Wilders needs a new forum: Desktop & Laptop Anti Theft

Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by DarkPhoenix, Jun 15, 2012.

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  1. DarkPhoenix

    DarkPhoenix Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2010
    I find it strange Wilders doesn't have a forum dedicated to PC desktop and laptop anti theft. Wilders is one of the largest and most respected security forums on the internet and yet, they are ignoring a large security issue.

    You might say, " but.. Wilders isn't about That Kind of security." I would reply to you.. Why Not? Shouldn't it be? Wilders seems to try to cover everything else. I believe Wilders is doing it's members a disservice not having such a forum.

    About one million desktops and laptops are stolen every year. Since 2005 there is an ever increasing body of software apps and hardware anti theft devices made to help thwart this problem. Some big names are getting into the act like the Lojack company who makes lojack technology for cars, Intel and Symantec.

    People need to discuss the pros and cons of this software and devices just as much as they need to discuss the latest trends in malware protection and virus detection.

    Food for thought.
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    It appears that you believe a subject area can't be discussed unless there is a dedicated forum section for that purpose. However, that is not the case. A great many subjects are discussed in the general, multi-purpose forum sections here. Computer theft can be (and has been in the past) discussed in the general sections. "Other security issues" is the likely place for such topics at the present time. If we end up with enough threads on this topic, then we can look into providing a dedicated section for it.
  3. DarkPhoenix

    DarkPhoenix Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2010
    Not at all. I have seen search hits for this topic in the more generalized forums. I know it can and is discussed in those places. As this is an ever increasing problem, I think Wilders would do itself justice to be ahead of the curve. As you indicated, you will wait until tons of people knock down your door with this topic before you make a forum for it. I believe that is short sighted. Wilders has a chance to be a leader, an innovator in discussion in this field. I think Wilders should do it, before the public demands it. It only makes perfect sense to me.

    There are no forums that I know of like Wilders highlighting this issue. It certainly is not for lack of interest. If more people were encouraged to discuss the matter, perhaps many more laptops would get the better protection they need. If you make the forum, They will come. You see this every time you add a new sub forum. As laptops, tablets and smart phones grow in popularity, this topic must grow. I believe Wilders is in a unique position if they act now to be there in a strong way because it will have already been established in this field by the time this is a more serious problem.

    Just my opinions of course, and I may be wrong. People may stop stealing laptops tomorrow. Still, I for one would rest easier knowing there were more dedicated forums for this out there. Dedicated discussion forums on this issue will help bring awareness of the problems to a broader audience and encourage more collaboration in finding solutions to these problems - just as all the anti virus and malware forums have done.
  4. Fox Mulder

    Fox Mulder Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Even though a forum isn't strictly necessary for this topic, I think that having a forum would encourage discussion of the topic. Having a forum about the physical security of a computer would be a great compliment to Wilder's focus on network security.
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