Query re V3.31.232

Discussion in 'FirstDefense-ISR Forum' started by beethoven, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    I upgraded my "classic" version to the latest program with Todd's help. I was lucky to experience both issues listed in the main thread, ie "$ISR Folder not found error message" and then the activeX issue.
    So for all snapshots I went through the uninstall, reinstall procedure and obtained a special file from Todd to replace the set-up exe and ran some command prompt. This new installation of the software in each snapshot (I have three) fixed the "ISR Folder not found issue". Replacing the copy of the set-up file and running the special command fixed the problem of activeX in the first two snapshots.

    Interestingly for the third snapshot this was no longer required, the activeX issue did not pop up even without running the command. Any idea why?

    Also, I understand that if you are affected by the error, you will have to uninstall / reinstall the program in each snapshot. I have not had time to test my archives but I would assume that if I update from an archive created before the new version was installed, this would also apply. Can anyone confirm this? Did anyone having experienced the two issues above test archives already and experience any other issues I should be aware of?
  2. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Don't know about the archives. I updated my snapshots and immediately update the archives, so the problem was solved. As to the third snapshot. No idea.

  3. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    I am probably missing something here :D - but my archives are dated, done months ago and reflecting a specific set-up at the time. While most of the intermediate archives taken prior to updating to XP3 or other specific softwares are no longer relevant, some of the earlier ones represent my "starting" archives with just the OS and perhaps an AV or FW.
    Is there a quicker way to update these than
    1) update from old archive to secondary snapshot
    2) uninstall FD_ISR and reinstall
    3) replace set-up file and run command (assuming the two original errors do appear again0
    4) update from secondary snapshot to original archive
    5) boot back into primary
  4. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    You lost me, but I can tell you are using your archives as a static permenant storage, whereas I use it as if it were a snapshot, constantly updating it.

    I am not totally sure what you are trying to do.

  5. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    You are kind of right - I am using one snapshot as my current backup, that I constantly update ( actually that is based on one of your earlier recommendations and I agree updating is so much faster that way). So yes, updating this archive now is just an easy update without the need for further steps.
    However, I am also keeping a number of "historic" archives in the event that I want to revert back at a later stage. I am thinking that some issues may not be apparent immediately and once my working archive has been updated, my return ticket via this is gone.
  6. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    No doubt keeping the older archives isn't a bad idea. Just another of the many ways we use this program.

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