
Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by Gringo95, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Gringo95

    Gringo95 Registered Member

    May 7, 2009
    OK so a few people have taken issue with my remarks about DistroWatch here and in other places so I’ll try to make my position more clear.

    First, I’ve never said that DistroWatch is not a good source for Linux information, in fact it’s one of the best. That said the amount of manipulation on this site is beyond what should be acceptable in the Open Source world and more blatant even than the “Top Ten Reviews” site.

    By example here is a selection of ‘reviews’ from the KDE Neon page and the dates on which they were duplicated. There are more of the same on this page and also the pages of other distros. The only two possibilities here are they are shill posts or somehow an internal system fault with DistroWatch. Either way to leave these and shed loads of others intact and published leads me to the natural conclusion this site and (some of) the information it contains cannot be trusted and that is still where my opinion stands.


    Runs insanely well. Very smooth, on a very stable base to go along with it….
    10th September, 9th September, 18th August, 16th July, 14th July, 13th July, 17th June

    I reviewed Neon some time earlier….
    25th August, 18th August

    Very stable kde distro and the best out of the box it's not overloaded…
    9th September, 21st August, 18th August, 4th February

    KDE Neon is everything I want in a distro….
    15th August, 12th August, 11th August, 9th August, 8th August, 30th July, 2nd April

    This is a great Linux distro for an older quad-core….
    10th August, 26th July, 15th July, 21st March

    This is the best distro for Plasma that I have found….
    5th August, 24th July, 21st June

    Very good distro. Little memory use….
    18th July, 11th June

    KDE neon is amazing. Best distro of all time!…
    16th April, 7th March

    The ultimate KDE Distro….
    2nd March, 29th February
  2. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Distrowatch is a popularity contest and attracts those that like to participate in popularity contests.
    Its unsurprising that this causes skewed results and biased comments.

  3. Gringo95

    Gringo95 Registered Member

    May 7, 2009
    Yep, all fine and dandy but the disclaimer should be on their main page not hidden away in a side link. Also, when you know the data being published on your site is being abused it's common courtesy to do something about it. Moderating user submitted comments is not rocket science.
  4. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Agreed, has anyone reported it ?
  5. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    @Gringo95 -- Hmm... not your intention, I think, but your post #1 motivated me to give KDE Neon a trial. Go figure, wot? :rolleyes:
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