Comodo Internet Security 3.10.101801.529 Released

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by 3xist, Jul 2, 2009.

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  1. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    COMODO Internet Security 3.10.101801.529 Released
  2. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    cool thanks for the info updates;)
  3. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    is the cis installer smaller than previous?or same?
  4. LagerX

    LagerX Registered Member

    Looks same for me.
  5. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    i will love to see a smaller installer and some improvenment in the antivirus,cause i really likes D+ and it is offer for free:)
  6. Eice

    Eice Registered Member

    Does anyone know what Comodo Secure DNS is and/or what it does?
  7. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    2 - What is COMODO Secure DNS?
    COMODO Secure DNS is a free DNS service offered by COMODO as an alternative to your ISPs DNS servers. During the installation, if you opt-in for this feature, the installer will automatically modify your adapters' DNS server settings. COMODO Secure DNS servers are faster, more secure and smarter.
  8. Eice

    Eice Registered Member


    I was actually hoping that it was some sort of feature that lets you define a local DNS server on your local machine/network - I certainly could use something like that right now.
  9. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    ah i see
  10. cruxx

    cruxx Registered Member

    It's nice all these security suites offer (sic) to modify this and that, DNS, search options, browser settings and so on but it's really just more for me to check up on on and see what has actually happened to my system after an installation is complete.
    Less is sometimes more methinks.
  11. raven211

    raven211 Registered Member

    Great - that explains nothing about how it achieves this. Yes, I think that's kinda stupid to be honest. I want the "why" and "how" behind things before I use them - not just PR **** (this is not against you specifically COMODO, don't worry). Before that, I see nothing useful in using something, even if I'm sure it's a great addition - I want more detailed information on this.

    On another note, 3xist, when can we see the Smart Mode being introduced (1) and (2) does it apply to the D+ as well? :) I recall some of you guys saying it would be introduced in the version after the previous one, but I totally understand if it didn't make it into this release, looking at the list of changes - just curious. ;)
  12. Makav3l1

    Makav3l1 Registered Member

    Should we opt into this DNS thing or not?
  13. Eice

    Eice Registered Member

    That'd be putting an inordinate amount of trust in Comodo, seeing how you're giving them control over which site your browser(s) take you to after you enter a URL in the address bar. After the toolbar fiasco and how Comodo is selling certificates to malware domains, you decide whether they're worthy of that level of trust.
  14. firzen771

    firzen771 Registered Member

    anyone know what the difference is with the "new" toolbar compared to the "old" one?
  15. Wildest

    Wildest Registered Member

    OpenDNS works great and is well-regarded; just use that.
  16. Wildest

    Wildest Registered Member

    I wish there was some way to find out specifically if any of the moderators here use any CIS products; this info would definitely be helpful.
  17. raven211

    raven211 Registered Member

    If it's still just another Ask-toolbar, I'm not interested at all. Besides, I run Opera as my browser, so it would make no difference - toolbars will never be a part of my system. If you're forced to use it for some software to work, I'll not use that software at all - just to note.
  18. mvdu

    mvdu Registered Member

    It's still related to the company that makes Ask.

    Personally, I'm waiting until Comodo 4.0 to consider trying it. Because I think that's when the improvements would be most noticeable, and I also want to see how the company reacts to the criticism it has gotten.
  19. Wildest

    Wildest Registered Member

    I agree.
    As they say, once bitten twice shy, and Melih has been bitten so many times I would be surprised if he didn't change tack.

    IAC I think that overall, Comodo has been good for the industry.
    They have increased interest and awareness, and have forced other companies to react, to the benefit of user (Would there be an OA Free without Comodo? :doubt: ).

    Even if you don't use/like their product, they are good to have around. :thumb:
  20. Einsturzende

    Einsturzende Registered Member

    maybe by "more secure" means that they log your surfing habits and send to companies such is Ask or some other thing like block malicious domains maybe?... guys additional info would be essential to everybody who want to use Comodo DNS servers...
    faster o_O, more secure o_O, smarter o_O...
  21. mvdu

    mvdu Registered Member

    Yep, I hope Comodo stays around, does well, and is competition for the pay for security companies while having trust.
  22. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Hi Guys

    Let me try and answer some questions. :)


    Is "Smart Mode" in this release? No, it isn't. And I apologize for saying before that it WAS going to be in this release! I'll be sure next time to keep my mouth shut unless I know for sure so you guys don't want a peroid of time and think "So, he said it's in release! where is it?" - Anyway I"ll keep you updated on this for you guys.

    What is HopSurf? It’s a way to "Watch Internet" (like you watch TV but now you can watch Internet)

    It’s a way to discover new and relevant sites on Internet (how can you find new funky stuff for yourself for your interest? Well now you can. This also has the ability to auto surf and many other features as well as backend infrastructure for Social Authentication.

    Why launch Hopsurf:

    It’s because ‘every’ decision you make is an important authentication information. This helps Comodo Authenticate web content and make that available back to you!

    The dawn of Social Authentication begins right here, right now!

    The dedicated Hopsurf browser extension toolbar is available for the following browsers.
    - Internet Explorer 5.01 and above
    - Firefox 2.x and above
    - Seamonkey
    - Netscape Navigator

    Hopsurf can also be used without the dedicated toolbar, and in other browsers such as Firefox and Opera using bookmarkets available via the website. However, you do NOT need to install it to employ all security features that are in CIS! This is just a stumble-upon program for favorite sites.

    What is Secure DNS?

    Help File:

    Comodo Secure DNS service replaces your existing Recursive DNS Servers and resolves all your DNS requests exclusively through Comodo's proprietary Directory Services Platform. Most of the networks use recursive DNS services that are provided by their ISP or that reside on their own set of small DNS servers but it becomes essential to have a secure and broadly distributed DNS service to have a faster and safe DNS resolution.

    Background Note: Every device on the Internet is uniquely identified by a 32-bit number (IPv4) or a 128-bit number (Ipv6). While this is perfectly satisfactory for computers, humans are far more comfortable remembering names rather than a string of numbers. The Domain Name System (DNS) provides the translation between those names and numbers. Virtually every piece of software, device, and service on the Internet utilizes DNS to communicate with one another. DNS also makes this information available across the entire span of the Internet, allowing users to find information remotely.

    Comodo Secure DNS is a broadly distributed Recursive DNS service that gives you full control to determine how your clients interact with the Internet. It requires no hardware or software and provides reliable, faster, smarter and safer Internet experience.

    Reliable –a Comodo Secure DNS Directory Services Platform currently spans across five continents round the world. This allows us to offer you the most reliable fully redundant DNS service anywhere. Each node has multiple servers, and is connected by several Tier 1 carriers to the Internet.

    Faster – Our strategically placed nodes are located at the most optimal intersections of the Internet. Unlike most DNS providers, Comodo Secure DNS Directory Services Platform uses Anycast routing technology – which means that no matter where you are located in the world, your DNS requests are answered by the closest available Comodo Secure DNS set of servers. Combine this with our huge cache and we can get the answers you seek faster and more reliably than anyone else. Furthemore, our "name cache invalidation" solution signals the Comodo Secure DNS recursive servers anytime one of our authoritative customers or partners updates a DNS record, fundamentally eliminating the concept of a TTL.

    Smarter – Comodo's highly structured search and guide pages get you where you want to be, when you inadvertently attempt to go to a site that doesn’t exist.

    Safer – As the leading Internet Security Solutions provider, Comodo is keenly aware of the dangers that plague the Internet today. Comodo maintains a real-time block list (RBL) of harmful websites (i.e. phishing sites, malware sites, etc.), to warn users about when they attempt to access them. You can trust us to protect you and your customers from many of the known online dangers.

    To start Comodo Secure DNS service the DNS settings of your computer has to be modified to point to our server's IP addresses. Comodo Internet Security automatically modifies the DNS settings of your system during its installation to get the services. You can also modify the DNS settings of your system manually, if you haven't selected the option during installation. You can also revert to the previous settings if you want, at anytime.

    That's the most detailed explanation. Btw guys: This is the last v3 build series of CIS (Firewall & Antivirus) - UNLESS an emergency fix needs to be done, Then it's all focus on CIS v4 - Which will come in 6-8 months. It will include New GUI, Time Machine, Behavior Blocker, etc and some smart roll back tech... I am sure there are others.

    This 3.10 is all about family signatures (generic) (Since Comodo Secure DNS and Comodo Hopsurf are completely optional without reducing security), And others are fixes/small improvements. This is a big step in detection for Comodo, and now it's just about creating all these signatures, including generic signatures, and getting the CIS AV, to be one of the best AV's. No more builds until 4.0 (unless emergency build needs to happen), There will be an emergency build out soon btw.

  23. IceCube1010

    IceCube1010 Registered Member

    You really have to give them credit. They are very tenacious in what they do. Like the previous poster said, if hate or love them they are very good to have around. It will keep the security industry on their heels.

    They do make a very good product used in the right hands.

    Just my .02 cents
  24. Eice

    Eice Registered Member

    I honestly can't help but chuckle at the irony in this. If Comodo is so "keenly aware" of harmful websites, why sell security certificates to them?

    That said, I'll give the DNS service a spin anyway. I typically see 200-300ms latency from my ISP DNS servers, and browsing "heavy" websites that call elements from multiple domains produces noticeable slowdowns if I'm not using a browser with DNS prefetching. Hopefully Comodo lives up to their claims of speed.
  25. Wildest

    Wildest Registered Member

    This really sums up the problem I have with CIS, and it all revolves around the concept of "free".

    IMO there is always some price to be paid for anything.

    If I buy a license for OA or a-squared, I know that I can voice my opinion on their forum, and it will be respected because I paid money for their product.
    With CIS, my opinion is essentially meaningless, since because it is "free", all I will get is, "You should be grateful, you are getting something for free!".
    Well, I don't want my security vendor to "do me a favor so I can be eternally grateful"; I want a product that satisfies my needs, and I am willing to pay for it.
    With CIS, my only option to pay financially is to buy a CIS Pro license, which entitles me to have some unknown tech from some unknown country have full control over my PC; something that I do not want, or need!
    So if I want to use CIS my only choice is to be subjected to the whims of its CEO, and deal with Ask Toolbars and other gimmicks.
    Well, thanks for your "free", but I prefer to have as much control over what goes on my PC as possible.

    Of course, this is just my personal opinion.
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