MRU Blaster erases desktop

Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by fbtester, Mar 31, 2003.

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  1. fbtester

    fbtester Guest

    I just installed 3/15/03 version of MruB. It now erases most of the shortcuts and icons on my desktop. It actually clears the desktop folder c:\windows\desktop.

    I had no such problem with the previous version of this excellent program. Can anyone advise on how to stop this
    behavior? I've tried clearing various items in the settings menu but I can't seem to find the culprit. I am running Windows ME.

  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    MRU-Blaster shouldn't in any way erase the contents of that folder (nor does it have the capability). It sounds like the erasure of another MRU may be causing a conflict (although the shortcuts should not be gone - there is the possibility that another MRU could cause them to disappear when cleared, but they would then come back on reboot).

    First a few questions about your system:
    1.) Do you have any MRU-Blaster plug-ins enabled?
    2.) Have you tried unchecking every single item on the Settings screen? If not, could you try this and then report back if any change in behavior is observed? In particular, have you tried unchecking the Windows Stream MRUs?
    3.) What other programs do you have constantly running in the background?

    TIA. :)

  3. fbtester

    fbtester Guest

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    The problem appears to be linked to the IE temporary internet file cleaner plugin. If I disable this plugin the problem behavior goes away. The plugin is set to erase files in the "C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\" folder.
    For some reason it alse erases the files the "C:\WINDOWS\Desktop" folder.

    Unchecking everything on the settings menu did not help.

    In the background I run Zone Alarm, McAfee Vurus scan, BOC cleaner. I've tried disabling these but it did not help.

    Troubleshooting this problem is a bit difficult because the behavior is not 100% consistant.

    A previous version of MRUB was running just fine on this system.

  4. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Well nothing changed in the IE temporary internet file cleaner plug-in between the last MRU-Blaster release and the original 1.5 release. It does sound like something strange is going on here, though.

    Is there anything else about your system that you might have "tweaked" to be "out of the ordinary"?

    Best regards,

  5. anders

    anders Eset Staff Account

    Oct 25, 2002
    Javacool, I assume that you for example verify that all changing of current directory actually works before deleting the contents of it? ;P

  6. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Yes - and I have numerous other safeguards in too. ;)

    Best regards,

  7. fbtester

    fbtester Guest

    >>Is there anything else about your system that you might have "tweaked" to be "out of the

    There is nothing in particular unusual about this system
    that I know of but anything is possible with Windows <g>.
    I'll just run with the temporary internet file cleaner
    turned off. Thanks for the help and for the great program.

  8. Whatever

    Whatever Guest

    Is it possible your virus definitions are out of date and there is an unknown virus lurking/interfering?
  9. ddoss

    ddoss Guest

    I too experienced the same problem on a Windows 98 system. Nothing unusual here either. I was also using the cookies and temp files add ins. I experienced the problem twice and have since quit using MRU-Blaster. I am open to any suggestions.
  10. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    ddoss - Have you tried using MRU-Blaster alone - without utilizing either of the plug-ins? (I can't use them without problems, either).

    Believe I PM'ed Jc about it when he first came out with them. Pete
  11. ddoss

    ddoss Guest

    I have used MRU-Blaster successfully. I believe without the plugins installed. It's been a little while. I'll try it again.
  12. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Well the problems you encountered, Spy1, were related to MRU-Blaster's index.dat cleaner - other software you had alerted you whenever the index.dat cleaner would set itself up to run on reboot (correct?).

    I do have a potential method for cleaning the Temporary Internet Files and the index.dat file while the PC is running. I'm really not sure why a few people have encountered this desktop clearing problem when running the Temporary Internet Files Cleaner, but I do know that the alternative method I'm working on shouldn't have a chance of causing it.

    I'll let you know more as that develops - right now it looks like it will be included in the next version of MRU-Blaster (1.6).

    Best regards,

  13. Imp

    Imp Registered Member

    May 6, 2003
    Paris France
    in my case when I installed MRU Blaster on my computer configurated in Pentium 2 MMX, windows 98, it erased all config's I had , but I noticed that all windows opened was changed to a smaller windows interface, nothing to be able to recover original setting, when I erased MRU Blaster, everything's went back to normal .... :'( :'( :'(
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