What Would Replace Sandboxie?

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by Joxx, May 16, 2019.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    And all over the net lol
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Yeah, keygens, pastebins, warez forums, etc. Not good for Tony ergo not good for us, userbase.
  3. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I haven't read anywhere that they will stop development?
  4. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Suffice is to watch Sophos by not releasing quickfixes betas anymore.
    This is a symptom of sbie demise.
  5. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    OK I see. But the weird thing is that certain people often complained about that Sandboxie broke stuff, but I have currently installed Opera, Vivaldi, Edge, Firefox, Kinza and Brave inside the sandbox, and they all run just fine. Not to forget about an old version of crappy Chrome which also runs fine.
  6. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    and, on top of that, you can't even buy annual subscription for sbie anymore, let alone the life time license.
  7. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    The licensing server has been down since March. What does that tell you
  8. plat

    plat Registered Member

    Dec 19, 2018
    Brooklyn, NY
    If development is stopped for good, it should have been announced literally months ago. :cautious: This faffing around and keeping people in limbo...it's disrespectful to the customers. What could be so earth-shattering and hush-hush? Going around in circles. Well, I'll prob. go back to ERP as HitmanPro.Alert may be overkill and too costly. Tried Shade already. I don't like the idea of virtualizing my entire system but haven't shut my mind to it, yet. Hope Shadow Defender isn't too tuff to learn. Edit: Anyone else's key expires Tuesday, November 12, 2019?
  9. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    shadow defender is one of the simplest sw to handle in the history of (light) virtualization. there's nothing to learn. you just switch it on or off. that's all there's to it.

    i recommend you give rehips a try. the best alternative to sbie with couple of extra great features. much better than sbie, solid, secure and unlike sbie no compatibility issues with windows or 3rd party sw after every new update.
  10. guest

    guest Guest

    because it is business, you don't say you will discontinued something until you do it right away, you can still make incomes by letting people in the obscurity.
    now if they don't plan to discontinue it, it is really bad management/customer support.

    ReHIPS is the only solid replacement, a tool made by paranoids, but it doesn't works the same way as Sandboxie, need some learning to grasp the concept but at the end is more solid and granular (grace the anti-exe module and virtual desktops mechanism) and works nicer with Windows, requiring less updates, since it uses its security mechanism.
  11. plat

    plat Registered Member

    Dec 19, 2018
    Brooklyn, NY
    Yes, ReHIPS has been recommended several times, it's on the short list as a replacement. I'll have to demo it, it sounds more complex, initially at least. Can it run by itself, along with a firewall maybe? Thank you, guest and IMDb for the suggestions and recommendations.
  12. guest

    guest Guest

    beware , the demo is limited to 10 isolated processes, so a no go with multi-processes browser (with FF you can disable M-P if im not wrong), however you can test it with media players etc...

    yes. on win10, you don't need anything else. with it, you will have a sandbox and an anti-exe at same time. also you can block processes from accessing the net.
    At beginning, it seems complex but if you can handle an HIPS , you can handle it. Just don't expect a sandboxie clone, they are different.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2019
  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Browsers are headache for Sandboxie as we all might know very well.
    ReHIPS demo can't deal with multi-process browsers like FF or Chrome.
    Hence for me demo is a no-go.

    I'd recommend to install it on a vm and put the dedicated key/serial to activate ReHIPS as full version.
    Now you can test full ReHIPS properly.

    HWID 169C08618DCCAB32EF152BFEEAF104A696B86C08
    Lifetime license key

    HWID CBEEA890950AFB02C3A72068DEFF53D4345DC43A
    Lifetime license key
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
  14. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Wait a minute, say what? How can you check this expiration date? I suppose this means that SBIE will stop working? But if they plan to stop development, then I hope they will release a final freeware version, without the need to register. The good news is that Sandboxie works just fine on my system, it can still sandbox just about all browsers.
  15. guest

    guest Guest

    if the development is stopped, giving a free version is useless since at the next Windows upgrade or software major code change, it will respectively be broken or the soft being broken, so basically unusable (except for some diehard users who may ridiculously stick with outdated OS/soft just to continue to use it...)
    anyway Sbie survived longer than it should, its mechanism is a pain just to maintain compatibility, it wont be a surprise if it is discontinued, then you have few solid replacement: to me, ReHIPS or Comodo.
  16. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Yikes, that has been such a good program.
  17. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Yes they may become a problem for me, because when I buy a new machine next year, then Sandboxie might not be compatible anymore with Win 10. While on Win 8 it works just fine.
  18. chinook9

    chinook9 Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    The recent Windows 10 update has just about toasted my use of Sandboxie. I cannot get a download in Chrome or Firefox and I cannot log into my Hotmail account. I'll keep testing but I'm searching for a replacement.
  19. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Hi chinook9, there is a download issue between SBIE 5.30 and W10 1903. It gets fixed with beta 5.31.1. Read the change log for beta 5.31.1 (the beta forum is still up, Sophos has not messed up yet, so, there is no need to login to read it, click the link below).


    I dont use Chrome but for me, everything I do sandboxed is working just fine in W10 1903, including running Firefox or using Firefox to download files. No issue whatsoever. I dont use Hotmail, your Hotmail issue might be due to something new you have to allow with NoScript. Sometimes websites changes what needs to be allowed, or make things difficult using programs like NoScript to discourage people from using content blockers. The Hotmail issue doesn't sound like something thats related to SBIE. If the issue is not due to NoScript, then perhaps another addon might be whats interfering with you login in.

  20. jima

    jima Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    There is still a problem with logging into Outlook Mail with firefox sandboxed. I have heard elsewhere that this is a known problem, but it hasn't been fixed as of yet.
  21. Peter 123

    Peter 123 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    I am still on Windows 7 but since a week or so I also have problems either in logging in to my Hotmail accounts or in using them (delay in opening messages etc.).

    I think that it has not to do with Sandboxie and that Bo is completely right:
    In my case it is not NoScript (which I do not use since a couple of months) but uBlock Origin. I would have to allow more scripts in uBlock Origin and then the Hotmail account would run more smoothly again. But at the moment I leave it as it is because anyway in some days or weeks Hotmail might work again normally without changing anything. ;)

    Specifically about this problem:
    I can solve the problem in the following way:
    - I have Hotmail in my bookmarks (https://login.live.com/login.srf?)
    - When logging in (after entering my password) does not work (as it happens for one of my accounts) I simply click again on the above URL in the bookmarks and then (for some unknown reason) my account opens.
  22. chinook9

    chinook9 Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    Thank you for the help.

    I have installed the beta 5.31.2. This solved my download problem. It did not solve my Hotmail problem, however. On the Hotmail page, I cannot enter my e-mail address and the entire browser locks up instantly when I click on the page. I use uBlock Origin and have everything allowed on the login page.

    I will continue to experiment and will see if I have better luck logging into Hotmail with Firefox. So far I have just been using Chrome.
  23. Alexhousek

    Alexhousek Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I actually PM'ed Bo a couple weeks ago about my Chrome no longer working in Sandboxie. It has worked for me for many, many years. (I know, many of you will say that you don't need to run Chrome in Sandboxie. I choose to still do so.) Anyway, Bo suggested creating a brand new Chrome sandbox and NOT importing any settings. That did not work either.

    I ended up using Slimjet for the past couple of weeks because I wasn't going to run Chrome un-sandboxed.

    His second suggestion was to try the latest beta Sandboxie. I was on vacation for a week and so I had my first chance to download and install the beta last night. Lo and behold, after installing the Sandboxie beta, all my Chrome issues were gone and I was back where I was a couple weeks ago!

    If you are having Sandboxie and browser issues, I strongly encourage you to follow my lead (and Bo's suggestion) and install the latest Sandboxie beta. It worked for me!

    P.S. Thanks a ton Bo!
  24. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    A few weeks ago, a friend of ours here at the forum also had issues with Hotmail, like you, at first she thought the issue was caused by SBIE. She is also using UBO. After I recommended her to test using UBO only with Easylist and Easy privacy filters (to untick/drop the rest), Hotmail worked. So, you might want to try doing this.

  25. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    You are welcome, Kendall. I am glad to help. :)

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