Help-I'm out of aspirin!

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Hugger, Jul 18, 2008.

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  1. Hugger

    Hugger Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Hackensack, USA
    So I finally got the new pc together and running.
    And am now almost completely insane.
    I've got a few problems that I don't know how to fix.
    1. When I installed XP Pro, w/SP2, onto a new 500g sata hard drive, I partitioned so that I should have had 3 partitions. I only have 2 and an unallocated space. How do I access this space? Acronis disk manager doesn't even show it.
    2. Installed, from the company's cd, Shadowprotect Desktop. When I go to make a backup the pc re-boots. Then it will make the backup when I initiate it again. This happens each time I first go to make a backup.
    3. I trialing Defensewall finally. When I click on some items in the control panel to investigate what it is the program crashed and a pop up appears that it suffered serious injury and I'm going to jail after it sends a rep[ort to whoever. Not getting much in the way of warm fuzzy feelings.
    4. In addition to the above, I've also installed SP3 and Threatfire free.
    I had both on my old pc w/no problems.
    I turn off Threatfire, disable Defensewall and click to install Windows updates and am informed that the updates can't be installed!

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Hello Hugger,
    1. the unallocated space is just nothing atm,you need to create a partition from it. so find a new partition wizard and follow it to the end.
    2. hmm dont quite understand, you installed windows xp, and then tryed to do a backup with shadow protect desktop? biut it reboots? could PM Ilya Rabinovich
    can you right click on my computer,properties,hardware tab,device manager? and post a screenshot if there is some devices with yellow exclamation marks?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2008
  3. Ilya Rabinovich

    Ilya Rabinovich Developer

    Sep 13, 2005
    Well, those DefenseWall's crashes, I assume, are about ActiveSkin skin engine, but, if you could send me dwrtsn32.log file, I may say about the reason of the crashes for sure.

    If you can't install Windows updates, make sure they are running trusted.
  4. Hugger

    Hugger Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Hackensack, USA
    Some of this is working itself out.
    DW stopped crashing. So I'll just trial it and see what happens.
    Formatted the missing partition after I was able to access it using Windows own manager.
    I'll see what's up w/Shadowprotect later.
    I think that the problem installing Windows updates is that the files might be locked.
    I just removed another program and could not access all the files for that reason.
    Anybody remember how to unlock the files in XP Pro?

    Let me see what's up after I use it awhile.
  5. Hugger

    Hugger Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Hackensack, USA
    The updates problem was from a corrupt installer.(?)
    Or at least it was fixed by using Dial-a-fix to repair the installer.
    I have opened a support request with SP to see what they think the problem was.
    I did try to do an incremental again last night and it rebooted my pc.
    My cpu temp was 34C so it wasn't a heat problem.
    I finally just uninstalled SP and will wait for their reply.
  6. Ilya Rabinovich

    Ilya Rabinovich Developer

    Sep 13, 2005
    Maybe, the problem place is your hard drive? Or memory?
  7. Hugger

    Hugger Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Hackensack, USA
    Two problems surfaced that were causing all sorts of problems.
    There was no problem with DW.
    I had installed Acronis Disk Manager. My copy is about a year old. It apparently has snapman.
    Which killed all hopes of using SP.
    And Ilya was right. I had a new hard drive sitting in its shipping container for a long time.
    That's the one I used.
    And it turns out that it was defective.
    Actually started grinding after only a few days of use.
    Just got back online with a new hd and will start testing DW again.
    Thanks all for your help.
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