Linux vs Windows

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Antarctica, Feb 25, 2007.

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  1. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Does your company advertise Linux alongside Windows with the same prominence ? My point was that is one reason why Linux is not widespread, Im not saying it should or should'nt just that the methods of distribution are vastly different and make it hard to make a fair comparision.

    They only represent a limited reality based on a limited sampling.

    So are you now only talking about the end user market now ?
    ... as that is unfair comparison, as Linux has more use (in history and numbers) as a server than a workstation.

    So lets stack up servers against servers as a seperate comparison and see how they compare as that would be fairer ?

    Dispute ? to quote myself..
  2. Ice_Czar

    Ice_Czar Registered Member

    May 21, 2002
    Boulder Colorado
    unless they own a cell phone, or anyone of a hundred other devices with embedded OS's, or unless they use the internet. :p

    everybody has a tale to tell the trick is to sort the wheat from the chaff
    of course you leveling a charge of fanboyism is the pot calling the kettle black
    I should have guessed that even once caught redhanded youd be unable to disengage,
    so let me ask you straight out, are you simply an ego driven amateur or are you a paid FUD shill?
    maybe just a doomed agent provocateur
    dont bother answering deniability being part and parcel
    but it is interesting how much time and effort your able to devote to such obvious FUD

    I would remind the rest of the forum that if you are going to feed the troll,
    to at least have fun doing so and to not play the troll's game :p

    And yes Ive eaten offal posing as food before
    I'll try anything once :p
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  3. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005

    Some things:

    When looking for info, make sure to avoid Winboy sites.

    Nobody uses Linux? That's true, except:

    A whole host of embedded devices
    A whole range of medical applications
    Serious developers
    Serious geeks

    Besides, those who have never heard of Linux ... I bet most people cannot point to sternocleidomastoideus, but everyone seems to have one. I would not trust an average guy to write down his name without breaking into sweat, let alone allow him to be any sort of judgment as to what is good.

    If that's the case, we should all inject McDonald's down our veins, after all that's what everyone does, right? So that means it's good, yes?

    Now reality:

    No educational institution:
    My university, one of the leading 10 technology institutes in the world, uses unix servers....

    No business:
    The company I have worked for until a few months ago uses and develops all of its applications on Linux (RedHat flavor to be exact), and they seem to happen to be one of the largest healthcare companies in the world, with handsome share of 12 billion dollars. Small enough for you.

    A few links for Winboys, all randomly off Google.

    53% of North American companies use Linux

    Linux in Business

    Linux Online - Vendors

    20% of companies use Linux on the desktop

    And so on.

    Companies like DaimlerChrysler, General Electric, Siemens, Google, Boeing, Northrop-Grumman, Alenia, Mercedes-Benz, Mivtach-Simon Insurance, just to name a few multi-billion giants.

    Not to forget entire German government switching to Linux, France following close by.,1000000121,39160101,00.htm

  4. Ice_Czar

    Ice_Czar Registered Member

    May 21, 2002
    Boulder Colorado
  5. Pedro

    Pedro Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2006
    Like talking to a wall. A dumb wall... EVEN IF you want to count blind and out of context numbers, count the unpatched vulnerabilities.
    If not, read what kind. System access is severe. What is inaccurate here is you really. Science is not just numbers, it's interpreting them ;)
    This has bias written all over. Bias as in a concept of statistics, study that if you want. This is not random data collection, this is specific traffic for one network of sites. I can't read exact method, but this is what it is. Don't bother coming with links you can't interpret;)

    Oh but how would you do it? It's hard;) , and i'm not criticising that company. It's a good survey in the right context.

    Of course, what you continually ignore: MARKET SHARE DOES NOT MATTER! WHICH OS IS BETTER DOES!

    Yes, a PC OEM.... Another great source for statistics... There are procedures for this, not feelings. And not only does the world NOT revolve around you, i highly doubt any LInux user would come for you asking help;)

    It's up to you now. Are you someone who is capable of reading, or do you ignore people that contradict what you say just because?
    If it's the latter, say so, and i'll ignore you.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  6. Mastertech

    Mastertech Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2006
    Yep I own multiple cell phones, routers ect... Nothing I own has embedded Linux or Linux of any sort.

    The real question is, Are you? Why are you so predictable? Why do you look for some conspiracy and attempt to attack the messenger once you are presented with factual information you want to discredit? Hey with 0.35% market share I would be desperate too. Oh my bad, you were not attempting to get anyone to use Linux that is only why the topic is called Linux vs. Windows. You guys don't care who uses it that is why you constantly desperately post these topics over and over everywhere. :rolleyes:
  7. Mastertech

    Mastertech Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2006
    No Market Share reflects what the better OS is. Linux is free, anyone can use it. OEMs can install it for nothing but they don't. Small OEMs could save $100-$400 by using Linux to compete with the big boys but they don't. Cognitive Dissonance is common with hardline Linux loyalists.
  8. Pedro

    Pedro Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2006
    You're saying you're clueless with statistics. OK.

    I'm not even going to what's wrong with that in itself... Keep at it, you're smarter by the day :D . Not only that, but showing it to everyone.

    You're replying to a thread, and the thread starts with a link. Obviously you didn't read it, disregarding the OP, and taking this somewhere else. Do you want to know why that's out of this converstation? Read the article...
  9. Ice_Czar

    Ice_Czar Registered Member

    May 21, 2002
    Boulder Colorado
    you have yet to present any factual information
    what you have done is cite an isolated sample and misrepresented it as reality with no qualification
    and youve selectively picked and twisted statistics in the best Disraeli fashion

    so push has come to shove
    show me a highly critical, remote, system access exploit in any Linux distro that went unpatched for lets say a week.
    I'll match each with a dozen Windows exploits

    put up or shut up Andrew

    PS dont mistake me for a Linux Fanatic, Im simply a seeker and employ both OSs
    but do see the need to kill Vista

    and I attack anyone that is an inveterate liar
    the point of forums is debate and truth not deception and disinformation
    your adoption of the role of agent provocateur so you can seed links to your own FUD
    has left you without an ethical leg to stand on

    and if you want to know who I am and my motivations I'll make it easy for you

    PS to the forum one of the probable reasons that Andrew is participating here is the number of links to the "article" as a search engine criteria, editing out those links from your posts and quotes as well as not repeatedly accessing it will help it find its real place in relevancy. That also explains why Andrew keeps linking it in his responses.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  10. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
  11. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Im still trying to figure out what market share has to do with a comparison of the 2 operating systems (what this topic is about)...
  12. dylanfan

    dylanfan Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006

    Despite my being testing Knoppix these days, and finding myself really glad about it, I don't like the article referred to in the first post. The analogies I find to be quiet poor, and the argumentation rather childish.

  13. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    Re: Two Points

    I think that in a few years, maybe 1 or 2, I will change to Linux, because waiting 7 years to have the S**T Vista is really...

    Will be difficult, but...
  14. Jaws

    Jaws Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    Not sure if posted already but...

    Dell has a customer feedback Web site called IdeaStorm. :thumb:

    Where you can can submit and/or vote on ideas for new products and enhancements to older products, pre-installing Linux being the most dominate one. Now you have a voice, go get 'em.

    I probably won't be up to building another box and being able to get something without an OS is appealing since I won't be buying past w2k pro. :D
  15. dylanfan

    dylanfan Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2006
    Re: Two Points

    Hi... Just try Knoppix 5.11 live cd, then please come back and tell us your thoughts. Curious about what you'll feel about it.

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