Unable to create image of drive C and D in Macrium need help

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by fdm2000, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. fdm2000

    fdm2000 Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2008
    I am confused - Using the latest patch of the free version of Mactium. I am attempting to create selected images of my C (SSD OS drive) and D (data) drives and after making certain that all drives are selected each partition checked I chose an external thumb drive F in the Folder filed as follows F:\Image of Drive C and D\ as I have in past backups. However each time when I click on the Next button I get a pop up as follows:"The destination path is included in the image Please select another folder". I have created a new folder in the F drive and chose it but still get the same error message? I am obviously doing something wrong but am clueless. Can someone help?
  2. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    There's a good chance that when you are selecting C & D that F is scrolled below your viewable screen and that it is also selected.
  3. MPSAN

    MPSAN Registered Member

    Nov 21, 2004
    Froggie is correct as I have had that and do what you are doing and when I scroll down I see that my backup drive IS Selected...just uncheck it.
  4. fdm2000

    fdm2000 Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2008
    Thanks to Frog and MPSAN for response and assistance. I went back to Macrium and did the same things I did yesterday and it somehow worked this time. Still don't know why it failed to work yesterday and did today?
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