Total Safety from Hackers

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Prince_Serendip, Aug 27, 2002.

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  1. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Forty bucks buys total safety from hackers

    We're grateful to Reg reader Stephen Dowse, who pointed us to an important security announcement. A company called PathLock has finally put the kibosh on malicious hackers. Assuming that the only problem you'll ever face is a broad-band connection which lets the knowing and malicious play with your machine while you're catching REMs, they've got a solution for you.

    "The broad-band advantage of being 'always on' also means your computer is 'always exposed!' the company rightly remarks. But don't let this frighten you; they've got a product that's absolutely guaranteed to prevent remote compromises, while you're off-line. That's right; thanks to these geniuses there's no longer any need to switch off your cable or DSL modem before you toddle off to bed; PathLock works on a timer and automatically disconnects your rootkit-riddled box from the Net.

    Read more.....

    Info on PathLock's e100 NETimer.
  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Prince,

    Yep, Steve Gibson mentioned this one also some time ago, if I remember me correctly.
    In fact I was searching for this link, but didn't remember me the name, when I saw your posting some days ago about leaving your PC on. So thanks for the link ;)
  3. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    BTW: with respect to these kind of things:

    you could also have a look at AlphaShield:

    Some quote:

    "AlphaGap™Technology automatically disconnects the computer from the Internet when not in use, eliminating the possibility of unwanted intrusions."

    BTW: It does more than only that disconnecting.
  4. luv2bsecure

    luv2bsecure Infrequent Poster

    Feb 9, 2002
    I still use the ONLY 100% safe method:

    Reach down and unplug the RJ45 jack. Unplug it from either the wall or the computer whichever is most convenient. In the morning (or whenever) plug it back in. Not exactly high-tech, but I get a kick out of all the technology coming out to prevent hacks while you're away from the computer. I unplug - plug back in and it re-synchs in less than ten seconds on my cable modem. (No software required.)


    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    I couldn't imagine paying someone to do that for me! I don't bother unplugging, but I'd sure do that before I'd buy some gadget to do it.
  6. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    I'd unplug my ethernet cable between my modem and my puter first I think... cause the line to the wall is a real cable like cable tv. In fact, if I hook my tv up there I get the same thing. I used to use a splitter so I could watch TV but I was losing too much speed. Hmph.
  7. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    As Unicron said: I would un-plug the cable myself before paying for a product to do this for me. ;)

    Not to say I hate the idea - I'm sure some people will find it useful, but I just don't see myself having a use for it at all - considering the time I've spent configuring all my PCs to be as secure as they can get :D (read: pretty darn secure - although I'm sure not totally hack-proof*).


    *Is there really such a word? ;)
  8. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    ;) Hi Guys! Personally, when I toddle off to bed, I log-off and then hit the off switch on my router. Then I turn off my box. When I have to leave it on and unattended, I turn off the browser and use the locking switch included in my firewall (these suggestions were provided by UNICRON--Thanks, BTW). I thought this might be a subject of interest to those with cable modems. It is, Yea and Nay!
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