Comodo BOClean calling out

Discussion in 'other anti-trojan software' started by djg05, Aug 2, 2007.

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  1. djg05

    djg05 Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    I have had BOClean for many years and have never questioned it as it always behaved itself and never doubted Kevin, but now Comodo have taken it over the behaviour has changed.

    I installed version 4.24 and allowed it to update itself. I did restrict through the f/w to specific addresses and ports of which there were several. 10 minutes after installing the latest update it was calling out to

    What is that all about?

    For now I have restricted its calling out and will let the current update stand until I know more about it.
  2. pugmug

    pugmug Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2006
    Go to comode and search,best of luck with the fanboy answers.
  3. djg05

    djg05 Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2005

    Know what they are like which is why I asked here first
  4. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2006
    Nunya, BZ
    I wonder if this has anything to with the "data-mining" that does not go ono_O
  5. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    I have used BOClean for quite a while and never observed this calling out.
    But I have have 4.22 not 4.24.
    I upgraded (if you can call it that) to 4.24 a couple of weeks after the new release but rolled back (with rollback rx) after disliking 4.24
    Maybe thats why I never saw that. 4.22 seems to behave. Not a big fan of comodo here. tried their firewall twice and rolled back both time due to issues.
    I'll use 4.22 till its no longer supported then boclean will be removed.
    Just wondering djg05,which FW do you use that showed this ?
  6. djg05

    djg05 Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    You are echoing my thoughts.

    I am using Kerio 2.1.5 - the good old faithfull.
  7. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Greetings! That will be the autoupdate itself doing that, checking to see if there's a new database update for BOClean. Whilst the PSC BOClean connected with our own servers at, with the large volume of BOCleans out there now, just wasn't up to the task of handling all those connections without problems. COMODO is using servers at "" for the ftp download for BOClean and what's going on is a standard "passive FTP" connection there to do a file list to see if what is there is newer than what you have already and if so, it will download and install it. But that's all that's going on there.

    If it's a concern, you can go into BOClean's configuration screen and turn off the autoupdate and do them manually, but it will go to that very same place now for the manual update. Good move on the 4.24 though ... whilst the 4.23 release had a lot of problems, the 4.24 release solves a lot of problems that 4.22 had and is by far the best one ever. And as we pass 32,000 unique items, we NEED to draw the curtain and end support for the 4.22 release in the next few days as it's run out of room to go much past that. In all sincerity though, 4.24 is far superior to 4.22 and there's nothing funny going on. Like all previous versions of BOClean, coded it all with my own two hands, so I still know exactly where all the bones are buried. :)
  8. disinter1

    disinter1 Guest

    Good work on BOClean kevin, so how is it working with comodo? Hey do all of us a favor and tell the comodo antiviruspyware team to make a good http scanner and great heuristics, oh and I'm glad BOClean will be in there too;)
  9. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Thanks for the kind words! Now that 4.24 is out and far more stable than any of the earlier versions (not having to do analysis AND try to write code also was its own blessing) I've now turned my attention fully to CAV (COMODO Antivirus) and we all agree (at COMODO) that it needs a LOT of work. It's going to take a while since there's not all that much other than new stuff that I find useful. And BOClean will be in there as well as part of the code that's under development. A lot of the existing code in there will be getting the heave-ho to be replaced with something a bit more 21st century as well. :)

    COMODO has been an interesting trip compared to a "mom and pop" operation with only a handful of people - been interesting indeed beating up on some folks to get them in gear but it's finally taking hold. Place needed some "healing" and so did I. But when I first piped on that ship, I saw a lot of potential and a bit of stupidity - glad to report to all that we're all PAST that now. The "3" version of the firewall is TRULY a treat, almost polished to a ready to snuff the competition treat, and several other new toys just put out to be played with including a shiny new "buffer overflow" preventer.

    Down the road, some "geek tools" and a whole slew of other treats now that I'm off the leash. Heh. Stay tuned, and if you own "security software" stock in other companies, I'd sell short. =)
  10. Perman

    Perman Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2005
    Hi Kevin: I am glad to know that you have finally found a right HOME to expand your skills, although the take-over is more than just a normality. I do admire your Boss's vision, who is providing vast pc users a lot more smart options and alternatives. After you guys finish off AV project, perhaps a smart Internet security suite comes along as well? Which is a logical development , is it not ? You have my sincerest blessing. Excellent works. Indeed. :thumb: P.S. Your stock holders will be soon laugh all the way to banks. ;)
  11. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Well that sucks. But my faith in Kevin might persuide me into tring BOClean 4.24 one more time.I'll make a snapshot before and if i'm disatisfied i'll rollback and never return. I don't know what it is about the Comodo version that I dislike. Hopefully i'm swayed into keeping this app as I really do have good things to say about BOClean 4.22
  12. mercurie

    mercurie A Friendly Creature

    Nov 28, 2003
    Sky over the Wilders Forest
    I will be sad to see the little blackvac go away on with the end of my 4.22 paid version.

    But Kevin's word is good with me...I'll go ahead and move on to the 4.24. :'(
  13. Howard

    Howard Registered Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Wales, UK
    I made the change a while ago and have definitely not regretted it. It is exactly what you would expect from Kevin and Nancy, integrity is their middle name.
  14. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2006
    Maybe because it says "Comodo" on it :D.
  15. mercurie

    mercurie A Friendly Creature

    Nov 28, 2003
    Sky over the Wilders Forest
    The little black, red, green vac icon is just that a BOClean icon. That monitor icon will take some getting use to. :(

    It's Kevin's code that he states is an improvement over all other versions...again his word is good enough for me. As I have often said about other such security apps. it is FREE, how can one moan. You could load it and uninstall it over and over again and it would never mess up a thing. One will never gain any benefit if they will not try it.

    My number one fear in trialing things is if you don't like it what has it screwed up after you try to get rid of it. I have had some bad experiences. Lucky me some how I always manage to fix it and get back to the way it was before or close enough, but these forums are full of average users who have had issues.
  16. poirot

    poirot Registered Member

    May 4, 2005
    Thanks Kevin for your intervention here. Sometimes people tend to become histeric with no reason (perhaps incl. me,too) and then there is an avalanche afterwards.
    Personally i dont need any persuasion as both 4.23 and 4.24 worked smoothly for me all the time, but i use manual updates for all programs.
  17. extratime

    extratime Registered Member

    Oct 14, 2005
    Two cheers for Kevin! I have had my doubts (though I have kept them to myself) but I really like BOClean 4.24.

    When I see what a mess Lavasoft has made of Ad-Aware 2007 it makes me realize even more how few antispyware apps out there are trouble-free and still fairly effective.

    I like running BOClean as a resident memory scanner as a second defense layer behind NOD32.
  18. mercurie

    mercurie A Friendly Creature

    Nov 28, 2003
    Sky over the Wilders Forest
    Hey extratime, I have not switched to Ad-ware 2007 yet from the old version and am considering dumping it all together. i don't want to go off topic so would you PM me with what you mean about the "mess Lavasoft has made"...Thanks. :)
  19. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    @Kevin McAleavey
    Hi, Kevin and good afternoon. I am a licenced owner of Bo-Clean but have not used it in a while matter of fact I have not been on this forum inquite awhile either! But whats the story with BO-Clean now is it a free ware app and whats the story with Commodo's involvement? I am correct to derive from what you say that you are still writeing the B0-Clean App?
  20. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Dunno,that may be part of it. :rolleyes:
    But I will give 4.24 one more try before ditching it.
    Not untill 4.22 is no longer supported thou.
  21. EASTER

    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    I think it's relatively clear by now that Lavasoft intends to "stay the course" of a strickly malware/cookie :D scanner. Meanwhile the rest of the security pack of m'ware scanners advance onward into meeting the current & future needs for better security, including some HIPS-like features which AFAIK is of extreme importance given the strategy of those RK type programmers.

    At least BoClean seems to making continued improvements (i hope) and we all need to be patient untill this Vista compatibility craze is finally run it's course so security developers can focus on even better advancements to security expectations.
  22. djg05

    djg05 Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Thanks Kevin for clearing that up.

    Don't know what it is about Comodo but from the start I had a deep mistrust of them, but if you say they are kosher then I will stay with it.

    I read elsewhere that longtime users of BOClean would have access to direct support but I cannot see when you update to 4.24 any means of establishing this.
  23. SystemJunkie

    SystemJunkie Resident Conspiracy Theorist

    Mar 3, 2006
    Yes, I noticed that from the first time I tried Comodo BOClean 4.24.
    By the way it is not the only application which is focussed on
    The same with SSI, they also connect regularly to

    Very good to know, that will calm our paranoid minds. :D
    ..and will set the stress level to normal.. :cool:

    About a year ago I tested Comodo AV, it ranked very low in my comparisons.
    This tool needs lot of tuning ;-) (total in contradiction to comodo firewall which surely belongs to the best in the world)
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