Latest Verison of AVast! Pro Slowdowns?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Atomic_Ed, Jan 1, 2006.

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  1. Atomic_Ed

    Atomic_Ed Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Is anyone else here running the latest version of Avast! Pro and experiencing tremendous slowdowns on their system and Internet usage?

    I am and it all seemed to happen right after the latest program update that was pushed down last week. My system is an Athlon64 3200+ with 1.25gb ram running on XP x64 and it is now running like a 386 and I can barely use the Internet. Most of the times the web pages will load after about 1.5 minutes or not at all with just the background showing in the browser window.
    If I disable all of the on access providers then my system speeds back up again and I can browse the Internet very quickly.

    Of all things, causing my Internet to act like it is running on a 1200baud dialup, it is terrible. Especially since I have a 3mb High speed DSL connection.

    I really like Avast so far but if I can't get this solved I will have to uninstall it.

    Does anyone else have this issue? I noticed a post on the Avast forums on it and I replied to it but I am hoping to get this resolved as quick as I can.

    Also does anyone know of any other decent AV that will run on XP x64 other than Nod32? I would like to have a backup plan in case the Avast issue isn't resolved and I see there still are not many AVs for x64 yet. Thats pretty crazy since XP x64 has been final release now since the beginning of April last year.

    Thanks for any info on this.
  2. Don Pelotas

    Don Pelotas Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    Your best option is to post at their forum and you can perhaps get RejZor to help you with contacts to them.:)
  3. Arup

    Arup Guest

    No slowdowns at all with Avast Pro or free here......check your settings tab to see if Webshield is set to High.
  4. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    Can you please download avast! External Control from my page
    Run it and select "avast! Status Info". Copy the log which appears and paste it here. I'll help you easier with the info provided by this log.
  5. Atomic_Ed

    Atomic_Ed Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Thanks for the offer to help but I became totally frustrated with the whole thing and the Avast forum did not have any answers to the problem so I just backed up my files and formated my drive removing the XP x64 completely and installed XP x32 again. This new Avast issue was the last straw for me as with very little x64 support from applications vendors, I decided to just run regular XP again and install my new NIS2006 package which is running like a hundred times faster than Avast did by itself since the recent updates. I like Avast Pro and bought the license for it but I will not run it again until the fix the recent speed problems that got introduced. I will most likely wait awhile on the XP x64 again as well. Once I start seeing some applications for it come out. I also really did not like running my x64 system with no firewall either but I could not find any that would run on it.

    Thanks again for the help though, you are always very kind and helpful.
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