spy bot question

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Bethrezen, Oct 18, 2002.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    i got a question i just ran spybot and i got a rather odd result

    it said

    Common hijacker: Redirected host

    and to the right there is an image of what looks like pipes ans it says Redirected host

    how ever this is grayed out and i cant get any info on it or deleat it/fix it and i was just wonderin what the hell this is i dont like having miterious things on my system that i cant get rid of and this is the first time this has shown up

    is this just picking up somthing on my host file ??
  2. claire

    claire Guest

    Hi Bethrezen,
    Do you run also Spyblocker?
  3. notageek

    notageek Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2002
    I got the same thing when I ran mine. It had a different number though. I thought it was odd.
  4. controler

    controler Guest

    I just started trying out Sygate personal firewall again last night and even though it doesn't have the ad blocking features. it has one awesome backtrace and whois feature. That features ease of use almost blew my socks off :D
    It defenitly has a much better default block DLL list than say Outpost,
    Which I have been strong user of.
    For the exact reason you are speaking of here, a program like Sygate
    personal firewall works great. It is much easier to use than some of my other Whois aplications. If you try this one out and agree OR dissagree, please post at this thread.
  5. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    No worry : the autor asked to me to include in the new version my updated Hosts file which contains this address from BannerNetwork/Linkexchange.

    When using my hosts file (must be in the right directory according to your OS,
    you don't see those advertisments :)

    If you want to remove it : go to :

    x:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.1\Includes\Hosts.sbs
    Open it with a txt editor (Notepad or other)
    look for the line : auto.search.msn.com and suppress it : you will not have the info when running SB afterwards.


  6. PepiMK

    PepiMK Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2002
    Right, I'm using that hosts file :)

    A bugfix for Spybot-S&D 1.1 will soon be available that won't detect any redirects to the localhost ( or 127.0.0.*).

    And I guess I need to give that hosts file a few more looks; can't see any harm in that MS page yet ;)
  7. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    Controller,I have Sygate Personal Firewall also.I agree 100% about the back-trace and whois features.It's extremely easy to use and fairly fast.Sygate did a great job on those features!
  8. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Sorry guys,

    I'm not sure I see the relationship between the Spybot questions which started this thread and the comments on Sygate Personal Firewall? Was that information meant for a different thread perhaps?

    Best Wishes,
  9. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge
    Hi ;)

    According to S. Martin who maintains a great hosts file, contains a add server (affiliated to BannerNetwork/Linkexchange).
    The main aim of my hosts file (compiled from the best available hosts files on the W3, Spyblocker's and different independant contributors') is preventing
    spywares, banner adds and tracking sites. That's why :)
    Feel free to suppress any site at your best convenience.
    You'll get the next update file next week. (some more and some less new entries according to the policies of the sites)

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