XpHome support end....

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by uiyugdkhg, Jan 5, 2006.

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  1. uiyugdkhg

    uiyugdkhg Guest

    HI... What do you guys and girls think about that ?

    I'm disgusted.

  2. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    Jesus, that will be the end of Microsoft if they don't change that ridiculous stance.

    Considering that XP Home and XP Professional are virtually identical, their rigid enforcement of their marketing differences between the two products are unlikely to be seen as anything other than blatant profiteering by the richest corporation in the world.

    The only options for continued security updates for you if you are currently happily using XP Home are

    1. "Upgrade" to XP Professional, to swell Microsoft's coffers with no tangible benefits to you, the customer.

    2. Give in and "upgrade" to Vista, opening your PC to the dangers of TCM.

    3. Switch to Linux. Ahh.

    All this is of course unnecessary if you consider that XP Home will not need any further security updates after the end of 2006. On past performance, anyone with that view is mad.
  3. <DreamCatcher>

    <DreamCatcher> Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2006
    "For consumer products, security updates will be available through the end of the mainstream phase. For Windows XP Home Edition, there will be no security updates after 12/31/06." >Are they serious?

    ''I suspect that Microsoft will grant a stay of execution for Windows XP Home, because the alternative is to create a PR nightmare that would also leave customers fuming''

    I really hope Microsoft come to there senses with this, just try and imagine how many new Pcs are being sold with XP Home at the moment. Imagine if this goes ahead there will be such a backlash against MS considering that Windows 98 was granted update support for security patches until end of 2006!
  4. lkutdtd

    lkutdtd Guest

    Which backlash?
  5. dreamcatcher

    dreamcatcher Guest

    Just saying there might be!
  6. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Windows XP Home Edition is a widely used OS today. Which is why I suspect that there will be some sort of extension to the support, however, Microsoft may not extend the mainstream support and directly push Windows XP Home to the extended phase without any transitionary phase (like they did for Windows Me) for another 18 months or so, which means there will be no more non-security hotfixes or feature additions after December 31, 2006, which IMO is unfair.
  7. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    It's grossly unfair, which leaves me wondering why anyone should trust MS not to do this again if they were to pay out money for a version of Vista which, at the time of purchase, looked to be good for many years to come. We can only judge companies on past and current behaviour and on that score, MS are terrible, not to be trusted, which is ironic considering they really want everyone to trust them with respect to Trusted Computing. They really don't get it, do they?
  8. sytrzqstr

    sytrzqstr Guest

    I may be wrong about that, but as I understand it, there won't be any security hotfix either, except for those which will run both on xppro and xphome if any...
  9. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    I've been sitting at an old Dell Pentium III 500mhz with 512mg of ram since the first beta of Vista (Longhorn) was announced,resisting the temptation to buy a new one. Because 1 month after I got this then top of the line computer with Windows 98SE installed XP was released. Dell tried to tell me my machine couldn't upgrade to XP. I upgraded anyway sucessfully. Point is that programs came out that would not work with 98 or if they did work there were problems or feature restrictions. So I'll wait for Vista to be released before getting a new machine as support is neccessary for this home user and Vista is supposed to be more secure.
  10. zcv

    zcv Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2002
    "if any", well, I get my hot fixes from the Update Catalog center > XP SP2, no distinction between Pro / He.

    Regards - Charles
  11. T772

    T772 Guest

    So is there really any point in buying a new Machine with XP home or Pro come to it?
  12. zcv

    zcv Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2002
    I have a 4 year old Dell, and I don't plan to get a new system until Vista is a few months old. But that decision has nothing to do with this anouncement. What that has to do with is the hardware requirements of Vista.

    If you really need a system now, I would get a 64 bit system - XP Pro only, and make sure it has a top of the line video card. When vista comes out, then you can either upgrade or probably better, clean install.

    Regards - Charles
  13. T772

    T772 Guest

    ZCV, yeah i understand the point you are making. But my concern is that there will be no more security updates after 31/12/06, so millions of PCs will be left open to future exploits. This sounds alarming to me, dont know about everyone else?
  14. zcv

    zcv Registered Member

    Dec 11, 2002
    Don't think that will happen.

    The timeline for XP was first created in late 2001, and like the timeline for 98, based on the premise that XP's successor would be introduced 3 years afterwards, in 2004. That never happened.

    Regards - Charles
  15. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
  16. RobZee

    RobZee Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2004
    I am in the same position, except it's a Plll 1.0ghz 512RAM. I have added additional HDD's (internal & external) and optical drive, but the hardware is now pretty much maxed out. I'll also wait for Vista.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  17. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    I run 2 machines, a p3 866 laptop and a 1.2ghz server, because its more productive than buying a single more exspensive machine. I waited until SP2 for XP came out before upgrading from Win 2K (which I ran from Beta 3).

    IMHO, I belive Win 2K is going to get extended support until 2010 !
    Why ? Because Microsofts biggest customers are coperate and most of them stuck with Win 2k, skipping WinXP, waiting for the next total new OS, but Microsoft also knows coperate customers take their time evaluating operating systems, so they are gonna extend support past the launch of Vista to cover the overlap, its gotta happen, or Microsoft are going to not be able to support the majority of their clients and end up loosing a lot of custom.
  18. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    That's good for me. I'll simply upgrade from XP Home to 2000 when the time comes...
  19. There are rumours of a Service Pack 3 for XP. Microsoft will support XP for 12 months after the latest Service Pack release. If Service Pack 3 is going the be released the support will also be extended until 12 months after the release of Support Pack 3.

    A Microsoft Netherlands spokesman yesterday stated that XP Home will be supported for two years after the release date of Vista. The information that XP Home was going to be supported until the end of the year was inaccurate and caused by outdated information on the Microsoft life cycle page. Microsoft is working hard to update this information.
  20. boban10

    boban10 Guest

    I have AMD Athlon 2500+ m, and im using XP pro. I will upgrade in 2007, when new video card plus AMD quad-core cpu will take advantage of Vista new features. As for Xp home, i dont think MS will do that.
  21. Joliet Jake

    Joliet Jake Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2005
    Grrrrr, where does Gates live? ;)

    Any chance that people will stop targetting XP Home if Gates pulls the plug on support?
  22. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    Microsoft Extends XP Home Support To '08

  23. Antarctica

    Antarctica Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2003
    Two years, is that a gift or whato_O

    I am working as Technical Support for a big International Company and the law is clear. We have to support the products 10 years after the production ends.

    Why is it that there is so much difference for Microsoft?
  24. Cochise

    Cochise A missed friend

    Jan 26, 2003
    North Thoresby Lincs Good Olde England
    The answer to that is simple...because Bill and his head-working money grubbing entourage say so.......If you think they are worried about their Customers..Dream on.......If you think they actually give a monkies chuff whether you stay or go or do a rain-dance...Dream on......All they want is your money...whatever you do don't expect too much in return that way you won't be disappointed....I'm amazed that this piece of news from M$ comes as a surprise.....Mother Therese died ages ago..:D :D :D

    As for me, I've been on a Computer for four years only.....I've never D/Ld one single VITAL update of any kind ever......I D/Ld SP2 and found it to be utter crap and dumped it.....I wasn't struck by M$ lightening.....my machine has never suffered anything even remotely dramatic.....

    If you think about it, how dare a Conglomerate like M$ bring out new stuff to put on your beloved little Computer and then, in a trice, spew out kazillions of 'Important' updates that say "If you fail to load all this garbage, your Compy will be zapped from the Planet Zog" and your life as you know it will be in your History File........and then say "Oh!..we've decided to dump you all..Bye!...

    It's just a shame that nobody has been able to come up with something easy to use that would negate Honest Bill and bring him back to the same Planet we live on.......I hope Vista turns into a Fistula...won't say where:ouch:

    As far as I'm concerned he can stick his mean-minded threats where the Monkey shoves his nuts......:D :D..................Rant over...Sorry for that...

  25. liyufyf

    liyufyf Guest

    Talking about that, how come a system like MacOS does not fill in this role? It's smart, stable, few security holes as far as I know, easier to use than openSources [which are still quiet difficult for newbies, except perhaps for Mandrake or live cds]... Is it a question of money, or do they lack many features?
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