µBlock, a lean and fast blocker

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by gorhill, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. 142395

    142395 Guest

    I meant: what browser and extension you used? Their versions and all your subscription filters are also necessary. Also note I needed to access from Netherlands, such a case is not rare nowadays - so please mention where you accessed the site next time.
    Anyway, I don't see any AAB and can watch the video regardless I turn uBO (NOT uBlock) v1.24.2 on or off (default settings), both on Firefox 71.0 and Brave 1.1.22 (its own blocker turned off) on Win 10. Please upload a screen shot if you can.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2019
  2. itman

    itman Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    I'm using uBlock in FireFox and I get no warnings about an ad blocker when attempting to play a video. It just doesn't play period with FireFox circle rotating with this stopping after a short period.

    Also I do have third party cookies disabled but get zip site warnings about cookies not enabled.
  3. okiehsch

    okiehsch Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2019
    West Coast
    It's a GDPR consent modal, disabling it will break the video player.
    You can test for yourself, delete cookies for the site then add
    and reload.
    The consent overlay will be gone and the video too. ;)

    I can't reproduce an anti adblock message on my end.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  4. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Yes good point. But I guess what my question is, if there are any global "anti-adblock" filters that I can enable in uBlock. I'm using Vivaldi, but I believe I got this warning in all browsers.

    I don't know what happened, but suddenly I don't get this message anymore, I simply get a blank video screen. But anyway, I decided to disable uBlock and enable ABP, and now I do get to see video's without any ads. The Facebook Comments script isn't blocked strangely enough, but I can live with that.
  5. 142395

    142395 Guest

    Thanks, I thought bypassing it would be impossible but wanted confirmation from knowledged people. Given it's a GDPR consent, probably it will be shown not only access from Netherlands, but anywhere from Europe.

    IDK what you mean by global filters. There are some rules each of which blocks many AAB, but as there are very many patterns to implement AAB, their actual coverage is limited; anyway most of them are already included in EasyList or uBlock filters. OTOH Nano Defender allows you to integrate its filters to uBO, which includes dozens of site-by-site rules against AAB. I believe all AAB I have come across were not on the list, but it may still be an option for some people. You can check if its useful to you by searching their filter w/ the domain of the site.

    Given none of us see AAB on the site and I can watch the video, I highly doubt it's a matter of uBO, assuming you're using uBO and not uBlock. It's even possible you have an adware on your machine or browser (as an extension) - not all adware injects massive ads since such a conduct will be more noticeable and thus leads to deletion of the adware itself. I remember you reported ad-block warnings the other day which I also couldn't reproduce at the time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2019
  6. 142395

    142395 Guest

    thewirecutter.com detects ad-blocker by
    which sets data-detected to true if blocked, but so far I don't see any difference by whitelisting this. It's possible they're just counting how many visitors use ad-blocker, but others may find difference.
  7. SouthPark

    SouthPark Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    South Park, CO
    The first list from https://github.com/bogachenko might solve your problem. I use it with uBO on Firefox. (I can't repeat the name of the list here because it contains vulgarity.)
  8. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    thank you, ill give it a try. the ***** (2nd) list is really full with "bs" domains.
  9. NiteRanger

    NiteRanger Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2016
    Far East
    Does that means I don't require Nano Defender if I'll choose to use the mentioned list?

  10. 142395

    142395 Guest

    I know his list tho I don't use (but personally thank him for showing me how to use nobab.js). All these anti-AABs are simply based on predefined rules (no different from EasyList in a sense) and available scriptlets on the platform they run on. So the catch is, if the site you've visited happened to be covered by any of them, the AAB won't be shown. Otherwise you'll see the AAB. Note uBlock filters on uBO and AG Base filter on AG already cover quite many AAB so there are redundant parts in the bogachenko's list, and his list only works [EDIT: with full functionality] on uBO/Nano and some of AG products.

    [EDIT] ABP and other non-supported platforms still get some benefit of whitelist.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2019
  11. NiteRanger

    NiteRanger Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2016
    Far East
    Yes, filter lists from various sources tend to overlap.

    However, Nano Defender works with Nano Adblocker and uBO as an anti-adblock diffuser which implies uBO filters may not contain enough of filters to perform AAB.


    Set up of Nano Defender in uBO is a hassle. I was just wondering whether that mentioned filter list can easily and better replace Nano Defender.

    Thanks again
  12. SouthPark

    SouthPark Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    South Park, CO
    On Firefox with uBO, I find the filter list adequate and haven't encountered any ad block messages in routine browsing. On Chromium, I found Nano Defender to be best, but that was some time ago.
  13. Bertazzoni

    Bertazzoni Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2018
    Milan, Italia
    If you consider 2 minutes a hassle. It's actually rather easy.

    Yes, it simply means 1 less extension.
  14. 142395

    142395 Guest

    If you come across AAB not covered by any lists, there are easy steps everyone can try. Don't forget to reload the page for each step.

    1. Block inline-script of the page from the popup UI (you may need to click on "domains connected" first). This will break some function of the page, so is not always a viable option, but sometimes you just want to read texts on the page. This step should thwart most of AAB, but not all.

    2. If step 1 didn't work or broke function you need, disable cosmetic filtering for the page by clicking the eye icon bottom of the popup UI. Note disabling cosmetic filtering doesn't have any detrimental effect in privacy, security, or performance. Previously hidden, yet not blocked, contents (ads, placeholder, popup) may appear but they would be better than AAB.

    You can delete rules created by these anytime via My Rules tab.
  15. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I'm now able to reproduce it again. It doesn't matter if uBlock or ABP is enabled, see screenshot.


    Thanks, will check it out.

    Attached Files:

  16. okiehsch

    okiehsch Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2019
    West Coast
    I can only reproduce your screenshot if I disable the uBO-filters list.
    the filter
    kijk.nl##+js(set-constant.js, canPlayAds, true)
    disables the detection and the video plays without issue on my end using a dutch IP.

    Are you sure you have the uBO-filters list enabled?
    You can try adding
    kijk.nl##+js(set-constant.js, canPlayAds, true)
    to your filter list.
  17. 142395

    142395 Guest

    Same here, AAB only appeared either when canPlayAds was not overwritten or
    was not whitelisted.
    Again, this filter won't help you in this case.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2019
  18. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I will need to check this stuff out. At the moment this code doesn't seem to work. It seems like this site can detect both ABP and uBlock, no matter if certain uBlock filters are disabled or not.

    Too bad, but I will try to experiment a bit, you never know it might work for other sites. Thanks for the help guys.
  19. 142395

    142395 Guest

    Are you using the latest browser (Firefox 71.0 or Chrome 79.0.3945.88 for example) and the latest uBO (v1.24.2)? I once failed to help a guy because he was using an old browser and a legacy version of uBO.

    [EDIT] Whatever browser you use, this must work:
    If it didn't work, I suspect another extension or user script is interfering.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2019
  20. 142395

    142395 Guest

    I found a8.net, a major ad provider in my region also have publicly been supplying CNAME tracker from Mar. 2018, so made tracker lists. Given one company has been using it from such an early time, I have no doubt on uBlock-user's saying.

    Much of thanks and kudos for @Stefan Froberg , your detailed how-to helped me a lot!:thumb: (I also agree to comments there.;)) Can you add these lists I attached to your site?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2019
  21. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Isn't uBlock always updated automatically? I'm using an older version of Vivaldi. I just tried to add the code to my filters, but can you tell me exactly how to add it? Is this correct?

    ! 12/29/2019 https://www.tvgids.tv
  22. Bertazzoni

    Bertazzoni Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2018
    Milan, Italia
    µBO > My filters > paste code > Import and apend = done
  23. 142395

    142395 Guest

    In case of Chrome, will be automatically updated as long as Google Update is enabled. No idea about Vivaldi, but I guess the same, and IIRC they're not so badly behind to the latest Chromium.

    Correct. Just curious, the comment part
    ! 12/29/2019 https://www.tvgids.tv
    is what you manually added?
  24. guest

    guest Guest

  25. Stefan Froberg

    Stefan Froberg Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    Thanks Yuki!
    Added now :)


    While reading the uBlock comment's one thing is very troubling:

    It's true that you can have multiple (unlimited?) chain of CNAME records and not just one hop:

    For example:

    xyz.example.com ---> abc.anotherdomain.com ---> finaltracker.com

    xyz.example.com ---> abc.example.com ---> cba.anotherdomain.com ---> finaltracker.com

    And unless the first DNS query lookup is already in cache (or already in blocklist and blocked),
    each of those needs another CNAME lookup.

    It's irritating but not serious problem, my test program can do about 8 CNAME queries per second. Single-threaded.

    I wonder how deep the advertisers are willing to go throught this rabbit hole?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
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