icore virtualization......wow!

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by Chuck57, Feb 18, 2009.

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  1. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    According to the website this will not happen. Changes made in individual accounts will remain there unless of course you are running a virtualization program such as Returnil inside the account. From my understanding each account is exactly like individual computers. The thing is that what happens in one account is completely isolated from the other accounts even though all accounts exist on one physical machine.
  2. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    While I had icore I downloaded a couple of pieces of software needing reboots. It worked fine and everything was there after the reboot.

    I will be trying icore again when the new version is released. I like this concept. The current version just didn't quite cut it, for the reasons I mentioned in my post at the top of first page. It doesn't have printer support, which I need, and I began experiencing problems with icore initializing after a couple of days which, really, could have been something I did while screwing around with some security software on my regular HD.

    In any case, I'm looking forward to trying the new release. I like it and, if they can get printer access, it's a virtualization program I can live with.
  3. bryanjoe

    bryanjoe Registered Member

    hi thanks for the explanation...
    can i consider it as Limited User Account with Virtualisation?
  4. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    To be honest I don't know but I believe it depends how you set up the account. I think if the account is set up (from within the account) as limited use then thats what it will be. As I understand it its as if you have multiple PCs that exist on one physical system. Each virtual system (account) is distinct from all others and ultimately, when the commercial version is released (hopefully) anything you can do with a physical PC and OS you will be able to do with an account. Again I think I am correct about this from what I have read but please take everything with a grain of salt.
  5. icore

    icore Registered Member


    We will keep in mind!
  6. icore

    icore Registered Member

    Hi, bryanjoe.
    All the date is stored after the reboot.

    Also you can take advantage of our next feature:
    We have done so that the "log off" operation of the virtual account is equal to reboot.
    So if you install something inside the Virtual Account, and it requires a reboot. It is sufficient to do "log off".

    bgoodman4, Chuck57 thanks for the answer to the question of bryanjoe.
  7. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

  8. icore

    icore Registered Member

  9. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Thank you.
  10. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    A few questions:

    How much free space ought to be on C: drive?
    How long does it take for a vm to switch into?

    I'd like to be able to see what this thing is, but apart from waiting for the following stage: "Now services is starting in virtual computer ..." nothing much happens.

    Ran in vm, with za fw and ssm set to learning mode.

  11. icore

    icore Registered Member

    Thank you for trying out iCore.

    For current version:
    1. 512Mb.
    2. To start iCore VM 1-4 minutes.

    Can you send e-mail with log file?
    (Program Files\iCore Software\iCore Computer 3-in-1\iCore.log )
    A developers of our staff will review it and reply accordingly.


  12. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    Well, I could. I'll do soon.

  13. icore

    icore Registered Member


  14. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    Do you have some forecast about the next version release ? I tried to install it more and more, setting CIS in Installation Mode and then disabling his HIPS, but every time Icore stopped the installing process and aborted it. And I wish to try this program. :(
  15. icore

    icore Registered Member

    a little patience, please. it is coming soon.
  16. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    Thanks for your answer. ;)
  17. icore

    icore Registered Member


    It seems that during installation iCore can't load symbols for your windows kernel from microsoft.com.

    Do you have Comodo Firewall? Can you temporary turn off it?

    And what do you mean under "Installation Mode"? Does this mode allow to install service, drivers.

  18. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    " Installation Mode: Installer applications and updaters may need to execute other processes in order to run effectively. These are called 'Child Processes'. In 'Paranoid', Train with Safe' and 'Clean PC modes', Defense+ would raise an alert every time these child processes attempted to execute because they have no access rights. Whilst in one of these 3 modes, Comodo Internet Security will make it easy to install new applications that you trust by offering you the opportunity to temporarily engage 'Installation Mode' - which will temporarily bestow these child processes with the same access rights as the parent process - so allowing the installation to proceed without the usual alerts. " from CIS user guide. Yes, I use CIS firewall but I don't remember to have seen any alert from it during ICore installation. But if you say I'll try again...

    Added later: no, it's not a fw problem: the internet connection is allowed to ICore but the result is the same.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  19. icore

    icore Registered Member

    As there is a big difference between current public version and coming version, so I think it is better to wait new version.
  20. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    I suspect a lot of folks are of the same opinion, I am.
  21. Less

    Less Registered Member

    are there any updates on this software?
  22. Less

    Less Registered Member

    hello... anyone hereo_Oo_O o_O o_O
  23. philby

    philby Registered Member


    FWIW, I have been trying to play with both the current 'stable' release and also the beta using a VB (XP sp2 / 1.3GB RAM / 10GB HD).

    Had a lot of problems with the install with both versions.

    The current release worked once but kept resulting in a sudden pagefault in non-page area error
    and a reboot loop even before I could switch users.

    Every other attempt to install, even on fresh VBs, resulted in the installer rolling back the installation after its not being able to get the info. needed from Microsoft - even though internet connection was fine and no firewall was on board.

    I gave it another shot on a laptop (XP Pro / 2GB RAM / 60GB HD / no security) with no VB and had the same 'failed to get MS info.' installer problem.

    Eventually, after rebooting the machine about 7 times, the beta installer did retrieve the info from MS and the account-creation process started to run. It took about 30 seconds and produced one new account - 'Internet'.

    While I could log in and out of this new account, the response from the "To switch a Computer" desktop icon was that I needed to install the s/w...(!)
    There was nothing under add/remove programs and running the installer repeatedly started giving me the Microsoft info. error again...

    I then gave up and rolled back the laptop.

    Exasperating stuff so, for now and possibly forever, I'm giving it a miss...

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  24. icore

    icore Registered Member

  25. TerryWood

    TerryWood Registered Member

    Hi All

    The endless reboot that Philby referred to is still present in the very latest version. I have installed three times and each time (after using the cleanup tool) there is this problem of not being able to access the accounts)

    I put this on their website yesterday afternoon (UK time)

    ""Just installed latest version (and now removed it) on WinXP SP3. Prior I used the clean up tool and set accounts to fast user switching.

    I use a password to log into Windows and when the install was completed apparently successfully I was presented with the password screen. I duly logged in and the PC continued its boot up, then suddenly going into shutdown and restart. It did this several times on the host account and similarly on the one virtual account the program set up (Internet)

    So in essence I have not actually been able to log in successfully on my main account or get into a virtual account.

    I am unable to send you any logs because as I said I could not get a stable login, it was just an endless bootup.

    Any ideas about the cause and remedy?""

    As yet I have had no response!!

    Two things stand out in icore's development. The installation and operation on my computer have been incredibly fraught with problems.

    Back ie replies are slow.

    I am beginning to lose faith.

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