Is it true that Sandboxie doesn't work well with Windows 10?

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by SuperSapien, Oct 27, 2019.

  1. SuperSapien

    SuperSapien Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    Someone told that Sandboxie doesn't work well with Windows 10. Is this true?
  2. Beyonder

    Beyonder Registered Member

    Aug 26, 2011
    Every major update breaks it, and the monthly updates break things sometimes. Aside from that, it seems to work well.

    Personally, I'm using OSArmor + Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit + Edge Beta instead.
  3. SuperSapien

    SuperSapien Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    :argh: Wow Sandboxie sounds really great on Windows 10 not. But this OSArmor sounds intriguing its free to use and it sounds like it works with MBAM Premium which I have.:thumb: BTW do you have to make any special configurations to OSArmor or MBAM Premium to make them work together? Also I'm thinking about installing Avast free on my Windows 10 Pro system. Do you think I should stick with the stock/default AV or should I try Avast free?
  4. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Not true at all. Sometimes something breaks but usually is only for a short while.

    Let me give you a quick example. When W10 1903 was released in May 2019, if you had Sandboxie on your computer, downloading and recovering files was broken by the update. A couple of days after 1903 was released, a new version of SBIE was released that fixed the recovery issue. Personally what I did, since I knew this issue was expected, I waited to update to 1903 until after the new Sandboxie version with the fix was released. So, in my case, I never had nothing broken and the upgrade from 1803 (I tested but skipped 1809) to 1903 was smooth in all things related to SBIE.

    Now, I am going to tell you a quick story. I got my W10 in July 2017. Before getting it, I had read horror stories about Sandboxie in W10. So, I expected to experience some issues wen I first got the new computer. But the reality was that nothing was broken after I installed the programs I normally run in my computer under SBIE. This horror stories were nothing but tall tales that had nothing to do with reality.

  5. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Ooops, I just saw this. I dont use AV or nothing else along SBIE (other than NoScript, if you like to include it). But if I was to use an AV, IMO, the best one out there to run along Sandboxie is Windows defender. If you run WD along SBIE in W10, you wont experience compatibility issues.

  6. Beyonder

    Beyonder Registered Member

    Aug 26, 2011
    They work perfectly together.

    I'd suggest sticking with Windows Defender. The general idea with my setup is that you won't need an AV as Edge Beta with AppContainer + OSArmor + Malwarebytes is highly unlikely to be exploited.
  7. SuperSapien

    SuperSapien Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    @ bo elam

    Thanks. So Sandboxie has a very rapid update cycle then? I wonder if that will continue after they open source it? I started using Sandboxie back in 2010 but I haven't really used it all that much because Linux is my main driver but I still want some competent security on my Windows 10 Pro system and I don't to mess with the new Microsoft sandbox built into Win 10 Pro especially if it only works with the Edge Browser. And thanks Beyonder but I think I'll pass on the OsArmor for now since it looks like its still in the testing stage not to mention its not novice friendly and while I'm no novice I'm probably not skilled enough to use OsArmor.

    BTW bo elam are there any known issues with MBAM Premium and Sandboxie?
  8. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    For me personally, to this point, I cant ask more from Sandboxie developers. Pretty much all I wanted to do or what I wanted to run sandboxed, I have been able to. There are rare exceptions but I don't mind. Years ago I took the attitude that if something doesn't work well with Sandboxie, I forget about it and move on to something else and similar, this helps. But not long ago at another site I had a guy criticize me for "adapting my system so that Sandboxie works reliably". Some people see my attitude toward SBIE as sort of giving up or something like that, while I see doing it as being smart and working along Sandboxie to achieve the goal of enjoying strong security and to be able to enjoy using the computer without hassles or inconveniences.

    I can tell you this, if you adopt my attitude toward Sandboxie, we ll be OK at leas until Sandboxie goes open source. I believe Sandboxie will go open source at about the middle of next year.
    Thats what you ll get with Sandboxie. I started using Sandboxie (and NoScript) every day since around February 2009, I have never seen any malware ever since. To me is like it doesn't exist. I stop using real time antiviruses in December 2010 and any kind of on demand scanners in December 2011. I have no need for them. In other words, my computer are clean and always clean because of Sandboxie and nothing else. Ten years using it and nothing has ever broken the sandbox, to me personally, thats the best proof that it works.
    I really cant tell you anything about how well or bad Sandboxie and Malwarebytes are working along each other right now. The old forum is dead and even if it was still working, there was never a lot of information, posts about SBIE and MB.

    What I would do if I was you is use Sandboxie for a few days without MB, and after you get familiar how things work with SBIE without MB, then install MB again, and see how it works along Sandboxie. Doing this will help you compare experiences using SBIE with and without MB.

  9. Freki123

    Freki123 Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2015
    When you want to stick with stock AV maybe take a look at Configure Defender or Hard Configurator (both from Andy Ful).

    I delayed MS "Feature Updates" and can't remember any sandboxie problems because of MS updates...
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
  10. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    i never had any malware on my system before sandboxIE was a small idea in mind there. guess why.
    (the IE was the idea behind to make the IE browser more secure - being compatible to any other software were user requests)

    concerning avast, dont do that to windows 10. windows defender has a good detection rate, anti-exploit (less people know), anti-ransom, folder guard and more. ok, its performance is not the best. but hey, when i have to decide for wd or for an heavy intruding alternative antivirus - in special on firefox - i dont have to chose: windows defender!

    so you dont really need sandboxie if your system is safe and your security concept bullet proof.
  11. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Tzuk developed isolation for IE as a proof of concept. Once he was able to do that, (to make SBIE a commercial program) he went further and developed Sandboxie for isolating other software. And that's how Sandboxie became the program that it is. You are reinventing Sandboxie ala Umbra.

    Here is Tzuk in his own words talking about the beginnings and what we are talking about, starts at 33:56. I posted this interview a few times before but now seems like a good time to do it again.
    Sandboxie, great security with no ifs, ands or buts.

  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    If Sandboxie didn't have hooks and an obsolete architecture it would be so great nowadays but it is incompatible with modern systems, it requires a lot of work to keep it kind of compatible.
  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Moreover, let's not forget it is an abandoned soft and Sophos made the best business decision ever: to strip the technology of it and ditch the corpse, all gains no more costs.
  14. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
  15. Socio

    Socio Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    But you do, what is so far an irreplaceable element with Sandboxie (Umbra says Rehips next build will make this easier) is sandboxing your browsers for daily use. It is primarily how I use Sandboxie. I install my browser, customize my settings, set search engine etc... import my bookmarks, install a needed extension or two, clear personal data, cookies, history that I may have obtained getting the extensions and seal it up with Sandboxie. This way anything I accumulated during a browsing session is deleted when I close the browser and I start with a browser as clean as the day I installed it every time, easy peasy and no having to depend on extensions to do this for you that may or may not be getting everything or even spying on you themselves.
  16. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    interesting. Abandoned, yet still releasing updated versions. Hmm
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Yeah they updated it to make their users swallow the pill easier. Let see in few months. Open source = abandoned, be realist and don't try to avoid the truth. It's just another dead soft, isn't the first won't be the last.
  18. Minimalist

    Minimalist Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Slovenia, EU
    People are saying that SBIE is dead for some time now, but so far it doesn't look like it. I hope that it continuous to be developed and serve their users for years to come.
  19. Page42

    Page42 Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    SBIE is at a critical juncture. No telling (as far as I can see) which way it may go. My hope is like many others, that it continues, which really means, I hope it keeps up with OS changes.
  20. Stukalide

    Stukalide Registered Member

    Jul 12, 2013
    Now that it's open source, who is responsible for updating it? Will Sandboxie?
  21. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Sandboxie is not open source yet (I think its going to take a long while before it happens). IMO, the longer, the better.

    Regarding updates. Sandboxie is still being developed by the same guy that have been doing it during the past few years. Version 5.31.6 is ready for W1909. :)

  22. Page42

    Page42 Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    I don't know the process involved when software is developed via open source.
  23. Azure Phoenix

    Azure Phoenix Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    Probably anyone that has the expertise and time to do so.

    I believe @DavidXanatos has express interest in using Sandboxie's technology.

    The most you can hope for is that whoever decides to use its technology will do so in the direction the benefits and/or agrees with you.
  24. Page42

    Page42 Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    Lots to know and learn about open source, for anyone interested.

    How to Contribute to Open Source
    Want to contribute to open source? A guide to making open source contributions, for first-timers and for veterans.

    There are also licenses and standards, and an Open Source Initiative (OSI) wherein licensees are approved.

    GitHub, which many people have heard of, is a development platform and open-source repository hosting service.
  25. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    In case somebody is wondering whether W10 1909 and Sandboxie 5.31.6 are working well together, the answer is.....Yes. :)

    All is well and beautiful. After doing the update to 18363.476, I tested all I do sandboxed and all is working as good as it can be.

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