AppGuard 3.x 32/64 Bit

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by shadek, Mar 12, 2011.

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  1. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member


    The reason we at Wilders are involved with AppGuard was the announcement and launch of a freebie: EdgeGuard Solo. Unfortunately it died. Any plans to provide a 'protect admin space only' version of AppGuard again? I would be happy to swap my (unused) AppGuard lisence for a light version of EdgeGuard Solo again. A light version makes sense.

    Regards Kees
  2. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Hi Kees and Barb

    I don't think the "we" includes all at Wilders. I got involved for what Appguard started as and what it has involved into. I am delighted at the product as developed.

  3. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    I came late to the AppGuard Party just recently started using it and have a license.I also love AppGuard as is, but one thing I would like is the ability of password protection from changing the security settings and to lock Access to the GUI with out the need to setup a super user account.
    Last edited: May 12, 2012
  4. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    EdgeGuard Solo was introduced when AppGuard 1.3 was the actual release (I got a few lisences of Eirik to play with AppGuard at the time and had some discussion with dev team and Eirik).

    So Pete was allready involved with AppGuard before version 1.3? :thumb:
  5. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    i was one of the first edgeguard user:) ;)
  6. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    I tried Edgeguard when it was first posted here at wilders,thats all I remember.:blink:
  7. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    I discovered Blue Ridge Networks after doing a study on different methods of negating Malware. I was looking at HIPS, BB, AE, Advanced Heuristics, Light Virtualization etc.. I was making a list of all products that represented the above groups. I discovered Appguard, and Edgeguard when looking for products to represent AE's. I started using Appguard around 2007. It was really buggy in the beginning for me, but I knew it was the solution I was looking for so I became a beta tester to make sure the bugs I was experiencing were identified, and fixed. I also wanted to express my ideals on the product so maybe my ideals would be useful in its development so in a way BRN has designed AG based on some the great ideals of its testers here at Wilders. Its good to find a company that will actually value ideals from their testers. I have beta tested for other companies in the past, and present that take any ideals from their testers with a gran of salt.
    Last edited: May 13, 2012
  8. Barb_C

    Barb_C Developer

    EdgeGuard Solo hasn't really died. It evolved into AppGuard. There isn't a plan to ressurect EdgeGuard Solo, but what might be more likely would be to allow the current version to have an option of enforcing the EdgeGuard Solo policy.
  9. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Well I would not mind an AppGuard Solo either as a light/stripped down version of AppGuard Pro. Being able to use the program in a simple way is a design criteria of the DEV team of Blue Ridge. Having a one for all, puts limitations on implementation options, so maybe adding a (cheaper) Solo version makes sense?
  10. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    Barb, do you think the new build to address reported bugs will be released this week?
  11. Barb_C

    Barb_C Developer

    I sure hope so. It's been in our test department for about a week, but we had to modify the driver to fix the problem with audio on 64bit WMP and IE so we need to do further regression testing. The good news is that the problem appears to be fixed and the new driver also fixed another issue that we saw with AppGuard delaying the startup of some 64-bit Office products.
  12. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    Ok, thanks for the update Barb! Do you anticipate a beta build being released due to the driver changes or do you believe it will be released as a stable release?
  13. Function

    Function Registered Member

    I am having some serious issues with AppGuard.

    I am trying to add a few apps/games to the powerguard apps. One of which is Team Fortress 2. Whenever I add Team Fortress 2, it crashes appguard and I get the message

    "AppGuard Service is not running!"

    I try to change the settings back to High, Medium etc. Nothing works. I have to remove it from the list and restart the machine. Also when I restart the machine, the whole PC crashes and I have to force it to shutdown.

    I can add other apps/games fine like Skyrim. But things like Team Fortress 2 I can't and it stop AppGuard from working. I am using Windows 7, 64 Bit. I have added AppGuard to exceptions in my Firewall (Online Armor Pro) settings.

    Note: After it crashes, anything that is NOT on the power apps, cannot load. Which is almost 99% of my programs. All I have on my power apps is 2 games and steam.
  14. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    Function, thank you for reporting your incident here at Wilders. Several bugs have been reported by the beta testers here at Wilders. Some are with the new Power Apps feature that you are having problems with. A release fixing all reported bugs is expected to be released soon. I don't believe the specific problem you are having has been reported. Could you please send a bug report to AppGuard[at] You will need to send minidumps, Windows alert logs, Msinfo file, Appguard log file, and the Appguard Policy file. These will all need to be inclosed in an archive, and sent as an attachment. If you need any assistance you can ask here or send Blue Ridge Networks an email requesting assistance at AppGuard[at] Blue Ridge Networks is really good about fixing any reported bugs.
  15. Barb_C

    Barb_C Developer

    Hi Function, I'm sorry that you're experiencing problems with AppGuard. Please report any issues to That is the best way to get support.

    The primary purpose of the power applications feature is primarily for other security products which may need to read or write to another program's memory. I don't think it would be wise to add games as power applications.

    There is a known bug with power applications that you can only add 8 executables, but it doesn't sound like you are running into that issue. Can you confirm? That bug is definitely fixed in the next release.

    Again, the best place to get support is through That way, we can work with you to get more information about your issues and hopefully make sure that our next release fixes the problem.
  16. Barb_C

    Barb_C Developer

    Thanks, Cutting for responding to Function's issues. I'm hoping that our planned bug fixes will address his problems, but I'm concerned that the Service is not starting up. I hope he sends us the information.
  17. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    No problem Barb! I'm looking forward to seeing the next release!
  18. Arcanez

    Arcanez Registered Member

    currently experiencing some sound problems with appguard on locked down mode. Never had that issue before but I don't have any sound in videos or games etc when in locked down mode. Think it has to do with the rundll32...Will try a restart, maybe the problem is gone then. Can't do currently cause I'm doing something important in the background. But something that's still annoying is that you have to lower protection just to switch your sound output device like from headphones to your speakers...
  19. AdamL

    AdamL Registered Member

    Do we have a date as yet for the next release?


  20. Barb_C

    Barb_C Developer

    Are you running on a 64-bit system? If so, this problem is fixed in the upcoming release.
  21. Arcanez

    Arcanez Registered Member

    yes, I do...Thank you for the information:thumb:
  22. RHE10

    RHE10 Registered Member

  23. stackz

    stackz Registered Member

  24. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

  25. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Not sure wether ive found a bug with appguard or perhaps i need to add a setting somewhere ,but i thought id ask in this thread first before reporting bug to BRN (and possibly making a fool of myself).I noticed that if i use AVG safesearch extension in firefox with appguard ,that firefox crashes.The firefox crash report shows AVG to blame (firefox 12.0 Crash Report [@ avgssff12.dll@0x809c6 ] ),however the crashes only happen with appguard enabled (i have it on high) or straight after enabling appguard from "off" mode.The wierd thing is that the AVG extension is also missing from firefox after the crash ,and upon next restart of firefox asks to install it again....unless appguard is running in which case it doesnt seem to ask to install the extension again (although its showing as enabled from AVG gui).Does anyone run appguard and AVG and maybe able to confirm my findings?.Im running windows 7 64 bit.If anyone has similar setup and could maybe check that would be great.Appguard doesnt show anything in logs by the way


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    Last edited: Jun 3, 2012
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