Is there any way to contact Diamondcs?

Discussion in 'DCS Freeware' started by newer user, Jan 12, 2006.

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  1. newer user

    newer user Guest

    As topic says: is there ANY way to contact guys from Diamondcs? 3 mails, 2 weeks of waiting and still no answer from nor their web-based contact page...
  2. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Hi new user, welcome to the forum.
    Maybe holiday break, birthday celebrations, redesigning stuff, rebuilding website, software --- normally they visit this forum too. You could try an email at (you did not forget that .au ?)or PM Wayne here in the forum in his personal mailbox here.
    That's the only options i can think of this moment.
    Hope you get in touch soon!

    Is there anything we can help you with at the moment? We can't send registration keys but in many cases can help with using the software.
  3. newer user

    newer user Guest

    Thanks for your help, Jooske.
    I'm registered user of tds3 and now found, that this one is discontinued. I've tried contact mail from and I think I didn't miss .au . So I've tried contacts from main site and ... no answer either. Now I really don't know, what happened - did I send my keyfile to a fake site? And now I start worrying, as there is no post here from diamondcs since last year... Holiday season? Or maybe my gmail account's mails are stopped by any spam filter?
    Anyway, an hour ago I've tried again - maybe some luck this time...
  4. newer user

    newer user Guest

    yes, this time I am lucky. Now it is ok, I get what I want (5 hours ago). Thanks again for your support, Jooske!
  5. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Glad it's solved, so we can stop worrying as well!

    TDS was stopped several months ago and that site address was OK, so you never sent it to a fake site. But it should not have been possible to get to the TDS site in any way or you should have got a message there about discontinuing the software.

    The discussions about this you find in the archived forums at the bottom here.
  6. Mr SF Applet

    Mr SF Applet Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2006
    For what it's worth, I'm also having a hard time getting a response from I sent two PayPal payments to that address on January 6, one payment of $39.95 USD for an unlimited home license for Process Guard, and another payment of $39.95 USD for an unlimited home license for Port Explorer.

    That was eleven days ago, and so far I have heard nothing about how to obtain the software, no acknowledgement of payment, no licensing information, nothing. I sent a follow-up email on January 13 to the same address, That was four days ago, but no response.

    I haven't tried the web contact forms yet, and I haven't tried yet, since I didn't come across that address at the web site, but I'm going to try those right now, and perhaps drop a PM to Wayne at this web site per the suggestion above.

    It is most disconcerting to send $79.90 into the ether and to get dead silence in return.
  7. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Sorry to hear it, PM Wayne and he will chase it up
  8. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Please message me your email address so I can check, thanks
  9. Mr SF Applet

    Mr SF Applet Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2006
    Thank you, Wayne. I PM'ed you in the early hours of the morning with my PayPal transaction numbers and my PayPal-linked email address.

    (And I am most happy to report that within the last five minutes I have received email with my serial numbers for Process Guard and Port Explorer. Am looking forward to playing with them and learning how to get the most out of them.)
  10. Red Dawn

    Red Dawn Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2004
    I sent you a private message Wayne about ProcessGuard and my TDS registration, had sent an email over a week ago to DCS as well, hope to hear from someone. Thanks.

    Edit: Got an email today, so all is good...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2006
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