Problem w/scanning from the context menu!!

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by radicalb21, Nov 3, 2004.

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  1. radicalb21

    radicalb21 Registered Member

    This problem has been ongoing since June '03. Many of you that have been here for a while know what I'm talking about. If you don't know what I'm talking about please look at the following thread:


    I believe I have been very patient in waiting as long as I have for this feature to be added. When you read the thread you will see that ESET says they are working on it but something always comes up. Believe me that excuse has been done to death. I would appreciate a response from a Wilders Security Forum Administrator or from Anton Zajac at ESET. When problems persist for this long I believe there is a problem with the companies Q&A proccess. Lots of forum members were against me at first but that has changed over time and now alot of forum members agree with me that this feature needs to be added. Now with the new ways viruses and worms are being spread it is really needed. The original thread was closed by JAN and ESET which I didn't appreciate. I would also like to request that the original thread be re-opened. Any and all help would be appreciated.
  2. radicalb21

    radicalb21 Registered Member

    Isn't anyone going to reply to my post. This happened before. In the other thread I started.
  3. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    While I am not a user of Nod or affliated in any way with that company....the best I can do is extend a little sympathy for your troubles as you see them.

    However....I feel since an Admin has responded to the best of their ability in the below thread you started a month ago concerning this matter....I would ask you to continue your struggles via that thread Please.

    Having said that....this thread is now closed.

    Admins response--->


    This thread is now re-opened since we have been able to contact an Eset rep who would like to make a post concerning this matter.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2004
  4. radicalb21

    radicalb21 Registered Member

    The thread I was talking about reopening was the one contained in the link. I do appreciate your help Bubba. Could you please forward my new thread I started and you replied in along with the original thread contained in the link to LowWatermark. So he could forward this to ESET for some form of resolution. Thanks for your assistance.
  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Hi radicalb21,

    We believe Anton will reply in this thread regarding this issue. I'm not sure when exactly, but I'd hope to see something posted here within a day.
  6. radicalb21

    radicalb21 Registered Member

    Thanks for the fast response from both admins and moderators of these forums. Your response is very much appreciated LowWatermark and Bubba. I'll wait to see what ESET has to say. Additionally LowWatermark could you please make the original thread contained in the link in my first post available to whoever is responding from ESET as it was closed or locked by JAN from ESET. Thanks again for your help.
  7. jan

    jan Former Eset Moderator

    Hi radical,

    Here is my last post to your previous thread:
    we are working on a new cleaning system for NOD32. Removing/cleaning infected files within compressed files is not an easy task but this feature is on the wishlist and it will be added when it will be due.

    We do not disclose release dates but when this new cleaning system will become available, you'll know about it. Btw, there is a changelog for the product located at:

    Since this thread is huge already and that's all I can say at the moment, I'm closing this thread.

    We apologize for a later reply - there have been connection problems to this forum yesterday from here - it could be also an international connection problems.

    We know that your request is good and we are not ignoring it - as I wrote above - we are working on a new cleaning system and we are closer to it now. Anyway it's fulfilling takes certain amount of time and and we can't tell you exactly when it will be ready - just that it is closer.

    We need to to speed up the development as fast as possible keeping the priorites and quality. What we would appreciate from you would be a bit more patience and understanding, if possible.

    Thanks, :)

  8. anton

    anton Eset Management

    Dear NOD32 Friends, Radical,

    First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to the forum participants for all your efforts, testing, analysis, replications, suggestions, observations, comparatives, etc. leading to improvements of NOD32.

    I want to thank all the moderators for their dedication and effort in answering all the questions to the best of their knowledge in a particular instant of time and in a particular development environment. The AV industry is very dynamic and so is the development process.

    I would also like to thank you for your confidence. NOD32 is developed for you the end-users. Its features should reflect your (‘most crucial’) functional requirements to the maximum extent possible. Unfortunately, as Randell nicely pointed out in his comment:,
    there is no end to the requirements, and we often have to make tough choices that do not please the entire client base. The removal of the 'delete' option for an infected archive in the final V2 release, which Radical identified in one of the beta versions was one example of such a hard choice. Some features that nicely fit the needs of an advanced user may turn out to be disastrous in the hands of a less experienced one. As Randell said, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution and we try to find the right balance under the circumstances.

    Those who closely follow NOD32's development have certainly noticed many improvements in terms of functionality and quality in our product for the last year. The entire development and support team is working very hard to provide what you ask for solid detection and good support. I am sorry we’ve failed to release the cleaning-within-archives feature. It has not been forgotten, it just got placed on the back burner for a while to become a part of the broader picture Jan has mentioned.

    Finally, I would also like to thank those who visit this forum to express their negative attitudes towards NOD32 and clearly stating their reasons. They also contribute to the product improvement, even if their intention might be quite different

    I apologize for not addressing all the comments/questions in this thread, I read them all and will keep them in mind.

    Thanks again for your continuing support and inspiration.

  9. radicalb21

    radicalb21 Registered Member

    Thanks to both Jan and Anton for posting. I appreciate the response from ESET. I understand it got put on the backburner and new cleaning techniques are now being developed and tested. When these features become available for testing I would like to test it. Until these features are available in a final release of the product I will no longer be using NOD32. I still believe this issue should have been resolved by now. Thats just my personal opinion. Other antivirus products have these features and that is a feature I need at this time. I check back ever so often to see what is going on. Bye for now.
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