tray icon bug

Discussion in 'FileChecker & ID-Blaster Forum' started by darule, Dec 29, 2002.

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  1. darule

    darule Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Groningen, Holland
    I use the application StartRight (see ). It has an icon in the traybar. To see the main window of StartRight, I have to double click this icon. But when I do ... "ID-Blaster Plus" (which also has an icon in the traybar) ALSO comes up !

    I wrote about this to the programmer of StartRight, and he says :
    "ID-Blaster likely didn't program their icon routines correct to only look for their own windows messages."

    Can you give comment on this ?
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    ID-Blaster does have its icon routines program correctly - in fact, they are incredibly simple in nature (as they don't have to be complex at all to get the job done).

    BTW, ID-Blaster responds to one click in the tray to open (not two), but I'm sure you already knew that. ;) I'll look into it, but I don't believe the problem lies on ID-Blaster's end.

    Best regards,

  3. darule

    darule Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Groningen, Holland
    I solved it. You are right : the problem is NOT ID-Blaster but StartRight. As I wrote, its window comes up by double (!) clicking its tray icon and this way ANY (so I discovered now) other item comes up ALSO ! I tested it by letting the ID-Blaster window appear (clicking its tray icon once and so this icon disappears from the tray) and THEN double clicking the StartRight icon : ANOTHER window appears also, having a icon in my tray, probably next (*) to it.

    (*) I guess "virtually" next, regarding starting order, I don't know

    I will report this fact to the author of StartRight, advising him to make the double click a single one or a right click. And I thank you !
  4. darule

    darule Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Groningen, Holland
    Re:tray icon bug (2)

    Here's another part of this "discussion" : the author of StartRight responded to me :

    I found what's happening. ID-Blaster is only responding to a WM_LBUTTONUP message. To demonstrate this, click the left mouse button on another tray icon and hold it down. Then, slide the mouse over the ID-Blaster icon and release the button. It will activate just as if you had clicked down on the icon and released it.

    The StartRight icon is removed and Windows moves the ID-Blaster underneath the mouse cursor and when you release the button, it activates. Neither program is messing up the other, it's just a matter of where your mouse is on the screen.

    "Buttons" in Windows are supposed to require two events before firing - a mouse down and a mouse up message. If you click on a button and hold it down and then move the mouse away from the button and release, the button will not "fire". System tray icons aren't documented very well so most programs don't require this behavior.


    So, "author of ID-Blaster Plus", I guess it's your turn now ... :rolleyes:

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