Win7 f\wall...strange problem

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by clubhouse, May 23, 2012.

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  1. clubhouse

    clubhouse Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2009

    I've just installed Win 7 pro...connect to web via pay as you go dongle.

    I tried the Shields Up test with a "public" firewall profile....the results returned..all ports closed (blue) except 67 and 80 as stealth.

    I've tried two other firewalls....LnS and kerio 2.05....They return exactly the same results as the built in firewall! I have checked and rechecked that the windows firewall was disabled on the 2 other firewall installs...All results are after the first and "virgin" win7 install...I use Webroot Anywhere essentials and have its outbound firewall set to alert on "any process" warning......I'm lost!
  2. bullmose

    bullmose Registered Member

    May 21, 2012
    if i remember correctly port 67 is for dhcp you said you use a pay as you go dongle. what company is it through? i had a similar issue with att communication manager not really a issue though since they were open to connect to pipes.
  3. itman

    itman Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2010
    Shields Up tests inbound port status. So you need to check settings in Webroot that apply to inbound settings - not outbound. Is the webroot firewall "stateful?" That is it will only allow inbound a previous corresponding outbound packet.

    Also there might be an issue with dongle settings in that ports 67 and 80 are open. Remember that Shields Up connects with the first device it finds. In most cases that is a broadband router or in your case, the dongle. If you really want to test your installed OS firewall, you need to reconfigure your router or dongle in your case to pass through all IP traffic. Otherwise all Shields Up is testing is the ports on the WAN side of router or dongle.
  4. clubhouse

    clubhouse Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Thanks for the replies gentlemen....It seems it is the dongle....I bought a new 'faster' huwei dongle last week.....This new dongle is giving me the odd results.....just to clarify ports 67 and 80 show as green\stealthed....The rest on the full ports scan are blue\closed....If I use the older dongle I get an all stealth\green return on the test......I have no idea how to configure this new dongle....I guess I need to see if they (Huwie) have any forums or support.
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