porn hackers

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by crkit1, Sep 21, 2002.

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  1. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Personally, I think a dialer hijack is one of the worst types of malware out there. The absolutely ridiculous pricing they have on them by the minute, resulting in the massive bills people can get stuck with - often without the ability to successfully fight it. :mad:

    When I switched over to DSL a few months back, I decide to leave my normal analog modem entirely disconnected (i.e. phone line not plugged in.) That’s a real good way to ensure that a dialer won’t work. ;) My DSL service has no variable “dial” (alternate digital connection ID, as some ISDN lines have), so that is safe. Many people I know that have dedicated modem phone lines have them set up with no long distance access service, at all, another good way to help limit the exposure, as is the blocking that Primrose mentions above.
  2. bubs

    bubs Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002
    Suffolk, England
    protection against malware diallers

    A while ago I tested my setup against trojans etc by going to a porn site, then wandered around it to see if it was trying to install anything on my system.

    As it turned out, the one thing it did try to do was to install a premium rate dialler, well camouflaged. 2 things protected me:

    1. Using a dual boot - it tried to default to my C drive, which I only use once every two months or so. For those with only one O/S, make sure next time you reinstall, set your system up with two primary partitions, and put your O/S on 'D', not 'C'.
    2. Tiny Trojan Trap. The dialler could only execute if I deliberately disabled TTT. FWIW, you can password protect the admin tool, so no other users of the system can disable it.
  3. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    low water mark hit it on the nose this line is for only internet dosent allow long distance of any kind or i-900 or 1-800 dials.

    as for buabs your lucky i had some nasty dialers that install even with javah and active x off i dont know how the heck they pulled that one off but they did.

    you must had dealt with an old dialer cause the new ones hide in 5 difrent places at one time and they can replace the deleted one if you dont get rid of all of them on next reboot it replaces the recently deleted one.

    rember a dialer is a program and like programs it can be tought to do lots of things.
  4. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    :'( for pity sake! I downloaded Spybot today and then went to play with it. Didn't change anything in it, except to not start at win start up. It found 3 dialers and some other stuff. I let it destroy the dialers but left the other stuff alone. Then aol wouldn't work, ie 6disappeared from the all started over again just like the first time. The dialer must have a destroy signal of some kind, so if you delete it it kills you a piece at a time, I deleted spybot, and reverted to an earlier state with my System Suite restorer (after cleaning registry). Explorer still wouldn't work but I reinstalled aol from a backup and here I am again. The system is unstable but I felt compeled to try and tell you all about it, since you have all been so kind and patient with me. Alittle prayer or whatever you deem fit would be helpful at this time. I keep getting an "this program has performed an illegal blah-blah and will be shut down whem Sys Suite firewall tries to load at startup too. I shut down and then it comes on the next time. what did I do with those matches and that kerosine? :oops: o_O :mad: :rolleyes: smilie overdose!!!
  5. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    first off i have aol im useing windows me i dont know what you did exactly but sound like you missed with the regystry some how.

    im make you a list and lets go thre it together blaze teach you how to surf adult sites safely.

    brb makeing list
  6. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    this is the bear minim you must do when surfing adult sites
    and it be a good ideal to have Norton antivirus updated

    Privacy Settings for adult web sites

    These Settings is mainly for stopping Internet explorer annoying pop ups surf in peace without those annoying pop ups and misleading redirects or dangerous web sites=).

    Blazes newbie how to privacy settings for newbys=)
    1. Click on Internet explorer that's that big blue E. ICON lol.

    2. Go to tools scroll down to Internet options then click on security tab

    3. Then go down to the middle of the box click on custom level and select the following so it match's the bottom

    Look here to get a look before you start with the instructions below,1333507;root=security,1;mode=flat;start=0
    Download signed activex controls - Prompt
    Download unsigned activex controls -Disable
    Initialize and script activex controls not marked as safe - Disable
    Run activex controls and plug-ins - Enable (in general I would advice not to enable ActiveX.)
    Script activex controls marked safe for scripting - Enable
    enable the  cookies thats why you use cookie mucher  
    If your just surfing and not posting or editing your profile at a message bord or buying something online then disable but if you are posting or editing your profile or buying something enable them
    Allow cookies that are stored on your computer disable
    Allow per session cookies (not stored) -Enable
    i use Internet sweeper and cookie muncher to kill my cookies and clean up my history

    *File download - Disable ('Enable' as needed only!)
    Font download - Prompt
    Java permissions - High Safety
    Access data sources across domains - Prompt
    Don't prompt for client certificate.... - Disable
    Drag and drop or copy and paste files - Enable
    *Installation of desktop items - DISABLE
    Navigate sub-frames across different domains - Enable
    *Launching programs and files in an IFRAME - DISABLE
    Software channel permissions - High Safety
    Submit non-encrypted form data - Prompt
    *Userdata Persistence - DISABLE

    *Active Scripting - DISABLE you must Reanable this option if you are editing your profile at message boards or buying something on line doing bills or unemployment registering ect ect

    Allow paste operations via script - Disable

    Scripting of Java applets - Disable you must Reanable this option if you are editing your profile at message boards or buying something on line doing bills or unemployment registering ect ect

    Logon -setting  (Your choice)    
    HTAstop (4/13/01)
    It's now possible for a "rogue" website to actually embed Trojans, worms and/or viruses directly into a web page. In the past, pages that offer seemingly attractive downloads which contain such malware required you to click to start any download to your computer. Now it's become automatic, using features in the Windows operating system known as scripting. These scripts can load programs without you knowing, and then they run immediately. All you have to do is visit the site, without doing anything besides viewing the page. HTAstop acts as a brickwall against these scripts, disabling them so the download doesn't occur. HTAstop protects you against one variety of script, our IEClean covers all twenty-seven.

    more about hta stop

    download hta stop   
    Cookie Muncher. A must have privacy program. Stop the Evil Empire watching your every move. Eats a cookie as soon as it arrives, now works with I.E. and Netscape.  Now also works with Netcaptor. Support for keeping some cookies now added (I.E. engines only) set the file attribute of the cookies you want to keep to read-only. Now shows your IP address on the pop-up menu. Support for AOL added Only uses between 5% and 8% CPU. Opera Added   

    more about cookie muncher

    Download cookie muncher
    SpyBot-Search & Destroy 
    the perfect double check for Ad-aware. Covers: Aureate,CLPRS, Comet Cursors, eZula HotText, Gator, GoHip, Radiate, WebHancer, WildTangent etc.. Very useful extra features included 
    SpyBot-S&D searches your harddisk for so-called spy- or adbots; little modules that are responsible for the ads many programs show. But many of these modules also transmit information about your surfing behaviour and more to the net.
    If SpyBot-S&D finds such modules, it can remove them - or replace them with empty dummies in case their host won't work any more with its bot removed. In most cases, the host software still runs after removing the bot.
    For a list of 'supported' bots see the feature lists below. Spybot-S&D works with an easy interface that allows updates by just replacing a file of about 1k size. Those updates come by my software mailinglist.Another feature of Spybot S&D is the removal of usage tracks, which makes it more complicated for unknown spybots to transmit useful data. The list of last visited websites, opened files, started programs, cookies, all that and more can be cleaned. Supported are the three mahjor browsers Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator and Opera.Last but not least Spybot-S&D contains some routines to find and correct invalid entries into the registry.

    read me first
    [New Updated]download
    first read this before downloading

    use this to dowenload updates also allow it permition in your fire wall to conect to the internet
    best Internet sweeper or cleaner
    only use with AOL 7.0 all versions of windows except XP and really old window versions
    AOL user with versions before AOL 7.0 not recommended you been warn works perfect with AOL 7.0
    download here

    how to get rid of dialers for good when you get one.
    first delete the sexy girl icon on your desk top AKA dialer

    after that go to your start button and delete it from start menu if its there

    hit start algain and now look for the adult site icons in your programs on your start button delete those dirty icons to

    now click on my documents see if you see a sexy dialer icon there to delete it if you see it

    after that click on my computer double click on c drive when you get there look for the dirty icon there and delete it if its there

    Now double click on windows if you see it in there or in your temporary Internet folder delete those as well.

    after that back up and instead of going to windows in c drive click on programs folder
    look for the dialer in there or a sexy or free xxx icon in there and delete it

    Also If your an AOL user also click on control panel if you don't see the sexy dialer in there click on dial up networking folder and delete the xxx dirty dialer icon

    Last and final take a step back to control panel click on network you will see a bunch of dial ups scroll down on configuration when you see a dirty icon or something that says xxx girls or something dirty select it and select remove.

    Do not reboot yet now use spybot search and destroy and delete any of the dialer entry's.

    then use adaware with all the options on scan on except the a: drive and scan

    now use Internet sweeper with the following selected
    top options
    recycle bin
    temp directory

    middle options

    then hit sweep and your done and then reboot

    You said you had problems with Internet explorer thats simple when that happens simple go to your add and remove you will get a box with the following options.

    reinstall Internet explorer

    repair Internet explorer


    select repair Internet explorer it fixs it

    you can even let spybot delet all thoes Internet explorer keys and then select add remove Internet explorer if its not working right and select repair algain to be totaly secure
  7. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    LMAO did this post get 130 views extra after i posted lol wow lot of adult site surfers out there maybe we can trade adult links lol threw private ims just click on my name and send me a message lol
  8. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    yup the thing i like about those settings for adult sites is i dont get sent to fake links.

    i hate clicking on collge cheerleaders gone naughty and get sent to some bestiality site or worst some nasty sick stuff to horriable to mention

    with these settings your perty much safe you just need nortion to stop js exploits
  9. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    I think I love you MRBLAZE...You really went to a lot of trouble to help people with this. My husband wants to come and live with you so he doesn't have to worry about all that security stuff, he can just look at your sites and such! You can have him cheap! He is real handy around the house!lol not gay...knows plumbing and about $5... just kidding. Tried to sell him to the zoo last year but they wanted a big was cheaper to have them take the children! ;) Thanks for all your help. See my profile and send us list of safe places if you will. The poor man is addicted. I could care less about it, rather see scenery or foreign places. Love to read. Thanks again. :)
  10. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Hey crkit1, how about giving the guy a chance to defend himself. Let him log on here and see what you've been saying. :D
  11. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Had to check the forum items here before agreeing with your proposition Root :D
    TGhere are those institutions for alcohol and drugs addicts, whcih now finally are part of health care and government attention, so some day maybe also for porn addicts?
    With this growing problem over internet as a whole and spam mail it should have that attention long ago already.
    Imagine how much it costs on bandwidth, economy, not to forget the health matters and keeping crime alive.
    We have a saying which fits ehre as well: "better one bird in the hand then ten in the air" but i think mcdonald introduced the "getting hungry outside and dinner at home" with their drive-in and phone ordering :rolleyes:
    which was not all the original meaning of it.
    All that dreaming, get a live we say.
    The sadness in this case of the phonebill getting in your son's name (are you sure it was not him?) while it was your husbands hobby, and you pay for it. Big HMMMMM but that's your decission of course. And maybe with some help and commenting you're abo get rid of that and with MrBlaze's amazing help prevent future occasions.
    You do know of course there is in IE a possibility to block sites with special content, but i think you made already very clear what would probably be the result of doing so.
    Did you know this addiction is considered cheating in circumstances?
  12. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    :rolleyes:He knows how to read and where the forums are.

    :oops:I made a mistake by being so personal here. At first, I was teed off about the damage to my system. In my reply to Mrblaze, I was just trying to cause a chuckle or two. :D Don't want to start a gender war.

    Just needed some help with the dialer problem and wanted to increase awareness/resolution of this sort of problem. I think that has been accomplished. You have all been great. :D

    :blink:I won't bother you anymore until the matter is resolved and then only to let you know what happened.

    Thanks to everyone for your tolerance and all your attempts to help. :)
  13. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    If course! Anybody would be furious with the dialer problem, and all the trouble with reinstalling the system etc...... Glad we're all here to learn from each other and able to be of help, shoulders, etc.

    Just forgot to say: the chuckles for sure you created, and so we all are able to learn some more security in a happy way.
    Really keeping fingers crossed for the dialer / bill problems.
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi crkit1,

    Please, you didn't bother us. Please feel free to ask for help about those dialers or other problems! We're all here to help each other and to learn from each other. And there will be certainly no gender war tollerated.
    So, what I'm trying to say:
    please feel free to come back here any time, you're welcome here!!!
  15. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    ;) Thanks, I was a little sensitive yesterday, tired etc. Felt insecure here. Felt that maybe I was using the thread for bit*h fest behind the old-man's back. Maybe I was. Got a private message of support about that from the source. Still, made my husband read the whole thread, He said he thought (most of it) was funny. He knows me pretty well.

    Anyway...finally got a printer cartridge, so I can print out Alyon's dispute doc. on PDF and send it to them. Man, they get you coming and going, $31.99. It should print gold ink!

    Jooske, my son is 21 and doesn't live here anymore. He pays the phone bill because most of the work I do is gratis, so I don't have a lot of cash. I didn't take a vow of poverty or anything, I just felt there was a substantial need in the community for services such as mine and the County government isn't willing to pay for it since 9-11. You would think there would be more assistance at this time, but hey...what do I know?

    Thanks for your support :D
  16. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Crkit1,

    I'm very glad that you came back !!!

    Best wishes, Jan.

    PS: I'm a man. :D LOL I know my name is used in the US for girls but overhere in The Netherlands for boys.
  17. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    :D Dear FanJ;
    OOOOOPs! Sorry! I keep my screen to the right, so I didn't see your gender sign. No offense intended.
    In that case, Thank you sir. :-*
  18. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hey crkit1,

    No problem at all ;)
    You're not the first one to make that very little mistake...
    When I came the first time to the US for an holiday, I myself was surprised that my name was overthere used for girls :D
  19. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    :'( I got a bill from Sprint on my regular phone bill. They are not my long distance carrier. :eek: It is for $130.00, for two calls, 7 and 8 minutes, 1 minute apart, to Cook Island. They were supposed to have been placed four days after Alyon's alleged calls were made.
    I didn't get that dialer completely off my system for at least two weeks. I'm petrified to think of how many calls could have been channeled through my computer in that time.
    I am getting this bill in November and this all started back in September. :rolleyes:
    Just an update in the continuing saga of the porn hacker blues. Happy Wildersing! :)
  20. eyespy

    eyespy Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2002
    Oh Canada !!
    I'm on ADSL. My 56k modem is installed as well, but not used and not plugged into the phone jack.
    Are you saying that a "dialer" can't be used on ADSL ?

    bill ;)
  21. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    crkit1 - I really feel for you in this. If eyespy hadn't quoted my text from above, I probably would have ranted again about just how evil I think dialers are, and also the companies that charge such an unbelievable amount of money for such short calls. (Like their real costs are anywhere near even 5% of that!!) I truly hope you get that one resolved. :)

    Bill - To the best of my knowledge, digital lines that have no variable connection capability can not be used to "dial" (aka. connect) to any service other than the one that you bought it for. I don't know the capabilities of all DSL around the world, but I know mine and it can only "sync up" with my provider's redbacks (the network nodes controlling the Internet access of subscribers). There is no variable "dial" like capability to attach to other addresses.

    Back a couple jobs ago, the company I was at used ISDN digital circuits as both temporary connection devices (for daily file transfers) and dial-back for leased lines. These ISDN lines had the ability to dial a digital telephone number and connect them to numerous other locations. These lines were also billed at a high per minute rate. Once, an office manager at a remote office misunderstood our instructions for the use of the ISDN lines and figured it'd be easier to just leave it connected all the time, instead of doing the connect sequence each day for the daily transfer. At the end of the month, we got a bill for almost $6,000 in charges - even though usage monitoring showed almost no data traffic. :(

    I must say, I like my current DSL line much better than even having the possiblity to "dial" other "numbers". I'd hate to pay $6,000 for a little web browsing. ;)
  22. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    Thanks LWM. :( Sadly, I live in Southern backwoods-trailer-only land. We don't even have city water, let alone DSL. People out here don't have cable either. Heck, some people don't even have a floor. lol ;) I love it out here though because it is quiet (except for the neighbors' Friday night crack and beer fest, followed by the Sherriffs' visit). it is quiet til Monday (when they let 'em all out to go to work). :p

    :D Aside from all that, I called my phone company (as I had originally) and told them what happened, again. The lovely lady there, REMOVED THE CHARGES from my bill. DITS*! She also got permission to block all 'miscellaneous' long-distance calls. Easy for me, because I only call 2 long distance #'s anyway. She also blocked all international calls. She gave me a case # to reference in the event that any more charges come in from the time period in question. I love her. :D Now, if I would just hear from Alyon that they are idiots and incapable of determining which people actually use their services or not, I'll be happy as pigs in .....slopp. Here's hopin'. *Dancing in the Streets :D
  23. *Ari*

    *Ari* Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    Hi there

    Just a small advice for everyone who read this. If that happens and you receive a huge bill from your ISP, go to the police. No need to pay for those ruthless monsters.

  24. crkit1

    crkit1 Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2002
    "Call the police"

    Krusty: I tried that, they refered me to the FCC. The FCC refered me to the FTC. The FTC refered me to the BBB. That's enough alphabet for me. When it is all over and done, an attorney pal and a social worker (like myself) friend of mine and I are going to take a grassroots stabb at the whole bunch of them. Probably have to start with a website or newsletter to collect similar complaints, incidents and etc. I'll be looking for solid support from several forums' members about that time. :cool:
  25. *Ari*

    *Ari* Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    Hi Crkit

    I just meant where ever anyone might be located reading this. I am in Finland and I know several cases people needed not to pay a single red wooden button for those ruthless porn hackers. ;)

    take care -Ari
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