Spyware Guard and Screen Savers

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Star, Jul 25, 2003.

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  1. Star

    Star Guest


    I will be brief. I have been running Spyware Blaster and I installed Spyware Guard a few months back.

    I began to notice problems w/screen savers *not* running, not all savers, but 3-D savers! I know now that Spyware Guard was the problem, it is removed and all my screen savers will run. While Spyware Guard was installed the savers would run briefly and just stop.

    I am interested in any feedback offered.

    Thank you,

  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    That's quite interesting - would you mind listing the 3D screen savers that had problems? Also, do you recall approximately how long the screen saver would run before terminating?

    TIA. :)

  3. Star

    Star Guest


    The American Flag, download from Microsoft. The others are my digital pics (IrfanView.scr's).

    I reformatted my HD last wk. and all s/w has been added slowly. Yesterday, I reinstalled Spyware Blaster and Pc-cillin 2003, and after my screens continued to work.

    Today, I installed Spyware Guard back and my screens were broken again, *only will run for 30-60 seconds*.

    I uninstalled Spyware Guard and my screens work again.

    I am running 98-SE, DirectX-9, IE-6.0, Spybot, Pc-cillin 2003, Pop This, (BHO-pop-up stopper).

    Thanks for your time,

  4. Vietnam Vet

    Vietnam Vet Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Hi javacool,

    As I also have the American Flag screen saver from Microsoft, I just tried running it. Screensaver runs less than 5 seconds here before shutting down. Tried disabling individual options in SpywareGuard with no apparent effect in regards to the saver's inability to run. Without disabling any of it's protection components, shutting down SpywareGuard will allow the saver to run.

    WIN98SE, IE6.0SP1, DIRECTX9.0 here.
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