Have bought the new ASUS PN50 but having an issue

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by taleblou, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. taleblou

    taleblou Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    I bought a ASUS PN50 mini pc with Ryzen 4 4500U and installed 1TB fast M.2 nvme ssd and 16GB of 3200mhz rams. Now my issue is that on linux distros (I tested mint, manjaro, pappermint, mx-linux) the default screen resolutions does not change. It only has one in the list and that is the default which is a 4k resolution on my gaming monitor. Now in 4K things are very tiny and I need to change to 1080p so icons are bigger and things are bigger. So has anybody have a similar issue or know how to fix it. Right now I am using windows 10 pro on it for the time being.

    I also bought a intel NUC10 mini pc with i3 10110U with 32gb 2666mhz ram and 1TB fast M.2 nvme ssd. I do not have this issue with the intel nuc. I can change the resolution to any I want in Linux..
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