Strange Happenings With PG 3.2

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by Pikachu762, Dec 28, 2005.

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  1. Pikachu762

    Pikachu762 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Hi everyone,

    I've been a longtime user of PG, and I'm pretty happy with it. It's a nice program to have.

    However, I've noticed some odd things with this new version. I have all the protections enabled (physical memory, global hooks, etc.). So far, so good.

    I'm noticing that now a number of programs are attempting to access physical memory multiple times, and PG is blocking those attempts. These programs never before created these alerts from PG. One program, Opera, has caused this particular alert before, but it would only cause one or two alerts. Now, it causes multiple alerts in rapid succession.

    So far, I've noticed this multiple physical memory access violation from the following:

    Folding@Home (client version 5.03)
    Opera (latest version, I think it's 8.52 or so)
    Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (it's an older game, and it never caused a physical memory access alert in the past with various other versions of PG)
    iTunes (version 6.01 I think)

    I suspect that PG is being overly sensitive regarding physical memory access in some instances, and it goes nuts when some programs call a certain function which isn't necessarily attempting physical memory access.

    The alerts happen quite rapidly, and when it comes to Opera and Combat Mission, crashes occur which bring me back to the desktop.

    If Gavin or anyone else has some ideas, I'll give 'em a shot and let everyone know what happens. Thanks for your help.

  2. Pikachu762

    Pikachu762 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    Forgot to mention in the OP...

    I'm running WinXP Home, with all the critical updates. I haven't installed things like the .Net framework and the latest cosmetic updates/bugfixes for Outlook Express or Windows Media Player, as I have no need for those.

    The other security software I'm running concurrently with PG consists of AntiVir Free, Spybot Teatimer, and the free version of Outpost.
  3. jwcca

    jwcca Registered Member

    Dec 6, 2003
    Same here, I allowed Port Explorer to Access Phy-Mem but, on the Main tab, if Global Protect Physical Memory is checked, I get the message that PE was blocked. If I uncheck the Global option, the blocks stop.

    Hey, PE is a DCS product, it should get special treatment....

    Jim (W2K-SP4) and PG 3.2
  4. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Definitely a bug. Thanks for the comments, it will be found and stomped on :D
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