667 firewall blocks email client

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by ingber, Jun 19, 2008.

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  1. ingber

    ingber Registered Member

    Dec 24, 2006
    Under the new 667, when using emailer client mutt/exim under XP/Cygwin (which I have used for years without problems under all non-ESET major security applications, and now ESS including ESS 657), I am getting
    "host defer (-36): host lookup for XXX.com did not complete (DNS timeout?)"
    (I've blocked out the name of XXX).

    So, I tried turning on Interactive Filtering. This works as advertised for Thunderbird, my intranet printer, etc., by popping up windows so I can allow these applications. However, I get no popup windows for mutt or exim, but I get the same problem. Even when I explicitly put mutt and exim into permitted applications, and even add into an email client list, I still get failures as above. I also tried setting "Maximum compatibility" under POP3 without any success.

    DNS lookup requires accepting info from outside connections, and I guess that Cygwin/mutt/exim uses different applications than, say, Thunderbird, and these are being blocked (but ess-667 does not register these to pop up a window under Interactive Filtering?)? It seems that I should be able to use Automatic Filtering as I have previously, by tweaking some new ESS settingo_O

    What is the URL to (re-)download version 650?

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
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