free antvirus sry about the one before

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by chaos16, Jun 24, 2008.

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  1. chaos16

    chaos16 Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    sorry read the policy.

    no i know that paid antivirus are better in general than free as it has more features etc...

    I just wanted to know in general wat is a good free antivirus to use as im not gonna pay for one.

    Now i used to use Avast and to be honest was happy with it but tried kaspersky trial and to be frank i liked it.

    Just thought AVG personally i don't like.

    I like avast free because it has http scanning and has more features for a free antivirus

    but would like to know if there is another free antivirus out there that has good feature and wont need a paid version and is great at detection?

    i just want a free antivirus that detects great and has real protection like scans hard drive all times and scanns http scanning etc etc

    thanks :thumb:
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, you are still asking the same question - i.e. which free antivirus is the best, has great detection, etc. You just used more words to ask it.

    The answer is that there are several good free anti-virus products and many are on the same level (as good) as each other. So, all anyone can do is list the one they like, or maybe list them all. But, that won't provide you any facts on which to make your decision.

    What you should do is read this very recent thread that talks specifically about "free anti-virus" products, and not ask simply which is best.

    There are also many other threads that discuss in detail each free anti-virus product. Just scroll through this forum section for them.
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