HTTP Logs disappear from screen

Discussion in 'Capsa Network Analyzer' started by Simrgrs, Sep 15, 2008.

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  1. Simrgrs

    Simrgrs Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
    In Capsa 6.8 I have setup a filter to only allow HTTP through the monitor as this is all we require only I notice the logs of the sites visited on each client dissapear after a time so I have a couple of questions : -

    1. is it possible to stop them disappearing from the screen in order to keep the entire days entries up there or..

    2. Once they are gone, where are they in the packet file and how can they bee seen in the program again?


  2. Nelson

    Nelson Registered Member

    May 26, 2005
    1. is it possible to stop them disappearing from the screen in order to keep the entire days entries up there or..

    Yes. Project Settings -> Log
    Select the "Http Logs" in the left frame and increase the log buffer size in the right frame. You can then hold the entry longer. But as time elapse, the entries increases, the oldest ones disappear the same.

    Notice there is a log function under the log buffer size. You can log them into file and save them in your harddisk as long as well.

    2. Once they are gone, where are they in the packet file and how can they bee seen in the program again?

    No. you can not see them unless you have the original packet files saved.
    If you got the packets file right on hands. you can simply firstly increase the log buffer size as told before and then load the packet file.
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