NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret files reveal

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by Dermot7, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    Agree ! Privacy is that I can write also only " Wow, nice spring morning today ! " and no one have to read it unless I share.
  2. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    Your actions are first, then your possessions and finally your thoughts. When you have nothing left to gain and nothing left to do, you take from others all that which is left, for this is the only thing you don't own.
  3. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications at G20 summits

    Sounds like a typical hacker convention ;)
  4. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

  5. dogbite

    dogbite Registered Member

    Enough to use a VPN to stay away from that risk (at least in the Hotel Wi-fi).
    But, given the awareness about "software security" of politicians, I am sure they could intercept everything...:D
  6. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    They could use a VPN at an internet cafe too. It's kinda a null point.
  7. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Is writing zero's to my hard drive, illegal? II'm seeing a lot of posts from people that seem to be falling into "the" trap. If it's not illegal, it's not suspicious. If I'm taking a picture of my capital building at 3AM, it's legal. What *is* suspicious, is what the NSA is doing. I use every privacy technique on the planet, yet I do nothing illegal...therefore "they" can stick their "suspicion" where the sun don't shine.

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2013
  8. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Like the one Iraq had? I will take *no* balance. 100% freedom, 0% security. Bill of Rights 'Uber Alles'. The founders of the US didn't even want a standing Army. People have been duped into thinking that there are actually bad guys that can destroy countries, LOL. Who started the 2008 financial collapse? Hahaha.

  9. dogbite

    dogbite Registered Member

    I am missing the "like" button. :D
  10. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    The point is, it looks like someone trying to hide something... With all your privacy techniques, what are YOU trying to hide? You can bet someone else is going to notice, and wonder too.. Bottom line: You're calling attention to yourself by doing things that most normal people don't do... ;)
  11. MarcP

    MarcP Registered Member

    My life! Is that a crime?
  12. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    You know I almost always agree with you, so take this in the spirit I intend...

    If you think there aren't "bad guys" who can destroy a country (or set it back for eons) you've fallen for the anarchist crap of a generation that has forgotten history - or never learned it in the first place. The last 2000 years are full of "bad guys" destroying countries.

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2013
  13. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    Why should anyone care what he does? would you like me to make a point of learning your real name and home address?
  14. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    My point was what it looks like when you guys do all this stuff. It's not what a "normal" user does. So it draws attention to you, whether you like it or not. Pretty simple. I really don't care what you do or don't do, or what anyone else cares about or does or doesn't do. It's just a neutral comment from outside the paranoid privacy world... Take it for what it's worth. :)
  15. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    That's an important point. It's best to look as normal as possible. Attracting attention by looking like someone who's trying to hide something is counterproductive. That's why I only connect directly to mainstream VPN services, for example, and never to Tor. That's why I don't drive around with a cantenna looking for open WiFi.
  16. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    After all the recent news, you still think that we're paranoid?


    Please explain that a little.
  17. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    My own personal view on all this is that nothing is private on the internet, period. If one realizes that, and acts and does accordingly, then I don't think problems will arise.

    As for recent events, sure, that does generate some paranoia. But IMO, there is no way any of us will ever know or be able to know what really goes on, so why worry about it. All we can do is trust, and hope there isn't abuse. If there is, then that's another story (IRS for example). But otherwise, what goes on is something we'll never know, and probably something that nobody can really hide from anyway.

    Again, just my 2 cents...
  18. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    I'm interested in you now, I will now proceed to breach your privacy in all ways and track all your activities as your view differs from mine so under my authority you should no longer have the library of privacy. I will know what you do, I will know where you go, where you work, your medical history. I will make it my number one priority and you have no say in the matter.
  19. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Are you 12? :)
  20. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    I'm the NSA, what are you going to do to stop me? I will use what ever leverage that I'm able to find on you for blackmail to make you do what ever i want. If you are clean, I can plant some. How? I have back-doors to all servers you access and can plant incriminating emails directly on the servers.
  21. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    All I can do is refer you to post #113 above... that pretty much sums it up for me. If you want to live in fear, and contort yourself into a pretzel, that's fine. To each his own...
  22. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member


    OK, I get it. I agree that we can't expect to know what's going on, or to change it.

    But I do think that it's possible to create some privacy, and have some fun doing it :)
  23. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    I am making a point you clearly don't understand. What technology is being put into place gives whoever is in control a tactical advantage over you, me the world and everyone. It can be used from spying, insider trading, rigging elections, personal sabotage and much more.
  24. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Of course it does... I understand your point completely. My point is, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
  25. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    People are trying, saying there is nothing we can do and offering no solutions helps nobody. Privacy minded like myself and Mirimir/Lockbox like to use all we have available to us in an attempt to have some semblance of control. Please don't judge us badly and claim we are taking wrong actions, we are doing all we can do for our personal freedoms which is much better then giving up.
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