ZA 4.0, (& semi-related item)

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by SG1, Aug 17, 2003.

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  1. SG1

    SG1 Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2003
    (A) Recent issue of PC mag waxed positive on ZA 4.0 *but* I tend to be more persuaded by opinions of actual end-users (with software on various configurations of hardware). So, if using 4.0, what would you say (pro or con) about it?

    (B) Noticed a while back that Naviscope, ad/cookie & javascript blocker I've used for some time, has port 80 or 81 open when I test (older, free) ZA firewall at Steve Gibson's site; hitherto, *all* ports had always been stealthed. Naviscope's info says something about it reserving 80 or 81 for itself, so that other PCs can not somehow use it or address it as a proxy server... or words to that end.
    (Sorry about that vague info, above, but I must turn off Naviscope, when I sign onto this site and so I can't open it just now to give you exact wording of info on the port 80 or 81 use).
    Anyway, I think Pieter once told me that the one port open likely isn't a grave concern; perhaps I stew about such things, but would a different or newer firewall close that port, or do I just live with it, if Naviscope keeps it open?

    * Just bought TrojanHunter, & Wormguard; feeling bit happier/secure, now, whilst surfing the net. ;-)

    Many thanks for advice/info, as always. SG1 (Pat)
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, I tend to believe that ZA(P) 4.0 is quite an excellent product. I find its mix of easy to configure application based firewall configurations, and the recent addition (new to Zone Alarm Pro v4.0) of expert rules to be quite a good mix. If you look at the top of this forum section (i.e. the "other firewalls" section) here at Wilders, you'll find a thread I authored that describes a set of application rules that demonstrate some of the new capabilities of this firewall.

    I have been using it since it was released and have yet to find any difficulty with it.

    FYI - I'm running ZAP 4.0 on a Windows XP - Home Edition system that has a direct Internet connection via ADSL modem (no router, etc.)

    Hmm, I'm sorry to say I don't know what is causing this. I am not familiar with Naviscope, so I can only guess that the application must be granted "server rights" in order to hold any port open to unsolicited connections from the Internet. Since I use no local proxy software, I have never experienced this issue. Perhaps you could attempt to allow it server rights to only the Trusted (Local) zone in ZAP, which would still prevent open ports being exposed to the raw Internet itself. :doubt:
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