Computer Security Tool vs PreEmpt

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by CogitoErgoSum, Jan 3, 2006.

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  1. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    I am both interested in and curious about Computer Security Tool and PreEmpt. Why would one purchase one over the other? Between CST and PE, which should I buy if I could only choose one? Any comments and opinions would be greatly appreciated regarding this matter.

    Peace & Love,

  2. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    They are both nice tools, and seem to cover mostly the same things. I do know that PreEmpt is a bit more advanced becuase it has a virtual registry feature. But I think Notok knows more about this because he has tested both tools. ;) But I have to say that I also think that these kind of tools shouldn´t be payware IMO. Yes, they do protect against all kind of threats, but the question is can they also protect against new zero day bugs? In the past Pivx (maker of PreEmpt) could often say that this was the case, but lately it has been awfully quited and the forum has even gone offline. o_O
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2006
  3. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Just an observation but , the Computer Security Tool USED to be extremely expensive . So much so that it was very humorous . Take the less expensive of the two . Unless there have been price changes , PreEmpt blows em away ! Period ! The Computer Security Tool was more expensive than most AV programs . lol . Not sure about now but , I wonder how they can stay in business charging what they do .
    ***UPDATE*** The Computer Security Toll is now at a lower price . I just checked it at $ 29.95 . I would choose PreEmpt . Better people to deal with . Very good program . Just my opinion . I ONLY used the trial of CST . Just to check it out . No matter what I had already disabled on my system , it still showed me as having them ENABLED . Very sad . PreEmpt did something similar a while back . Not sure about now . I do know that PreEmpt is very good at what it does . No way to tell with CST because their " security test " is nothing more than a lie . Harsh wording but , true . Try it yourself . Disable some things they show on their site and then try their tool . See what happens . PreEmpt has a very nice interface as well , IMHO .
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2006
  4. nicM

    nicM nico-nico

    Jul 15, 2004
    another major difference is that Preempt is resident, while CST is a set-and-forget application, doing its changes and closed, till next use: that means no ressources use at all most of the time :) .

  5. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    I think you have them mixed up, hollywood.. it's PivX that makes PreView, which is the security audit program that you make so much noise about, CST (by GetData) doesn't have a "security test". CST also has far superior customer service, I've only recieved responses to about 2 of the questions that I've asked PivX, and one of them was very terse. To further this, they keep a good arm's length from their beta testers, and don't offer much more than a "thanks" at the end of the final release announcement, where Peter (in charge of CST) is happy to discuss things on a technical level with you (when he has the time) and offers free licenses, and sometimes more to the most helpful testers. PreEmpt has also hiked their price up well past CST in the past, but again; I think you're referring to PivX, not GetData.

    Anyway, as for the differences, CST covers more of the basics and builds from there, where PreEmpt skips the basics and goes for the more "exotic" stuff. PreEmpt does also have a resident module that auto-updates and offers the "virtual registry", although I've had some conflicts with the virtual registry and registry monitoring programs. PreEmpt is a fine program, but their customer service sucks big time, and is the primary reason that I dropped the program (along with the conflicts). Choosing between the two products on a technical level, however, I would probably still go with CST because, like I say, it starts with the basics and goes from there.. they are also adding a lot more in the near future, and hope to cover everything that all of the other hardening tools do.

    The next version of CST is currently in beta, which is held at if anyone's interested. You can also get a free license to the current version there as well, although I don't think that will extend to the new version when it's released (but you can get a license for that by helping out with the beta).
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2006
  6. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Notok .
    Care to apologize ? I did not think so . get it straight when calling me out ! CST , WHEN LOADED , gives you a security rating . It is a lie ! Period ! As was Pivx . However , Pivx just chose not to acknowledge certain software . I DO know of what I speak regardless of your arrogance !
  7. BlueZannetti

    BlueZannetti Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2003

    Let's tone down the rhetoric. Thanks.

  8. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    Thanks Rasheed187, hollywoodpc, nicM and Notok for each of your respective input.

    Peace & Love,

  9. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    No, hollywood, I honestly thought that you did have them mixed up. PreView by PivX is the one that has a history of not detecting the hardening settings that are in fact set, this is something that you had pointed out several times while implying (if not outright saying) that PreView was a scam, so naturally I thought you were speaking of them here as well.

    CST does detect whether the settings it can change are currently set or not, and in beginner mode it phrases the outcome as a "score", although it's not meant to be a test in the same way that PreView does, and certainly not as much as it's meant to determine which settings it should change. Other than one or two settings that CST has had a hard time with when you are using a non-english version of Windows, these had always been accurate because it was a necessary function of the program, so your results are rather unusual if those settings were indeed already done. I believe this issue is also adressed in the new version.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2006
  10. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Hi Notok .
    For the record , my apology then . I wanted to say that publicly . And now I understand . And no offense toward CST but , I do stand by my earlier statements . Although I want it understood that CST was tested many months back by me and things may be different today . Wanted to make sure things are taken correctly .
    Again , I apologize to you Notok .
    Have a nice day !
  11. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005

    I've been testing CST, Overall the current beta is a good app. I did test a while back as a trial and found it expensive. CST people are very responsive and helpful.

    I never really got on with PreEmpt - sys clashes etc
  12. I have to agree. That is why I prefer PreEmpt. When tried CST, it couldn't find anything to report except for one or two things that i was aware of but allowed for other reasons.

    In terms of $$$ efficiency, unless you do beta-testing, Most if not all of what CST does can be tweaked manually, or by freeware equalavants.
  13. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    Thanks Starfish 001 and deviladvocate for your input.

    Peace & Love,

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