BOClean Version 4.20

Discussion in 'other anti-trojan software' started by Imagetriangle, Nov 29, 2005.

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  1. Imagetriangle

    Imagetriangle Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2005
    Seoul, S. Korea
    After having watched carefully all the dispute over the nowadays Anti-Trojan software in the PC security-phillia-fora I made up my mind to give it a trial. And I gladly announce of BOClean Version 4.20. Voila! I just purchased it, and it was not BOClean Version 4.12 but BOClean Version 4.20.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2005
  2. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    would you please post some screenies about the configuration panel?

    Thanx in advance,

  3. chia

    chia Registered Member

    Jun 10, 2004
    Well that's good news, means it's close to getting out to current users to play with. :D Can't wait.
  4. Caliban

    Caliban Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2003
    Here it is.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2005
  5. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
  6. Imagetriangle

    Imagetriangle Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2005
    Seoul, S. Korea
    Hello, Infinity, I'm afraid that I am not able to content your requst due to my little computer operation knowledge; however, here's the link to it. Probably you already are aware of the site's address.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2005
  7. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    yep I'm aware of their site hehe I'm satisfied user of boclean too but thanx Imagetriangle

    not too many changes...I'm curious for version 5 however (ain't we all...) 4.12 did it's job good on all our pc's at home. This eve I'll upgrade to 4.20

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2005
  8. muf

    muf Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Manchester, England
    Just checked my digital river extended download and it still says v4.12 I'm sure it will be updated in good time. :)

  9. PnP

    PnP Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2003

    try to download... say 4.12 but the version are 4.20 because the size of file changed..
  10. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    I updated to 4.20 about a half hour ago. But I notice that when you open and then close the menu, the icon in the system tray does not turn blue to indicate a system scan after closing like 4.12 did.
  11. muf

    muf Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Manchester, England
    Yep, Just got v4.20(thanks PnP) and you are right Hammer, it no longer highlights in blue once the meu is minimised.

    Mele20 should be made up. There's an option to turn off the 10 second cycle flash.


    [edit: I tried the option to turn off the flashing icon but i had to close down and restart BOClean to get it to initialise. Just some advice - you may need to do the same].
  12. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Greetings! I'm in "calm before the storm" mode and decided I'd better visit here now before the insanity begins later - there won't be any time for a few days at least to come "visit the groups" given all the upgrades we're going to be handing out.

    ANYONE who purchased the "extended download" from our Digital River site, regardless of which version of BOClean they originally bought, can go and collect the 4.20 without any wait at all. The strangeness is because Digital River expects to replace only the original version sold as it is customary for any software "vendor" to CHARGE for an upgrade and thus their system is set up to provide you ONLY the version you actually purchased on that plan.

    We're different in that we provide the upgrades at no charge, and DR simply isn't set up to deal with that just for us. As such, we spent the night replacing several older versions on their site with 4.20 so that whatever your original version purchase was, if you go back for the extended download, regardless of the version on the screen there, you WILL get 4.20. It's out now! All you need to do is go back and collect it IF you purchased the "extended download" when you bought BOClean.

    For those who are sending email to upgrade(at), we're still putting together the database that our folks will be working from and gathering all the information we have in order to make it as painless as possible for everybody (including Nancy and the office folks) ... we don't make any money on these free upgrades, so bear with us ... before I call it a night after getting the technical side together, am still working on the "office side" ... folks who didn't go for the "extended download" should start getting their copies around noonish US Eastern time.

    With respect to the "blue flash" on menu closing, as there are more and more nasties, and more interfering "trashy security programmes" out there, BOClean *had* to get "smarter" in order to get around the conflicts of others. Folks might notice a new "BOCDRIVE.SYS" kernel driver - that now handles from the kernel itself a new "smart monitor" and "system state tracker" which keeps track of what's running, what's been seen before, and speeds up BOClean while hiding from misbehaving and other poorly designed programmes. As a result, we no longer have to do a "mystery meat" discard and thorough complete rescan of everything anymore.

    Whilst BOClean 4.20 pretty much looks the same as it always did, "under the hood" it's entirely new. Therefore, if nothing has changed since you opened the menu, then there's nothing to check since the kernel driver monitors all of that now. If you wish to see your "blue meenies" (heh) then while the menu is open, go open up something else. Then close the menu. Voila, BOClean spots a change and deals ONLY with what's changed. Since we wore out the "faster, better, smarter" silliness on the 4.12 release, sometimes silence is the better answer. But the reason for the major digit change to 4.20 instead of 4.13, the reason for that major increment is that BOClean 4.20 has entirely new code. It was about time. :)

    Even happier news will be experienced by those who run Process Guard and NOD32 ... the new code steps out of the way of other programmes' conflicts so they can beat on each other instead of us. (grin) That as the MAJOR reason for the redesign. That, and things ZoneAlarm, KIS2006 and a raft of others have decided to do for which WE got the blame.

    All in all, I expect folks will be quite pleased. And I'll be back hopefully in a week or two once everybody's got theirs and I can finally inhale again! *puppy*
  13. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Correct ... part of an antitamper to prevent changes from taking effect unless you actually shut it down yourself and restart. We've seen far too many nasties "remote-controlling" security apps which is why I found ZoneAlarm's (and others) claiming that BOClean was either a keylogger, stealing "windows messages" or other silly responses based upon the apparent full employment of amateurs who could "spot a hook" but had NO idea of what was really going on there. :)

    I *truly* enjoyed the "BOClean is a keylogger" bit. Heh.
  14. chia

    chia Registered Member

    Jun 10, 2004
    Thanks Kevin for the detailed explanation and as always for the great tireless work. Looking forward to giving it a go. :)
  15. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hey Kevin,

    Thanks a lot for all your hard work !!!
    It is so very much appreciated !!! :D

    I'll send the email soon to get the new one (for me and for those folks (family/friends) I bought it for ;)).

    Thanks to you, Nancy, and the whole PSC-crew :)

    Most warmest regards, Jan.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2005
  16. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    I'm at work rigfht now so I can't recall exactly what it said , but has anyone seen a screen pop up as you are shutting down your computer saying BOClean is closing and save any work you have or something to that effect?
  17. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    I need to reinstall BOClean......i got this email.....

    We are sending this encrypted file as a default, or as you requested. This file is designed to get through all the blocks we're aware of. Relax, it's easier than you may think....

    It's a good idea to set your email to prompt for a location to save files to. The decoder is designed to work from the desktop, so it'll be easier if you can save the file attached to the next message to the desktop as well.

    This will sound more complicated than it actually will be. Two steps are required in order to extract your replacement BOClean installer. This is necessary because the file attached to the "Step Two" email is encoded and cannot be run by itself.


    Come to our site and download the decoder here ...

    Save the file to your DESKTOP. A square gray icon called "decode" should appear if you are successful. Let this icon sit there for a moment, you're going to use THIS to actually extract the program in a few seconds.

    Step Two email follows. It will have the BOClean file attached.
    Anticookie software invented here
    Antitrojan software perfected here
    Privacy Software Corporation

    My question is it on the up and up ?

  18. muf

    muf Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Manchester, England
    If you mean is it legit, then yes. Taken from the BOClean website
    we will send an encrypted file and instructions on how to get the decoder program download from us

    Look here, scroll down and read the third paragraph. The one that starts with "Send an email to..."

    You did want to know if it was legit? It's just that "is it on the up and up ?" is not clear.

  19. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Damned WHINERS! Heh. Yeah, what we're doing is simply that email blocks exist seemingly everywhere, and in the supposed name of "pro-active" where Microsoft still allows SCRIPTING containing all sorts of viruses to run, but blocks legitimate programs, and where "proactive" in terms of the other clueless vendors means that if it's an executable or ZIP file, let's just KILL it without even TRYING to determine if it's legit or not.

    So what we've done is use an encryption on the file we send to those who INSIST upon using Outbreak or Outhouse Express which will just EAT anything which uses the ZIP or EXE format. Used to be that if we renamed it to something like "002" instead of "EXE" or "ZIP" that it used to get through. No more. NOW it has to be encrypted as ""what do you want to use to open this file" ... correct answer is "Byte me, DON'T open it." Heh.

    We ask you to come to OUR site (and any "anti-phishing" tool will show ya the truth, so they claim) and download "DECODE.EXE" directly from our site. After all, if you KNOW it's REALLY our site, and you trust US, then download it and it will decode it. If ya DON'T trust us ... wellllll ... :)

    But I figured given our files being turned into ZL9's by BoneAlarm and LOSING the "how to rename a ZL9 to an EXE" battle when the majority of folks can't SEE file extensions (THANK YOU MICROSOFT for NOT letting people know that the JPG they're looking at is REALLY an EXE! THANK YOU for the REASON why BOClean EXISTS!) and don't WANT to reset their file explorer, and dozens of dumbass "security programs" which do even DUMBER things, that it would be a losing battle trying to send a program that everything flags as "Danger, danger Will Robinson" while all of the VIRUSES still get through. :(

    So what we did is that if folks have a DECENT email program, then we can send it as an EXE or a ZIP, no problem, there you are. But if you have Outhouse or Outbreak Express, then the file never gets to you even if it's taking up space on your drive after it was actually downloaded, but never showed. Microsoft's solution to EVERY risk and danger is to just HIDE it. Like children hiding those lima beans they didn't want to eat at dinnertime under the chair in the livingroom. :(

    So our solution was to find a way to get *OUR* "malware" (BOClean) past the "guards" ... whoopsie! THIS works! When you download the decoder from OUR site, then it can be turned into what it was and for all the "pro-active" of our "competitors" ... whoops! There's your BOClean! On YOUR end! Heh.

    At least we're nice and don't auto-run the decoded. Whoops! Oh yes we do! As soon as you drag it to the box, our file that slipped past the guards with encryption not only runs, but installs BOClean instantly! Aren't you please that all of that other "protective" stuff actually allowed our "every malware author already does this, we might as well also since it's the ONLY thing that works getting past firewalls, spam filters, and MSAS" ... heh.

    But yeah, that's PRECISELY how stupid the antimalware vendors have gotten in stopping EVERYTHING except creativity. And observing "creativity" nightly on this end is precisely what scares us here. And why your concerns are valid. But yeah, we did what malware does to easily sneak by "pro-active" and GET you your BOClean update. :)
  20. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    Spiking has been reduced by quite a bit. I use it with NOD.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2005
  21. dwax

    dwax Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2002
    How long did it take to get the update? I have been waiting 4 hourso_O o_O
  22. roddy32

    roddy32 Security Expert

    Nov 29, 2004
    Kansas, USA
    This is a quote from the e-mail notice. "Please allow at least 24 hours to receive a reply. We'll get your software to you as quickly as possible, but it's still possible there will be delays. Being sure the file attachment will get through first will be the biggest help in getting your file faster, and will prevent delays due to resend requests. It is our policy to send an email first which will let you know the file is coming. The file will follow within a minute or so after you receive the first email. If you do not receive the file within ten minutes maximum after the first email, then the file was blocked by your email program, spam filters or other security software. "

    It was about 5 1/2 hours before I got mine but I was one of the early requesters. :)
  23. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    EDS is wonderful. :D
  24. If we CHARGED for the updates, we'd have more people to do it faster. We've already gotten some mighty insulting emails from people who got their file within five hours. The announcement states that upgrades can take upwards of *24* TWENTY-FOUR hours.

    Perhaps future upgrades will be twenty dollars so we can afford to have enough people to do it faster. Apologies, but the upgrade is FREE. Shall we charge? Normally, BOClean upgrades are delivered to administrators who deploy it to thousands of desktops with one SINGLE upgrade sent to them. For those who PAID the US$4.95 for the "extended download," ALL of those people GOT their upgrade already by clicking on the link they paid for. It's only those who DIDN'T go for the extended download who have to wait. You GET what you paid for, and there's only TWO of us here doing the best we can.

    Apologies, but we're dancing as FAST as we can. :( We're very tired, and are running on very little rest with dim prospects for same.
  25. roddy32

    roddy32 Security Expert

    Nov 29, 2004
    Kansas, USA
    I sent a thank you e-mail when I got mine which Nancy answered. :D

    Great product and service Kevin and Nancy.
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