Acrois vs Ghost with SATA Drives

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by WilliamP, Nov 13, 2005.

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  1. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    I have a Dell 8400 that came with a SATA drive. I purchased another identical drive. I have it in an enclosure. I had planned to connect it to the MB and only turn it on when I wanted to update the image. I was told that the onboard sys. wouldn't support hot plugging. So I have bought a SATA PCI host card to connect the enclosure. I have Ghost 2003 and have used it before on my old computer with ATA drives via USB2. I have read on Google some stories of problems between Ghost and SATA drives. Just what is the situation? Is Acronis a better choice with SATA drives?
  2. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    Since this is a comparison as opposed to an Acronis support issue, I've moved this thread here to "Software and Services."
  3. Franklin

    Franklin Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    West Aussie
    Ghost 2003 works fine on my ide drive,3ghz,1 gig ddr ram machine.(now daughters)Cloning and imaging.

    Set up Ghost on my new 3.2ghz,sata drive,1gig ddr2 machine and had no joy in running ghost.Would just lock up in dos(i think) and any reboot would only go back to the lockup point.Had to scrub the drive and reinstall.

    Tried Acronis 8 to backup to cd but that wouldn't work so I didn't try an image in case of any lockup probs.Have read in another forum somewhere that sata drives are an issue with imaging software or could it be the ddr2 ram?

    As for which is better,Can't really say.They are both good products but I've been using ghost for a long time now and intend sticking with it.

    Anyway,I am currently going through this guide to see if I can find any help.
  4. feddup

    feddup Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    TI and SATA

    True image 8 has no problems with six SATA drives I own. If you look through the TI forums you'll find that imaging software seems to have problems with new technology. This applies more to the SATA controllers more than the hard drives themselves. DDR2 might be new enough to be causing issues as well. Generally Acronis needs a few months to get True Image working with the new technology. The Intel ICH5R controller on my 875P MBs caused problems early on but now it's smoothe and easy. Search on the forums or e-mail Acronis about your specific equipment.
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