Does anyone know how to...

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by peakaboo, Mar 10, 2003.

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  1. peakaboo

    peakaboo Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    I would like to know if there is a way to change what is displayed when you mouse over a program in the systray.

    Specifically interested in knowing if one can change the name showing for Proxomitron. When you point with mouse to the triangle, you get "The Proxomitron"

    Is there a way to change this to show the config file which is currently loaded?

    I change configs quite often and to determine which config I currently have up, I generally have to click on the proxo icon in the systray which opens the proxo program where you can see which config is loaded. What a pain.

    Any ideas are welcome.
  2. peakaboo

    peakaboo Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    Mouse over balloon tip info is determined by the programmer of the individual software from what I understand.

    SRL may consider adding config file name for balloon mouse over in sys tray in upcoming version enhancements.

    In the mean time you can add the following web page filter to each of your configs. to show the proxo config name in the title bar:

    Name = "Fix Title"
    Active = TRUE
    Bounds = "<title*</title>"
    Limit = 400
    Match = "(<title>*)\0(<*)\1"
    Replace = "\0 -Default-\1$STOP()"

    Credit HTH, Henk aka henkvs2000 for posting this filter @ Yahoo board.

    Per Henk:

    This inserts the name of the active filter at the end of the title for all loaded pages. Put the filter in all your CFG files (near the top of the Webfilters list/Patterns section), and in each of these filters replace "-Default-" with the actual name for that CFG file.

    note from peakaboo:

    the above filter works, but has its limitations, - i.e. this is a workaround. Hopefully SRL will add this feature in future version of proxo.
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