TI 9 Not Working ANd Worried

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by HD1, Dec 10, 2005.

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  1. HD1

    HD1 Guest

    I installed TI 9 and proceded to use the cloning function. I want to clone a 160 GB [ 152 GB used ] Maxtor to a 250 GB WD. I chose the options including to keep the source files as is after the cloning so I would have a backup

    I started the procedure and after an hour the program is still on operation 2 of 3 and no progress whats so over. In the TI gui, which is behind the operation progress window it says on the botom right, no operation started and ready on the bottom left

    What makes me worried is I still have access to MY Computer and when I check the properties of my source drive it says 0 bytes for used and free space

    According to task manager TrueImae.exe is getting 1 - 3 percent cpu usage from a P 3 1000 GHZ

    I had valuable information on the source drive and I hope I did not loose it

    What should I do? Should I click cancel in the operation progress window ... if I do will I loose the source drives files

    I am using win xp sp1
  2. HD1

    HD1 Guest

    Thanks Acronis, you have been a big help
  3. Ozmaniac

    Ozmaniac Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2005
    Brisbane, Australia
    Now that you have bumped your post, Acronis will almost certainly reply to you. This is such an active forum that I think sometimes posts get pushed down the stack and miss being attended to.

    The first thing they will say is that you should download and install the latest build (2323). Make sure you uninstall the older build first.:cool:
  4. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello HD1,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    Please accept my apologies for the delay with the response.

    Ozmaniac is correct, since first of all you should make sure that you use the latest build (2323) of Acronis True Image 9.0 which is available at: http://www.acronis.com/homecomputing/support/updates/

    To get access to updates you should create an account at:
    then log in and use your serial number to register your software.

    Please uninstall any previously installed build prior to installing build 2323.

    Please also check each partition of your hard drive by Windows utility. Use Windows menu Start\Run, then enter the command "chkdsk c: /r" "chkdsk d: /r" for every partition of your hard drive. Note that you will need to reboot your computer in order to scan the system partition.

    If the problem still persists after installing the update and checking your hard drive then please download the latest version of Acronis drivers and install it with disabled logging.

    If that does not help then enable logging by running the Acronis drivers installation package once again, reproduce the problem and collect the c:\snapapi.log file.

    Please also collect the following information:

    - Create Acronis Report and Windows System Information as it is described in Acronis Help Post;

    - Try to perform the disk cloning process when your PC is booted from Bootable Rescue CD created using the latest build (2323) of Acronis True Image 9.0 and see the result.

    Please submit a request for technical support. Attach all the collected files and information to your request along with the step-by-step description of the actions taken before the problem appears and the link to this thread. We will investigate the problem and try to provide you with the solution.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
  5. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    Please pardon an OT comment and I mean this in a positive way: It seems that it would be more fair of Acronis Support to start at the bottom of the stack each time they come on line since those posters got in line first.
  6. HD1

    HD1 Guest

    Before I do any of that I need to know what to do with the operation progress window ... I do not want to loose my data

    I am using 2323
  7. mareke

    mareke Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2004
    Sydney Australia
    You should not lose your source files if you cancel based on my experience of cloning (using TI 8.0). The 0 bytes used you got is probably due to the data being inaccessible during the cloning process. After a reboot the source drive should be OK. However since after cloning you are supposed to remove the source drive I'm not sure if rebooting without doing so will go without a hitch but the important thing is that the source drive should still have all data intact as cloning basically involves copying all the data on the source drive to the new drive.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2005
  8. Rick_G

    Rick_G Registered Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Just south of the Big Chicken
    I have also cancelled a clone operation without losing any data on the source drive.
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