Returnil Ruined my FF settings

Discussion in 'General Returnil discussions' started by madhouserevival, Mar 13, 2012.

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  1. madhouserevival

    madhouserevival Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    I enabled virtual mode. After I was done I disabled it and rebooted. Now FF is missing all addons and settings that I had before installing Returnil. It's completely ruined. I put a lot of work customizing Firefox and expected Returnil to protect those settings. I am so furious right now. I almost got the pro version and I am very relieved that I didn't go through with it.

    To make matters worse, system restore has never worked on my computer for some reason (why do I ever bother enabling it?), so I can't even get my stuff back that way.
  2. Coldmoon

    Coldmoon Returnil Moderator

    Sep 18, 2006
    Hi madhouserevival and welcome to the forums :)

    First, RSS/RVS Virtual Mode or even installation will have no effect on your pre-install preferences, settings, or data. My focus from your report would be to explore WHY your system restore in Windows is not functioning and the steps you took to reach this issue as I suspect something more than simple data corruption for whatever reason.

    What AV are you using and is it updated with a recent full system scan? If not, please do attempt to run your AV and check for anything detected. Also of interest here would be a pass via MBAM and a possible on-line scan via the Eset website to see if there is anything your current AV doesn't detect.

    Let me know the results and we can explore what is going on in further detail at that point...

  3. lurker20

    lurker20 Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2012

    Does Returnil drop all changes once virtual mode is enabled before reboot or how do you disable the virtual mode before reboot?
  4. ichito

    ichito Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Poland - Cracow
    It's obvious for added all add-ons to Ff in virtual mode...after rebooting is normal that all changes are droped. It's main feature of Returnil and each one virtualisation software.
  5. pegr

    pegr Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2008
    Here's some notes to help you understand how Returnil works: -

    • You can enter virtual mode on the fly without rebooting.
    • Once virtual mode has been enabled, all subsequent changes are temporary until the next reboot.
    • In order to exit virtual mode, you have to reboot.
    • On reboot, all changes made while in virtual mode are discarded (there is an option to commit all changes if required though).
    • When virtual mode is enabled, there is a choice of exiting virtual mode after reboot or continuing with a new virtual session.
    • Temporary changes made in one virtual session are discarded at reboot and cannot be carried forward to a new virtual session.
    • A consequence of the above is that Returnil cannot be used to test software that requires a reboot to complete the install.
    Hope that helps.
  6. Coldmoon

    Coldmoon Returnil Moderator

    Sep 18, 2006
    Hi ichito,
    The relevant part of the OP's post is

    This to me means that there was some type of corruption in her FF profile/bookmarks that should not happen. Yes, anything added during the Virtual Mode session would be lost on restart, but nothing other than a deliberate change by the user should effect data saved to the real disk when the VM is not active which is highlighted by the OP's assertion that:

    This then leads me to the suspicion of a potential malware or spyware infection as the first place to start investigating. The next would be to explore possible negative interactions with a sandboxing component in the OP's current AV/AM solution (ref: order of install with Avast! for example).
  7. Coldmoon

    Coldmoon Returnil Moderator

    Sep 18, 2006
    1. Yes, all changes that happen while the Virtual Mode is active will be dropped by default setting at the next restart of the computer. pegr has alluded to the potential for using the "Save all changes" option, but this has to be set by the user deliberately and should be approached with caution.

    2. RSS/RVS virtualization is disk based so requires a complete system restart to release the Virtual Mode; even if simply using the Session Lock option (VM on-the-fly). There are two settings for the VM:

    A. Session Lock: means the VM is active during the current boot session only and will be released with the next restart of your computer

    B. Always on (starts with Windows boot): This setting is located at Virtual Mode > Overview > Virtual Mode always on section. If this option is set, the Virtual Mode will always start when you boot Windows. If it is not set, you are in Session Lock if you turn on the Virtual Mode manually and then only until the next restart.

  8. lurker20

    lurker20 Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Thanks to pegr and Coldmoon for the detailed info.
  9. Coldmoon

    Coldmoon Returnil Moderator

    Sep 18, 2006
    Of further note here regarding what to expect with the Virtual Mode is that it is not released until the computer is completely restarted. Simply logging out of your user account and then logging back in the same or a different account will not release the Virtual Mode protection. This is part of the higher security that a disk level approach to virtualization brings that makes it impossible to circumvent the virtual protection with a simple user change...
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