Ewido stopping in middle of scan

Discussion in 'ewido anti-spyware forum' started by Skyfire, Feb 4, 2006.

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  1. Skyfire

    Skyfire Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    I get these infections (many different types of spyware cookies) that repeatedly get detected by Ewido despite my doing the scans in Windows Safe Mode. Ewido scans and stops at around 77% of a complete scan and then Ewido says that it's finished and completed the whole scan. I restart the computer and re-scan and the infections have come back (though to a lesser extent). I've done this several times and it still stops at exactly the same place. I would appreciate if there is anyone who could help me on this one.
  2. redwolfe_98

    redwolfe_98 Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    i think that is just the way that ewido is, where it will scan to about 77% and then jump to 100%..

    why don't you try deleting the cookies from within IE and then see what happens..

    incidentally, you should try blocking third-party cookies in IE/tools/options/privacy..

    if the cookies are showing up after you have been surfing on the internet, that is normal (when you do not have third-party cookies blocked)..
  3. Carver

    Carver Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2006
    If it stops at 77% maybe the files are too cloged with junk files, try cleaning out the files with a program like ccleaner http://www.ccleaner.com. You could also try killing non-esential processes so that it runs all the way to 100%.
  4. Skyfire

    Skyfire Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    Thanks for the tips guys. The thing with the 77% is that the status bar shows 77%. So, Ewido doesn't jump to 100% at the end - it still shows 77%. Down at the bottom, it says that the scan is fully completed. I've used Ewido on my other computers and it doesn't do this. And I don't recall it detecting normal cookies after surfing the web. I'll try the Crap Cleaner.

    The question is - is Ewido supposed to detect normal cookies (after surfing the net) and differentiate these from Spyware? Or is Ewido non-differentiating? Or is it spyware masquerading as cookies?
  5. bVolk

    bVolk Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2005
    Every cookie could be regarded as a breach of privacy, since the least it does is to enable it's home site to recognize you as a returning visitor - without ever asking for your permission to do that. From there on, cookies' abilities vary. I think there is no clear line defining how much information should a cookie be allowed to transfer.

    I'm rather new to ewido, but I've already estabilished, that it's more rigorous regarding cookies than Ad-aware and Spyboot toghether. But that is not to mean that ewido will mark any and every cookie as a threat, not at all. If it does that to you, it means that you are surfing potentially dangerous areas. For me, ewido flags as dangerous one or two cookies out of ten.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2006
  6. Skyfire

    Skyfire Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    Thanks for your input. I don't think I'm surfing potentially dangerous areas - just major news websites, email and google. That's why I considered it strange that I'm getting all these cookies and which makes me suspect that I may still be infected - I don't think Ewido did this before I encountered this problem.
  7. bVolk

    bVolk Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2005

    Do you mean that you possibly have some undetected infection that could be the starting point for the download of many poisonous cookies? That's interesting. Could be, perhaps.

    I'll take a round of some news sites and will post back.


    Took the round (general and financial news) and collected 14 cookies - probably one from just every site visited. Of the 14, one was identified by ewido and by Ad-aware as well. But as I said before, Ad-aware is usually more lenient.

    If you suspect that you have been made especially attractive to bad cookies, you can give me some links here and we can compare what you and I collect from the same sites.

    BTW, my Privacy setting in IE is Medium High.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2006
  8. vinzenz.ewido

    vinzenz.ewido former ewido team

    Dec 9, 2005
    Brno, Czech Republic

    I suggest you to execute a complete system scan in safe mode. Please report if the scan doesn't completes there too.

  9. Skyfire

    Skyfire Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    Vinzenz, I already did a complete scan in safe mode and it still only shows 77% on status bar, yet on the bottom, it says scan finished. New spyware is detected and it says "cleaned with backup" after I select "remove". Can spyware still stuff your computer up in safe mode? Is it possible Ewido is not detecting a form of spyware? Is there a difference if I disable system restore and then scan in safe mode?
  10. Don Pelotas

    Don Pelotas Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    I would definitely disable system restore and then scan in safe mode.:)
  11. Skyfire

    Skyfire Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    Like the other thread, I'm getting the cookies in Firefox despite the fact that I've disabled allowing cookies in it.
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