Hide your IP

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by zappa, Jan 27, 2003.

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  1. zappa

    zappa Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Los Angeles, Ca.
    I found an interesting program that hides the originating IP. I will look to the experts for the finalword, thumbs up or down.

    I am behind a router and a firewall, I know it will go around firewall but router...we will see.

    Windows 95,98,Nt, 2000 users uses the SocksCap32 version.

    Please let me know your opinions for those who care to take it around the block.

    -Encrypts all traffic inside the network and beyond it
    -Enforces authentication, authorization, and auditing rules
    -Insulates application infrastructure from attack
    -Extends perimeter security to enable any application to traverse the firewall securely in its native protocol
    -Enables targeted application access from anywhere.

    It's FREE too.

    Nice, I forgot the link....

  2. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    Ummm interesting, will have to look into it.

    Thought I already know about FreeDom ? if anyone knows it. It does about the same thing but it's very high in security. ( A FBI press dood said that Freedom was a f***ing program that drive them nuts cause they can't figure anything out ).


    It's a company base in montreal. ( One of the main reason why this is troubling goverment agencies is that this program is use by people for fraud over the internet and it's widely use. But since the program is legal in all the ways they can't do anything ;) LOL
  3. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    Supports also WinXP.

    I use it for more than 2 years : I am a proxysocks fanatic :D

    Allows you to run nearly any app like SMTP servers, pagers, browsers, FTP clients, etc... without revealing your IP even with Java enable.

    The hard part is to find valid proxysocks, better to find them by yourself, they are down after a few hours on the dedicated lists.

    You might use ProxyHunter or Angry IP Scanner to find proxysocks.

    Of course it slows down the exchanges, more or less according to the used proxysocks. I don't use it for normal surfing but to post on some forum, NG and BBs and always for my SMTP server and Trillian and when I need really good anonymity on some websites or FTP servers.

    socks4 supports TCP, socks5 tcp and UDP.

  4. snowy

    snowy Guest


    did you notice this:

    "The Software may periodically and anonymously automatically communicate with Permeo Technologies' or NEC USA's servers on the Internet to check for updates to the Software, such as patches, enhanced functions, and new versions. Such automatic communications features do not send any personally identifiable information about you"

    anonnymously communicate HUH > nope, I'll pass.
    furthermore, it has always been my personal stand that "ANY" program..no matter who the vendor..if it has an automatic update..its "SUSPECTED"
  5. zappa

    zappa Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Los Angeles, Ca.
    Jack, thanks for the tips and breaking it down for me. Makes life easier with tips like that. Merci.

    Snowy, good eye sir. I did not see that at all.

    to be continued.....
  6. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Sounds interesting, will look for more comments about it.

    In the meantime this:
    visited a web page and looking in the source saw this:
    <!-- ZoneLabs Privacy Insertion -->
    <script language='javascript' src=''></script>
    so it seems ZAPro does some extra too, but as i've seem my IP displayed in other places it's not hiding all time.
  7. Snowy

    Snowy Guest

    My guess is ZAP's privacy controls is blocking Javascript and Java scripts that try to obtain your ip from running. But that's different from hiding your ip . (Most local HTTP proxies like Proxomitron do this too)

    Whenever you access a website, there must always be a source ip to send the data. Hence your ip will appear in the server logs.

    The only way to hide your ip is to use a remote proxy server such that the request appears to be coming from there. Truly annymous proxy servers do not send the x-forwarded for headers.

    Even if you use such services be sure to turn off Java and perhaps most active scripting, since there are tricks that they can do to grab your ip, even with remote proxies hiding your true ip.

    This post was not made by our snowy. Whoever posted this, please use another nick.Pieter
  8. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Try for instance with the source of any of this forum pages, have the same blockage, while there is no java used here.
  9. Notsnowy

    Notsnowy Guest

    Actually it's unclear what exactly ZA is blocking , if anything. It's inserted a javascript pointing to something on your computer.

    But i'm fairly sure it does not make you annoymous , or hides it one bit from server side logs.
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