ZA antispyware FREE today

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Perman, Nov 13, 2007.

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  1. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    Thanx for the heads up, that's the only real issue I was worried about. I suppose for this promo they would want to put their best foot forward, especially with all the competition that has out-paced them as of late...
  2. Fuzzfas

    Fuzzfas Registered Member

    Thanks for the info Perman.I know that it has the firewall.That is actually the only part i am interested in. But i had tried a previous version of the ZA antivirus, and had many problems, so i become cautious about ZA. I really don't need it urgently. I prefer lightweight firewalls. But why not have it ? :D From time to time i change security applications for fun.

    As for version .408, i became sceptical about installing it now, because it seems that problems aren't over.

    There seems to be update problem to the AS and AV and moderators reccomend to use the BETA version instead.

    Relevant threads:

    Having in mind the track record of ZA and their buggy releases in the last years,i think i will pass untill i see a more stable version. When even the "ZA gurus" reccommend to use betas, then i feel a bit uncomfortable in using the stable releases. :D And since ZA isn't exactly the easiest program to uninstall, i will stick with my featherweight Ashampoo free behind my router for a while.
  3. Hairy Coo

    Hairy Coo Registered Member

    A1 Great-what more can I say:D

    Fuzzfas-no uninstall or other probs at all-if you accidentally delete the temp/uninstall ZA file -just a matter of reinstalling and uninstall immediately
  4. Jon_T

    Jon_T Registered Member

    In most cases but not always. ZA recommends shutting down any other security apps (AV, AS, etc.) before installing to avoid any install problems.

    If you want to uninstall/remove all of ZA need to follow the uninstall instructions at ZoneAlarm User Forum:

    Been using ZA since 2.0 version and never updated beyond the last ZA Pro 5.5 version, which I'm still using on my old P4 box behind a NAT/SPI router. By reading posts at ZoneAlarm User Forum boards and other forums, installing the 6.x and 7.x versions have become like playing Russian Roulette. The problems/issues are too many and I do not like all the non-firewall features bloat in the latest ZA Pro versions. On my new box been trialling OA Free.

    Wished ZA would just release a firewall only version without AV or AS.
    IMO the best "pure" software firewall by ZoneAlarm was ZA Plus.
  5. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

    Long story short. I tried Zone Alarm Antispyware and liked it a lot, and am now comparing it Webroot Desktop Firewall as far as differences in browser speed and PC speed. ZA AS uninstalled very well, ( I did set it to not start up after reboot and shut it down before rebooting) and after uninstall it only left two Leagacy Drivers in the Registry and I think one folder, and a hidden windows system32 dat file named zlift or something like that, but everything deleted ok. The Drivers were named vsdatant and vsapint. I googled the second one and it was said to be associated with Trend Micro. (Must be the Antispyware ZA uses as I never had Trend Micro installed) Anyway, PC is slightly faster on boot up with WDF than it was with ZA AS, but there seems to be no difference in browser or PC speed. I asked in the "other firewall" section if ZA Triple Defense Firewall is a HIPS and what all it covers as far as protection. There seems to be a lot of things it protects against, and can take a little time to digest. (At least for me. LOL.) Nothing hard to learn necessarily, just a little patience in reading the help file and finding out what some things do. Also the GUI layout IMO is very easy to understand and to get around in and also IMO, nice looking. If I find out that the Triple Defense Firewall is as protective as Dynamic Security Agent is in WDF, or even anywhere close to it. I won't hesitate to switch back to ZA AS. I use Avast and even ran ThreatFire with ZA AS without incident and must say I was pleasantly surprised at having a very good experience with ZA AS.
  6. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    I haven't installed the ZA yet. I'm waiting for the next build to go final. I hope the ZA-HIPS are "smarter" than WDF/DSA. (which learned nothing during it's learning period.) Good to hear it gets along with TF though.
  7. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

    Any idea how long until the next build will be released 19monty64? Also you said WDF didn't remember some things? I have it in Learning Mode now, but since you mentioned it I think when I had it installed last time I did have to allow a few of the same things more than once after taking it out of Learning Mode, but I'm not sure. I like WDF, but am beginning to think ZA AS may be the way to go long term. Don't be afraid to try it out. As I mentioned it ran well with TF and Avast, and uninstalled quite well, and also the AntiSpyware updated everyday. Being on a Wireless PC caused a few alerts and I had to figure out what they were for, but the ZA Smart Adviser, which I really like a lot, helped me to do so. Oh and the logging is far superior to WDF for sure. I'm not saying I'm giving up on WDF just yet, but after using ZA AS, OA Free, and now WDF again. ZA AS just seems like it's a much more featured program than the other two, and although there's a lot going on that needs to be fully understood with it, may be worth the effort in the end. Time will tell as I learn more about how the Triple Defense Firewall compares to the protection offered by WDF with DSA and OA Free's HIPS.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2007
  8. Sportscubs1272

    Sportscubs1272 Registered Member

    So does the license expire exactly a year later (Nov 13-14 of next year) or starts after downloading the program on a later date? I know they use the server updates to activate the paid or free beta licenses, but in the past each license had a certain expiration date w/out checking the ZA Labs server.
  9. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

    I can't remember for sure, but it seemed that the one year began on the same day the offer was put out. However you would think that if you downloaded it, but haven't installed it yet.That the one year wouldn't begin until you use the Activation Key.
  10. Sportscubs1272

    Sportscubs1272 Registered Member

    I have two licenses and I activated one of them already. I might buy a notebook next year so I was wondering if it would last a whole year after activation or until next november. It could be a moot point if they don't offer a Vista version of it! :D
  11. Jon_T

    Jon_T Registered Member

    Read the "Free ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware You Requested" email you got from ZoneAlarm.

    Mine had "Note: this license key is valid 11/13/07 to 11/12/08 for use on one computer."

    Hence the license key is only valid till 11/12/08, irregardless of the date when software installed.
  12. Sportscubs1272

    Sportscubs1272 Registered Member

    I was awarded a free license from ZA when I participated in a beta program and it had a set time limit. The following year's license was activated when you first entered it in the dialog box. You could have waited two months later and you would still had the full year. They had sort of the same disclaimer like the freebie we had a few days ago. I hope I can afford a new notebook and use the other license before it expires. :)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2007
  13. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    From their forum, they were requesting as much user-imput (and patience) as they could get so as to push out the next version expeditiously lol but they did recommend using the beta if .408 had the updater-issues. If your spyware-defs are updating okay, the next version won't add anything for you. About giving ZAAS a try, I'm not afraid of the uninstallation process. I'd re4mat if I had to to get the bugger off my 'puter. (M$ once told me that the MSN-toolbar couldn't be uninstalled and I installed just to prove them wrong HAH) What does delay me from ZAAS is that I a few betas installed right now and I just don't wanna rock the boat just yet. What is the ram-usage on ZAAS right now anywayo_O (Oh no, I'm getting the itch...) And WDF's memory span is as short as mine, with it's cryptic messages at boot-up. I only rebooted 10-15 times during the learning period, apparently patch-tuesday's 1 update (in learning-mode) was more than it could comprehend. Rant complete...
  14. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

  15. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    Sorry for my ram-question Wordward, I know you ZA-users are sensitive about so small matter. ROFLMAO
  16. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

    19monty64. You so crazy. LOL. Seriously though. I don't worry that much about the memory usage of a program as long as my System Idle Process CPU usage in Task Manager runs between 98 and 99. Which it did with any of the programs that I have tried so far. ZA AS with ThreatFire, WDF with DSA enabled, and OA Free. Plus Avast of course. I am seriously thinking of using ZA AS and finally be done with my craziness. LOL. I'm basically convinced that the OS Firewall in ZA is quite formidable, and that TF may not even be needed. However I like the idea of having TF on board for some reason. Right now believe it or not I'm only running Avast until I make my final decision as to what other security to use. I have ruled out WDF, as I changed my mind about liking its GUI, and the fact that DSA hasn't been updated for awhile. OA Free is still in the running however simply because of the support Mike gives, and because I think its protection compliments Avast pretty well. Now all I have to do is decide which software will offer the most protection. OA Free or ZA AS. And do I want a set and forget program like OA Free, or a more bells and whistles one like ZA AS. Right now though if I don't go to bed and get some sleep. I won't have the energy to install either one. LOL.
  17. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    I have the ram to spare too, so its not a concern for me either. I just get a "kick" when ZA-users (some, not all) "dance" around the ram-question, the same way FF-users (some, not all) avoid the mem-drain topic...

    Are you considering adding ST (with HIPS/AV enabled) to ZAAS, TF & Avasto_O Perhaps A2/IDS could fit in there tooo_O

    Pleasant dreams... lol
  18. Perman

    Perman Registered Member

    Hi, folks:

    Please please do not add too many HIPS to ZAAS. Its own triple protection has provided user more than average protections and will initially ask your disposition on any action--learning mode, until you has gone thru your routines. Adding another or even more HIPS, you will go thru the very same route again and again. Even they have finally settled down, you will face multiple pop ups next time new services/ registry changes or ..occur . I can assure you that your head will spin off the track and your heart-beat rate will jump out the scale. Stay simple and be more effectively and much efficiently... Take care.
  19. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

    Hey Perman. I am thinking ZAAS will be sufficient for my protection, however I'm not sure I need a software firewall since I'm behind a router. So I was thinking because the HIPS in ST isn't the same as TF's Behavior Detection they would work together well with only Avast and Windows XP Firewall. If I do end up using ZAAS it would only be with Avast.
  20. Perman

    Perman Registered Member

    Hi, Wordward;

    Since you mentioned these apps; ZAAS, ST,TF and Avast home. And Router.
    I may give you these suggestions from my own past experiences with them.

    If your computer is stationary--not mobile, router may be sufficient, but it only protect you inbound traffic, how about outbound? are you worry or curious to know what may be relayed out of your box? without a full duty software firewall, such as ZAAS, you have given virtually every app in your box a blank exit visa--a big no no for Homeland security.

    If you adopt ZAAS as an anchored firewall plus light-duty AS, I would use ST on demand only, to enlist TF and to add Avast home, a very friendly AV application--getting along with a lot , I mean lots of programs. With these friends on your side, your cyberlife will not go very wrong from that point on. From time to time you may have a strong temptation to try new apps, please do it one a time, any BSOD or anything out of ordinary, do not hesitate to ditch it right way, no leniency should be given. After all, it is your own interest needed to protect not vendor's. And do not ever try beta soft-wares, unless you have a so-called second one to spare.. Take care and good luck.
  21. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    since you're on wireless, have you considered PrevX and Avast and Windows fwo_O
  22. Wordward

    Wordward Former Poster

    Thanks Perman. I am close to installing ZAAS again and perhaps adding TF. Any ideas how good TrendMicro is though? I know ZAAS is using TrendMicro as there are a few more controlset001/root/enum/registry entries left that I missed. Legacy_TMPREFLT, VSAPINT, and I think TMFILTER, but that last one may not be one. Also is there any overlap with ZAAS Firewall protection and Avast's Web Shield? I really like ZAAS especially with all the info it provides on various things. And I really like the way TF has improved. So this just may be the way to go and be done with it. One more push ought to do it. So go ahead Perman please push me so I can get on with my life. LOL.
  23. fax

    fax Registered Member

    Nope, its an internally developed spyware engine and signature, nothing to do with TrendMicro... lately they have been adding signature almost daily... ;)

    ZASS also uses the Kaspersky extended database (spyware, adware and riskware) on top of the ZA AS detection.

    If you go with ZASS just wait for the next final release or install the beta, there have been huge improvements in memory usage and speed as compared to 408 version.

  24. Chubb

    Chubb Registered Member

    I still got the free license e-mail as of today, although the pages says the offer has expired.

    The e-mail says the same thing:

  25. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    Any time-frame for the next version? I've tried navigating their site for info. :oops:
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