  5. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    curentley i use hosttess to compile new addetions to my host file and note pad for editing my host file once it has been created
  6. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Bethrezen,

    I might be wrong here but I think that that is not the best way to maintain your HOSTS file.
    I'm now not talking about SpyBlocker but only about Hosts.
    What I understand from you is that:
    1- first you use Hostess to add new sites to Hosts;
    2- then you use Notepad to edit your Hosts file.

    When you use Hostess you add some new sites (or you delete some) and then give the command Write Hosts.
    That will make indeed your updated Hosts-file; it is the right way to do it.
    But that also makes a new database for Hostess in your Hostess directory (I assume that is c:\Hostess ).
    Now when you go to edit your Hosts file yourself without using Hostess then that will have not any effect on that database for Hostess. And the next time you will use Hostess then Hostess will use its database together with new additions without knowing that you yourself in the meantime changed your Hosts file. And that means that the changes which you made by yourself in Hosts, will have not any effect that next time that you use Hostess.
    So the conclusion is: once you use Hostess, always use it for making changes in your Hosts file and don't make changes in your Hosts file yourself without using Hostess.
    And more: you don't need to make changes without Hostess because Hostess makes it easy for you by using Hostess to make changes in your Hosts file.
    That means that you can use Hostess when:
    1- there is a new Hosts file from S.Martin;
    2- you want to make yourself changes in your Hosts file.

    I hope I made it a little bit clear......
  7. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    nice reply and thanks for the advice but is still dont solve my problem

    dam this is anoying there has to be a faster and easer way *sigh*
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