Error Connecting to Update Server - SpywareBlaster won't update

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by KSMILLEROHIO, Dec 8, 2010.

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  1. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    This appears to indeed be a Avira problem. I have uninstalled Antivira FREE and installed Avast FREE. I now no longer have the issue with SpywareBlaster. Suggest Avira be pressured to fix this ASAP.

  2. Escalader

    Escalader Registered Member

    It is very important to have 1 of the top Advanced++ AV's running on our setups.

    If I had Avira, and really really had to have SWB at the same time as my AV I would replace Avira. With one of the other AV's in the top group. Even the paid versions are fine if you go for a trial.

    But, AVIRA users can run a Host file programs to create block lists , remove SWB temporarily and keep their Avira is possible as well.

    An AV is more NB than SWB.
  3. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

  4. debbieandjon

    debbieandjon Registered Member

    The Avira workaround works!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  5. JimboW

    JimboW Registered Member

    It's not just XP. I am running Win7 and I am having the same problem updating thanks to the recent Avira update. Although it doesn't seem to affect 64bit.
  6. Turtleman

    Turtleman Registered Member

    UPDATE: I just uninstalled Avira from one of my computers and SpyBlaster is once again able to download! I have no idea what Avira's latest update did to screw things up, but I have no doubt that Avira is, indeed, the culprit. Now to find another AV program. :)
  7. sb06794

    sb06794 Registered Member

  8. peterworks

    peterworks Registered Member

    This worked for me.
    I posted on the Avira forum and they gave me the same 'fix'.
    I will be progressing with Avira for a fix. Avira and SB have lived together perfectly well for many years so I am disappointed with what Avira have done.
    Hopefully they will fix it soon as I like the ability to protect Avira's files and registry entries.

  9. thomasjk

    thomasjk Registered Member

  10. ralph007

    ralph007 Registered Member

    It appears this has already been Posted...

    The Avira update does have a bug that is causing the problem but I found a workaround.
    Open Avira>expert mode>general> security and uncheck " Protect from manipulation" OK Reboot.
  11. miralah

    miralah Registered Member

    Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error

    WinXP Home/SP2/IE7/Mozilla Firefox...I have not been able to get any recent updates as I am getting the same error message as have been posted in this forum. I uninstalled my previous version, and d/loaded the latest version.
    Also, I keep getting this annoying splash screen "Welcome to Spyware Blaster - Spyware Blaster Tutorial - Updating Options" (each time after clicking "Next") . I then chose "Manual Updating"...then I "Enable all protection" and status shows "all items protected." Yet the next time I decide to check..its back to the same annoying splashscreen and I have to go through the whole process again of chosing "manual update", etc. and "enable all protection again" as it shows ) protection.
    I have Avira Antivir/Malware Bytes/SuperAntispyware/Comodo free firewall/IE7/Mozilla Firefox installed. I have tried the work-around as suggested in the forum i.e.:
    Open Antivir - Configuration - Expert Mode - General - Security - uncheck Protect files and registry entries from manipulation.
    However, in Avira I am not seeing "protect files and registry entries from manipulation" in General/Security...its just "Show notice if virus definition file is out of date".

    So it seems as if this work-around is not going to work for me...and my problem remains annoying and unresolved. If I were just to uninstall Avira, what free antivirus program is recommended. I do not wish to have AVG installed as I had problems with it b4 installing Avira.
    Any further input re this would be most appreciated. Thanks.
  12. cm1971

    cm1971 Registered Member

    Re: Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error

    I can't get it to update either. I have been using SpywareBlaster for a long time and this is the first time I have had such trouble with it. I even tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling it. Nothing seems to work. It has been like this for several days now.
  13. sb06794

    sb06794 Registered Member

    Re: Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error

    I believe I have the solution to why the workaround at
    works for some people and not for others: I noticed on both of my Windows XP SP3 32-bit systems I had to reboot TWICE after following the workaround instructions to have SpywareBlaster work correctly. The instructions don't mention that.
  14. GrailVanGogh

    GrailVanGogh Registered Member

    Re: Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error

    Same issue here on Win7 Pro 64bit.
    The manual update feature ceased working 2 days ago but I am not reinstalling SpywareBlaster as the devs can fix this issue if they want to.
  15. MrZ

    MrZ Registered Member

    Just to make it more confusing, are any of you using IOBit Security 360? I too use Avira FREE, Outpost Firewall FREE & SpywareBlaster FREE & had similar problems. And I use Firefox on an XP Pro. [All my programs are the latest versions.] The fix suggested by Javacool on 12/10 (post #1) fixed the error message in SpywareBlaster but it said everything was up-to-date. However, I have not had an SB update for over a week.

    However, when opening IOBit 360 v1.50> Tools> Passive Defense, I disabled protection for IE & Firefox cookies (one at a time). Then I opened SB and guess what? On SB's main screen "Protection Status", a number of items showed up as "not protected". So apparently, the SB update was successful, but IOBit 360 screwed it up.

    Maybe TOO much protection is the real problem?
  16. Escalader

    Escalader Registered Member

    Re: Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error

    FWIW, I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and just updated.

    BUT I use Nod32 not Avira.
  17. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Re: Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error


    Please make sure that the "Expert mode" checkbox is checked. This will cause the additional options to be shown under General/Security in Avira configuration.

    (Also, all of the issues you mentioned can be caused by this Avira bug.)

    Best regards,

  18. GrailVanGogh

    GrailVanGogh Registered Member

    Re: Spyware Blaster 4.4 update error

    Avast free is my AV.
  19. redwolfe_98

    redwolfe_98 Registered Member

    hello.. i also am experiencing problems with updating spywareblaster, where it says "server not found"..

    i am running "antivir" but i don't have its "self-protection" enabled so that shouldn't be causing a problem..

    i have been using spywareblaster for many years and i have never had a problem with updating it, before..

    i checked my firewall-rules, and logs, and didn't see any problem there..

    UPDATE: i tried uninstalling "antivir" and spywareblaster's updater worked OK, then, so apparently antivir was causing the problem..

    like i said before, i had antivir's "self-protection" disabled, in the settings, but i think that it was NOT actually disabled..

    after reinstalling antivir (antivir premium 10) , i am back to not being able to update spywareblaster..
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  20. thomasjk

    thomasjk Registered Member

  21. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Well, a relative also is experiencing this as well. I was sent an e-mail exposing this issue and if I could somehow solve it.

    My relative is not using Avira, but Microsoft Security Essentials. Operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

    Firewall is Windows own firewall.

    I do not know which ISP, and at the moment my relative is at work, and won't be able to tell me which.

    But, before my relative went to work, I asked to monitor any spywareblaster.exe outbound connection with TCPView, in case the IP would have changed, because I have restricted SpywareBlaster only to connect to the updating IP, and it seems that no connection is even started.

    My relative is also using ClearCloud DNS instead of ISPs own DNS.


    Fortunately, this problem is solved, as it had nothing to due with this specific issue. It was the firewall blocking spywareblaster.exe process from connecting out. Considering that when I asked my relative to check for this process connections, none was seen, at all, I just though it was something related to this issue you folks are having, considering the error message was the same.

    Sorry for any confusion that I may have caused.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  22. W3140

    W3140 Registered Member

    A thread has been opened by redwolfe_98 in the Avira AVSS forum.


    In my case, thomasjk, the problem arose subsequent to installing the hotfix to the issue you reference.

    Based on what's been reported in this thread and my own experience, the problem is likely in the Avira domain. Tick, tick, tick, ... :argh:

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  23. thomasjk

    thomasjk Registered Member

    I agree.
  24. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    FYI, I tried to make a post about this issue on the Avira site. Number one, the only way I could do so was to start a new topic as apparently unless one has special permission they can not add to any post. Number two, my new topic post is no where to be found on the Avira site. This IMHO is reason enough to say by by Avira.


    KSMILLEROHIO Registered Member

    Thanks, Javacool. Did the workaround and everything updated/worked without a hitch.

    Just one more question, does the workaround have any downsides, re: protection/vulnerability/

    Bye for now!
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