Nod32 AV is Running but No Green Eye is Visible?

Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by sandman423, Aug 12, 2008.

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  1. sandman423

    sandman423 Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Well I am not sure about this...I installed Nod32 AV on my laptop and In the Taskbar I don't see the Green Eye anywhere...I updated to SP3 for WinXp and it showed up but when I restarted a few times I don't get it anymore...

    How do I get the Green Eye Back so I can see if I am safe or not? It is weird because I looked in my Task Manager and See ekrn.exe and egui.exe running so they have to be working.


    Also my latest updates are...3350 (20080812)

    Issues updating like everyone else...Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. The last version of updates I had was from 8/8/2008 and today I manually tried to update and it worked..Took me several tries and a couple of reboots but it worked.
  2. man1

    man1 Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2007
    first make sure you didnt do any changes in the "Customiza Notificatios\Taskbar and start menu properties" , and the icon is not set to "Always Hide" ;
    then kill the process egui.exe using taskbar and start again Nod32 from Start menu ;

    if it didnt help you unistall Nod32 completely ( and remove all of its tracks from registry) and install it again and see if the problem is removed ;
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  3. Togg

    Togg Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2003
    My taskbar icon occasionally fails to put in an appearance at bootup, (it's missing now and sometimes was when I had 2.7), but it always comes back, eventually.

    I have the startup splash screen enabled, so I know it's running even if the icon doesn't show up, and the update messages continue to appear at bottom right of the screen, so I relax and live with it.

    There have been other threads on this topic and some people have tried using third party programs to prioritise their startups to try and ensure that NOD isn't pushed to the back of the queue.

    PS: Icon restored at bootup on Thursday 14th August. It may stick around for a few days or weeks, but I expect it will disappear again!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2008
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