Hijacking FB or Google account

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by ako, May 17, 2012.

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  1. ako

    ako Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    A daughter of a friend of mine has experienced severe stalkering and harrasment by an ex-boyfriend. She installed the system to her PC again, he had probably installed a keylogger to the PC. She also changed all passwords (he had read the emails and used the FB's log to see from where this girl was logging to the PC).

    Having studied the topic, this guy is at least to some extent a security expert. Some questions:

    1) Is is possible to hijack ones FB or Google account (after getting the passwords by a keylogger, eg.) so that although you have later changed your password, the accounts would report them and other activity to the criminal? How to check this?

    2) How easy is today to hack into a computer which is online? (By getting first the IP somehow.) I personally guess this is unlikely.

    She should of course be careful with email attachements.
  2. quanzi_1507

    quanzi_1507 Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    1) Actually there is an option for Gmail to automatically forward all of your incoming emails to another email, so make sure to check that.

    BTW, I'm not sure about FB but Google does have a 2-step verification login, so that each time, in addition to typing the correction password (1st step) you also have to enter a code from your phone (2nd step). So unless the stalker had access to her phone (which is unlikely) he will not be able to access her Google account. The 2nd step is only required when logging in from a new computer AFAIK.

    You can get more details from:
  3. ako

    ako Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    Thanks! valuable information!
  4. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    I use the 2 Step process with my Google Account. :thumb: :thumb:
    It's pretty fast unlike other services i've tried that takes hours to send me the text/call.
  5. Melf

    Melf Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    She will need to change the answers to her secret questions that can be used for password recovery.

    Some services also are linked to another email address that can be used to reset the password, so she should make sure that if such a thing is present, it is not one that this upstanding gentleman has access to (or has replaced with his own).
  6. Ranget

    Ranget Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    Not Really Sure :/
    i think he just use an app you should check the apps on her accounts

    something like to impossible you have to have a Criminal Mind after you in order to Get in
    he need to 0day the router or just use old unpatched exploit to hack the router BTW check the Router for Firmware malware
    2- he can just use the Router to redirect the web page to an infected one that will install a Rat on your PC

    Don't forget there all Kind of nastiest Firmware Malware is the worst
  7. ako

    ako Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    Can Gmail-account be added with a self-made apps? How about FB?
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