Deleting unused/useless fonts

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by stalker, Jul 3, 2004.

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  1. stalker

    stalker Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Hey ...

    I read in one article related to that subject (I forgot where, so that's why I am asking it here), that there is one font in particular, that is used by default in Windows XP, and it is not recommended, or even dangerous to delete it. AFAIK that font (or maybe there are more than one) is used by default in some of OS menus, buttons in various system config applets (I guess, even if other fonts is selected for that particular windows for text written manually/optionally by user)

    Though as I remember, it is one of these below:

    Verdana, or Tahoma

    ... I am not completely sure, maybe was some other font (like MS Sans Serif, or Microsoft Sans Serif ??)

    It is all cause additional fonts (uhm, 20-30 installed by Windows CD) takes only disk space, also some memory, and it is at least uncomfortable scrolling through all that fonts, if I want to change selected text to my favorite font.

    Yeah, and I use only these:

    Times New Roman, Courier New, Arial (and sometimes also Lucida Console, Verdana, and few others)

    Thanks for any tip, explanation you can give.
  2. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003

    During a typical installation, Windows XP installs the following TrueType fonts into the Windows/Fonts folder. Because Windows XP and other applications may require one or more of these fonts, reasonable that you do not remove them from the Fonts folder.

    Here is a link. Look all through the site.

  3. stalker

    stalker Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2004
    Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Thanks I really appreciate it.

    Very educative stuff on that site, you provided link for, though I am kind of "sad" for getting that info :'(

    I really thought more fonts can be safely deleted (not less than 64 installed and needed for various programs, and 8 protected, as I remember)...

    :doubt: :doubt:

    P.S., And additionally I also noticed that some fonts are different, and some are the same, if comparing same font from my Windows 98SE and Windows XP platform.

    Some are much different, Tahoma for instance for 50 KB

    And I already deleted some of them, so I can't just copy 98SE's folders to Windows XP %SYSTEMROOT% directory.
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