Big Brother is now really watching you!!

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by Smokey, Jul 19, 2003.

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  1. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Borrowing from technology for tracking pets, a U.S. company on Thursday launched Mexican sales of microchips that can be implanted under a person's skin and used to confirm health history and identity.

    The microchips, already available in the United States, could tap into a growing industry surrounding Mexico's criminal concerns. Kidnappings, robberies and fraud are common here, and Mexicans are constantly looking for ways to protect themselves against crime.

    The microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is implanted in the arm or hip. Hospital officials and security guards use a scanning device to download a serial number, which they then use to access blood type, name and other information on a computer.

    Implanted into the arm

    In a two-hour presentation, Palm Beach, Florida-based Applied Digital Solutions introduced reporters to the VeriChip and used a syringe-like device and local anesthetic to implant a sample in the right arm of employee Carlos Altamirano.

    "It doesn't hurt at all," he said. "The whole process is just painless."

    Another chip user, Luis Valdez, who is diabetic, said the chip is "as innovative to me as the cell phone."

    In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has said it would not regulate the implant as long as it contains no medical data. Thus, the information is stored in a separate database and not on the chip itself. Although regulations are different in Mexico, the Mexican version of the chip will still use the database framework.

    Hospitals to get scanners

    Antonio Aceves, the director of the Mexican company in charge of distributing the chip here, said that in the first year of sales, the company hoped to implant chips in 10,000 people and ensure that at least 70 percent of all hospitals had the technology to read the devices.

    Similar technology has been used on dogs and cats as a way to identify the pets if they are lost or stolen.

    Company officials said they are working on developing similar technology that would use satellites to help find people who may have been kidnapped.

    While the idea of using the chip to track people has raised privacy concerns in the United States, the idea has been popular with Mexicans.

    For now, VeriChip can help confirm a kidnap victim's identity only after a body is found.

    Source: AP, Mexico City
  2. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon


    Criminals well use this to get a clean id

    on the black markert one could take out someone to get a legal id

    to avoid law inforcement
  3. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    :cool: look im paul i have his chp no wants no warrents im clean no criminal record let me threw

    thats the prblem with this type of idenification
  4. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

  5. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Not smart Blazey. I betcha he would send you his exes. ;)


  6. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    hafta admit blaze had this idea before they did - I'll be your witness Blazer :cool:
  7. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    :D well for violent sex offenders and children this chip would be a good ideal.

    but for reguler adults with no criminal reacord it is an invastion of privacy.

    medical id bracelet can still be used rather then chip or even medical dog tags.

    i feel more and more that our country has become under marshall law but know one really notices it because are rights are slowely being taken alway very sudely.

    i can think of literly hundreds of illigal things i can do with a black market chip

    i mean the posiablitys of comiting crimes with these chips are endless

    i could take out joe blow get his chip and go on a shoping spree.

    i can fake my owen death

    i can steal some ones idenity

    i can comit crimes and have an alibie because my causin is in the movie thearther watching a movie with my chip why im comiting crimes

    lots a problems with this.

    it better to use chips on violent sex ofenders and children

    children can have them removed at 16 with parents permistion or 18 legal age as an adult.

    i mean i remember all the stuff i did as a kid

    all the girls that snuke threw my bedroom window

    id want low jack on my kids it scary here in washintion it common for 13 year old to get pregnet

    half the population marys there jr high sweet hearts

    it crazy i use to go out drinking and partying till 5 or 6 am i was only 13.

    and it not the parents fault either as kids we think of some geniuse ways to get alway with stuff
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